New Boss Drops Episode 47 Influence Items Collection Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by NovaRandom, Jul 16, 2024.

  1. Doctor Impossible Level 30

    Thanks for that. All this"Price Gouging" talk drives me up the wall.
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  2. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    That's what entitlement does to people.

    It's bad to want to profit off people who are willing to spend exorbitant amounts of DC cash on something to have it immediately, before it becomes widely accessible like it always does.
    Even then, you never know, the people who have found the collection, may not even have forum accounts.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah. I was thinking it would be more HOP related for the 'colony' because of the adds. Vs the 'colony' having to do with bees/Hive. Again, not Brainiac related, but not all the runs are Braniac related. Clocktower really has nothing to do with Brainiac and is one of the runs. Going off the counts of what's known...there are 5 raids, 2 duos and 1 alert. Also, seeing as outside of the 'current' content, they seem to be spreading 1 collection in a single DLC, to spread them out (save pub crawl/Fellowship last time). Assuming (big asumption) it were an alert for at least one of the 3 unknowns, I was thinking of hitting League Hall Breach, Intergang or Fatal Exams a handful of times and see if I get lucky....or I'll waste my time. Who knows?

    I haven't really been looking, but with 200+ mil pricetags, it might be worth looking.;)
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  4. Corwin Quantum Active Player

    I can confirm

    Influence of Investigation drops from T5 alert BoP: Volcano Mining Facility
    Credit goes to Waning Comet, a league mate and trusted forum poster. He noticed people shouting for it, joined, and saw it drop in the final boss loot tab.

    Waning Comet also noticed that the collection information is "Automaton influence gathered from advanced technology throughout the timeline." So not necessarily related to Brainiac, but androids or robots. Amazo and investigating the mining facility, I guess.
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  5. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    VMF is correct. The theme seems to be worst possible instances to pug.
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  6. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Much thanks for the update!
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  7. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Asking for the collections is entitlement.

    Knowing where they drop to purposefully and actively try to keeping the info secret for self benefit is greed.

    It goes against working as a community to find out basic information of new items added to the game, lets try to not justify it.
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  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    There's no such thing as a "community". Only players. I never signed anything, saying I'm working for "the community". Nobody owes anybody information, especially if some people did the work to find the drop locations - they deserve something for that. And these days, because of internet there are no secrets in games anyway, so soon you will know all the locations.

    And yeah - most DCUO players are not on the forums, so it's perfectly possible, that whoever found those last locations doesn't even know they're expected to post about it here.

    If trying to make some cash from a rare find is "greed", then waiting for others to do the work for you is "laziness" and "entitlement". Let's not try to justify it. ;)
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  9. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Sigh, i shouldnt even have to type this because this is a thread about being helpful and a guide to something new in the game but here i go.

    No ones expecting things to be handed to them immediatlely or people being entitled, the whole point of this thread is for all of us to work together and figure it out so everyone can benefit. Your useless irrelevant comments do nothing but show your selfishness and its not needed or wanted on this GUIDE to help people. If you have nothing to actually contribute to the thread then just dont comment, i promise you your words arent required.

    Thanks on behalf of everyone reading your ignorance, have a blessed day.
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  10. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Guaranteed those same "genius" that found the other not discovered ones used this guide to find the other ones that were discovered. People can benefit from the collective knowledge of others then hoard something they find for themselves? Super messed up logic and is very "Me" oriented instead of the collective where we all can benefit. Shows zero forward thinking or cognitive dissidence. Communities like this need more come together moments instead of selfish ego. Dont be that guy.
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  11. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... Ok, comrade. We are not a collective. And the longer those collection locations are unknown to most players, the longer people will stick around in the game, running random stuff to find it, instead of farming it in 2 days than logging off, leaving my server mostly empty like it was a week ago. That's something we all can benefit from, so I don't care if you ABSOLUTLELY MUST have that feat today. You'll get it eventually. Don't be greedy.
  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Clearly - you are. Which is why you made the post complaining, that nobody posted the last few locations on the forum yet. Patience. You'll get it eventually. It will still be there next week... :rolleyes:
  13. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Do you genuinely believe you are right here with your posts on this helpful guide? Theres no way you honestly believe by any means you are right in what you are typing. If you do think so i honestly feel bad for any person in your life you have ever interacted with because you have zero communication skills or deductive reasoning. I am SO SORRY.
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  14. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Lets Just work together everyone. the nonsense makes no sense. Everythings better when we work together.
  15. KlarkKent Creator League

    Influence of the Colony drops from Titans: The Machine raid.


    Edit: If instance pattern is same as magic collection(3 duos/2 alerts/6 raids), Influence of Replication drops from a duo.
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  16. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Much appreciated, I know many people who have asked me about this list and have been sharing it as a guide. Thanks for helping make it complete!

    I'm really looking forward to finding that replication piece since its the last piece I need. Earlier today I was shouting out to even buy it at a very generous price, so if you know anyone that wants to make some money, they can hmu. :)
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  17. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    Has anyone tried Flash to the Future Flashtastic Voyage since this collection dropped?

    You're in Kid Flash's mind fighting, what I guess you could call replicas. Idk. That last one is proving a tough one.
  18. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I've just run both of those raids and nothing dropped for anyone in either groups.

    I usually find that the raids usually tend to be generous with the drop rate, due to the fact that it takes more players to run it and usually more time.

    I honestly think its gonna come from a duo. It's considered much easier content and much quicker to join and defeat.
    So generally the drop rate with those are pretty abyssal to balance it out.

    I'm thinking Its that Queen's Row Penitentiary duo or the STAR Labs satellite duo.
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  19. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    The last collection piece that is unknown is going to be in a duo, just dont know what duo is all.
  20. Stranger Committed Player

    Not sure if the collection name is really a hint, but maybe some boss/add which is replicating itsself?
    Possibly Starro duo?
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