New Booster Bundle arrives next week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Come to think of it... the Metalweave materials look similar to the neon caregiver chromas or the magnetic material.
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  2. Nezquick Level 30

    We’re all crazy if we don’t realize that a lot of the new mats and chromas are just them moving the color wheel a bit and calling it a day lol.
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  3. Ophitz New Player

  4. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The only thing that makes any sense right now is that MiguelDaybreak is the gold bot in LFG OIOIOIOOOIOIOIO that's the only way any of this makes any sense he found his way onto the forums
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  5. Ophitz New Player

    people still buy these. The game is going to die. no new episodes and nothing from the devs regarding the future of the game. The only thing i would buy is the membership and that might not be necessary at this point. people should not spend a lot of money on the game at all.
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  6. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    This made me so mad to see, but you guys already said all that needs to be said in this thread.
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  7. HymanRosen New Player

    If a blatant user interface bug - the Owned Allies window section being blank - is not being fixed for weeks on end, then there is zero hope for this game having a future. Even if you were inclined to spend money on cosmetics (which I am not), why would you spend money here?
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  8. Oltron New Player

    WE WANT DOUBLE FORTIFY XP TOMORROW. Please for once do something we want. Thanks
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  9. Tarn Active Player

    Im really suprised that so many players just now noticed that game is slowly dying.
    Its in stagnation for longer time - beside episodes, which now are released less frequentlly then before, game totaly dont change at all. Same events, same mechanics, everything the same.
    Eveybody can say what ever they want about weapon mastery phase, advanced mechanic phase or other changes in game, some was bad, some was good, but that totaly no matter. What matter, that there was some change.
    Now only change in playing is when you spent money on new ally, just to do 0.5-1% more dmg then you was doing ealier, but you still doing the same boring rotation over and over and over and over.
  10. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    I said in a recent post somewhere:
    Devs dont care for bugs that inconvenience us. They respond to the bugs that lose them money and they solve them in HOURS.
    Allies UI bugged? Weeks
    Source mark OP farm in open world by stacking raids? Fixed in a day.
    Using exobytes for artifacts? Fixed in a day.

    Its annoying because bugs that impede gameplay are rampant. Content is bugged. Feats are bugged but god forbid we abuse a source mark bug.
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  11. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    Oh look, I've nerfed my wallet. End of release notes.
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  12. Sollace Committed Player


    Yes, it is, because you've convinced me to do it!!!!
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  13. Emoney Loyal Player

    You want my ten dollars?

    Well ya better make a booster build back better bundle that has...

    1. A fix for voice channels, it's been broken for close to six months.
    2. Server stability, the lag is something I haven't seen in years
    3. Some kind of communication about the next gen client, and the next dlc

    Until then, I'll log on for 5 mins, claim my daily reward, run my stabilizer solo, and log off to play Final Fantasy 7 rebirth. And, when I beat that, I'd rather replay it 5 more times than give yall another penny.
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  14. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Say it isnt so!

    Way ahead of you lol
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  15. Sollace Committed Player

    I'd like to say that, in the end, it's the gesture that counts :p
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  16. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Funny enough, there is a questionnaire you can fill out in that email about your experience with the membership and the game
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  17. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I think it’s safe to say the bonus for tomorrow will be hopefully the population doesn’t drop to complete unplayable levels? I mean we knew March was gonna be a lean month already but this is like less than lean this is practically nothing. Also people saying that Double XP incoming the answer is NOPE NADA ZIP WON’T HAPPEN GIVE IT A REST. They prioritized Wolfpack and Booster Bundles over updates and contents. At this point we’ll be lucky if we get an episode by June/July at this point. LMFAO on episode 47 dropping April/May, no. Since they’re also gutting St Patrick’s day without any regard to us I’m gonna guess that Spring and Summer will also have less content for more. Maybe we’ll get a new capsules for summer that’s probably their priority after this BB dropped. How many times can you say that the only thing to expect in DCUO is disappointment. That’s the real update client fix.
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  18. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    I’ve never seen a thread receive complete and absolutely universal distain before. It’s like the entire forums as a whole, just had the veil lifted all at once.
    Whoever is reading these comments. (If youse have a PR team of any description) it has some serious damage control and sucking up to do. I truly think many are genuinely for the first time (for many) ready to really walk.
    Everyone knows you can only push and take for so long. I thing this thread was so long.
    I mean, honestly! I dunno what it is, I don’t wanna sound so cliché, but… it’s like a storm has been brewing for weeks now, and I think this incredibly idiotic timing, has finally opened a huge number of eyes to the never-ending cash grabs going on for quite a few months now. Coupled with the lack of EVERYTHING else, has finally tipped even the most loyal of fan.
    I’ve said on MANY occasions “I’m never spending again etc” only to spend when I need. But, with 1000% confidence. I can say that I wouldn’t buy a single booster bundle now, if it was giving away guaranteed free cosmic mats. I’ve literally nothing left that I desire, more need (not in an arrogant sense; but in a… idgaf anymore sense) I never thought I’d reach the stage of just logging in and immediately wanting to log back out. But that’s where I’m at now.

    The fact that no dev is coming into the forums at all now, to even attempt any type of bs to try and “settle the mob” screams volumes more, than the deafening silence of late. I can’t think of anything bar an entire revamp of the game as a whole. From top to bottom, how this game survives one more year.
    And even though I’ve dumped insane money into it… I truly no longer care!
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  19. appocolyps Committed Player

    Absolutely disgusting play here, look at your community, we are sick and tired of being leeched from financialy with the shoddy overpriced cosmetics in the game and micro (not so micro) transaction, fix up and start focusing on the actual game!!

    You have become a shamble's, im taking a long break until you sort your priorities out, absolute joke atm!!
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  20. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Im here to say that 1 of 2 thing will happen when the bonus is announced:

    2x artifact xp announced:
    Players will be happy, some will see right through it at the suck up to the community.

    Edit: Even if 2x xp is announced. No matter how long it goes on for, there is ALWAYS going to be that underlying issue of Daybreak not giving us anything in terms of communication.

    Another useless event announced:
    Players mad because we dont care about events. We want answers, communication and literally any response from the devs/higher ups.

    Im sorry Devs. Its not on you. You do what you are told and we shouldnt put all the hate on you about the decisions in pricing and other stuff out of your control, its not right. However, What can be said is ANY communication from you, even if its any "not well known dev" about whats going on behind the scenes would do SO much for the community in either a good or bad way.
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