When you have absolutely zero clue how to read the room(s) I’m genuinely so glad to see the forums finally unite, and show their discontent; instead of the usual “ong! Ty so much for this! I can’t wait to spend my money’ FINALLY! People now see the carrot in-front of their face.
So DCUO To Do List for Q1 looks like: No State of the Game update for 2024 ☑️ No New Episode Announcement ☑️ Miss the deadline for the next gen update/client AGAIN ☑️ Lay off the most senior staff member on site ☑️ Attempt to cash grab the community with a new TC and Booster Bundle ☑️ That ain’t it devs
In the midst of your playerbase expressing their discontent with your greed, you guys' first instinct is to announce a booster bundle? Truly, this is laughable. Why would anyone invest in a game whose future is uncertain? Where's the roadmap?
I would love to know what you guys at DB at huffin right now. It is ludicrous that you chose this moment to drop ANOTHER cash cow and expect people to fall for it. Devs you need a serious wake up call, your forum has been FULL of people expressing their dissatisfaction at everything you guys are doing and not doing and still you go “Ok we will drop another Booster.” Honestly your cracked at this point and you are literally killing your own game.
Kind of amazing daybreak managed to be so tone deaf that it united the forums. I didn't think it was possible.
At this point you guys must be conducting a social experiment to see how far you can push things. There’s absolutely no way you are not doing this on purpose lol.
Not to mention the fact we have metallic materials and already these really look nothing different, the skin is venom with a different skin texture and the accessory kinda looks ok I will admit but honestly this was so not the right time to do this. Never in history have we had this many boosters, resurgence, special items all listed one after the other and given the lack of communication it kinda makes us think you are trying to squeeze all you can out of us before the game ends. Sadly it seems that people have wised up and this is gonna be a very hard sell.
Wow just wow. First off two Booster Bundles back to back because the current one is still up before the next one goes live tomorrow. I thought Bbs were supposed to be unique? It just looks like blatant monetization. Secondly y’all just not gonna address our concerns about the St Pat’s seasonal? Just gonna release it with your tone deaf update? Nice. And lastly absolutely no hint of an update, no dev letter or roadmap? Can’t Al Rivera or even Ji Ham just write a small blurb even if it’s light in details? Nope. So obviously at this point we’ll be lucky if we get next gen update even this year and good luck if we get Episodes 47 and 48. I’m assuming someone at EG7 thinks nothing said is better than bad news but that’s absolutely foolish. You guys have a business to run that’s fine but Daybreak is running your business into the ground with the mismanagement of DCUO. Obviously the signs are here it’s written on the wall DCUO will just be in monetization and maintenance modes you won’t ever progress anything in it anymore. We can expect capsules and booster bundles. Seasonals and episode spotlights but THATS IT. Thanks for letting us know Dimensional Ink.
Since the release of the "Lightning Strikes" DLC in August 2011, I have been playing DC Universe Online regularly. Over the years, I have played the game intensively at times, with occasional breaks, as many other players likely have. I appreciate the game, but currently, I am concerned about the introduction of the new booster bundle and the lack of communication from the developers. The absence of information about future updates makes me fear that the game could be neglected. I am willing to invest money in the game, but only if I feel that my investment is secure and the game continues to be supported. This strongly reminds me of my experiences with Marvel Heroes Omega. Shortly before the game was shut down without warning, a costly package featuring a very expensive character was released. The parallels between that time and the current situation are unsettling.
And it all started with the stats revamp it wasn't well received. So they said man we have to milk this as fast as we can #artifacts. Honestly we all knew where this game was headed with stats revamp it's why many of us left and quit the game entirely. We are all just here for the ride till the end the money grabs are a sure sign of its demise the damage was done long ago with stat revamp
the st. patricks stuff, i noticed that the textures on the celtic suit looks like it was not fully polished , and it made me worried that the new devs are still trying to figure out things which could hinder how the game would be developed. Id say to take time since i know the layoffs has been very rough
Personally, stats revamp was needed to me. It made things easier in terms of making a build and allocating points. Advanced mechanics was "if you dont have this loadout or do the mechanics, you dont do damage" which sucked. As soon as the artifact xp joined the marketplace, the game went to ****. Look at my other post. It explains all in there of what i think is wrong at the moment and what brought us here. Surely i cant go over everything in the thread but it seems most people agree with me.
Yea this is a sad state of affairs. At this point it's just blatant disregard for the ones still here playing and looking forward to even a basic or stripped down content release...enjoy gutting your player base at an increasing pace. Milking people dry will always be their true direction. They all but say as much with every corporate headline or in game choice they make. I've always been willing to spend a lot and support this game in multiple ways in the past, but the pattern of disregard and the constant encroachment of our value received is blatent. This game has a dedicated base that takes their lumps and plays anyways...maybe try to reach a more respectful medium of service where you can make your money and not completely alienate your players. Tone deaf and out of touch.
Jeebus, you're still on about a change made four years ago? With all the crap of late to legitimately complain about, you're still stuck harping on how you were right four years ago, and how the game has immediately collapsed, taking only four years, thus proving correct your predictions of instant collapse? You really don't have any idea how crazed this sounds. The game is not going to be reverted to where it was five years ago. Give it up.
Thank you very much for the update. I think the dev team should shelve this booster bundle until closer to the summer event and rework the shinies; how many versions of this type of chroma/material do players need? Personally, I rather just run these two events (Mr. Myxy and Spring) back to back without any extra loot boxes land mined in the game, especially if the devs have nothing new or any dev/game updates ready for us yet. A short maintenance mode period is better than new loot boxes/bundles with no game updates. I'm still willing to wait and see, but I ain't spending no extra money. Suggestion: Slow times such as these offer a great opportunity to release old time capsules and put them on certain vendors. For example, if the Amazon Time Capsule were offered again for Wonderverse Currency or Source Marks, then that could spark some interest (being modest here) and entice players to grind for those currencies. A stabilizer event or sale the week before would boost interest and prepare players for this type of event.
If anything the game was healthiest with the revamps. It’s not been due to the recent lay-offs it’s the economy and the state of post covid issues in the video game industry that did that. So I don’t understand their frustration because if anything EG7 bought Daybreak due to success four or five years ago not it’s failure with the changes like he wants to believe?