New base items out?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Ive never seen Throne of skulls, intricate treasure chest, pile of treasures, isis bone pile, mounted synthium wall cable, and looped synthium cord on broker before this week. Are these trigon SM leftover items? I dont recall ever seeing these things, and outta the 25+ times ive ran bombshell, i didnt get any of these to drop. Plus cant be bombshells because that raids been out a few weeks, and these didnt pop up on broker until late last week from what i can tell. Anyone got any ideas?
  2. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    I have heard the cable drops out of Love and War raid, not sure on the rest. It would be nice if some people would share some of the other drop locations.
  3. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Isis bone pile has been around for a while can't say where I got it but have gotten it several time.I have been getting some new items running Bombshell and the duo but can't tell you which besides the tank and a couple of wall console. I don't believe those are leftover items from Survivor mode as i ran them all.

    Sorry I couldn't be more help but now you have peaked my curiousity and I will be checking the broker as soon as I get on.
  4. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    They sell for millions, like 5+ mil. I googled it though, and some guy on another thread claims its a glitch and that these base items are supposed to drop next week with the new dlc. And i figured isis bone pile wasnt new, but had to check lol.
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  5. Owl Devoted Player

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