New Artifact: The Omega Totality

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Angeliana, Oct 14, 2024.

  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Would it be possible to get a bug report sub section within the Testing Feedback section of the forums that is only for bugs observed on public test server?

    The Arkham Asylum section is usually more for bugs observed on live servers.

    That way there is a distinction between bugs reported out on retail/live servers and bugs reported on public test server for a future game update.
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  2. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    We are currently working on getting the forums updated to the latest iteration, since these are so old. Once we get into new forums, we can see about making changes easier.
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  3. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Not yielding results in the proper channels either.
  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Fine. Membership always discounts everything you can buy IN the marketplace WITH marketplace cash. Happier?

    Do you really think anyone was going to be confused?
  5. Miserable Dedicated Player

    You, as the community manager, cannot, but I don't think anyone is blaming you specifically. The development team as a whole, on the other hand, absolutely can. It was not always the case that game-breaking bugs reported on test would be ignored and make it to live. It is the case today and that's a deliberate decision by the company. It's a matter of prioritization, and the concern of your players here is regarding that prioritization. I just thought I'd clarify that.
  6. GreySon New Player

    Another artifact with no fortification boost. smh I haven't leveled an art on the live server since ebon.
  7. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    It is completely unsurprising (and wholly understandable) that customers would post on the announcement of a new item to say that said item is still broken. What else could you possibly expect when announcing something that doesn’t work?

    You’ve got loyal customers who throw money at this game, who are desperate for their voices to be heard, who literally beg for engagement from the dev team, and do QA work for free for DB only to be completely ignored at every juncture.

    How disgusting that you’d then finally reply to them to tell them to go post about it somewhere else to be ignored there instead.

    Bug-fixing dev or not, you represent the company and are our line to the powers that be - please have some empathy for your very frustrated customer base.
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  8. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    Just so people are aware when considering this artifact, it interrupts combos if they follow the 4th superpower boost, finisher abilities do not add to the stacks you're building and if you clip abilities too fast they don't all register.

    Other than those, the artifact is an amazing damage boost.
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  9. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I wanted this Ablity for a very longgggg time and I have it finally in my hands heehee well my character's eyes. So very happy to have it and maxed rank I fed another art I already had maxed out but didn't have a use for it so happy about it's inclusion.

    I do hope the bugs with it get sorted I haven't noticed to much as I don't have a combo power but all the same happy about it definitely and hope we can get more fresh new ability's added. I just wish we also didn't need a artifact for it but I understand how things work.
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  10. phill132 Level 30

    Angeliana was very responsive here and clarified where to report bugs. I looked over there, and devs have had full conversations and kept people up to date. We even found out about things coming out today before today. All of this is much improved and should be appreciated. That being said, a new artifact is useless without double xp to level it. Speaking of double xp, we also haven't had dpuble augment xp in so long that my origin augments are still stuck at 357. This is the 3rd or 4th week in a row without a bonus...seems like there were multiple opportunities recently to have a double artifact xp and a double augment xp bonus week. It would be much appreciated. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up anymore if I'm still at 357 origin augments when the next dlc comes out. I had high hopes of making a tank with max artifacts to help the world's tank population, and I can't do that either. Really, having that kind of playability would make the game so much more fun and populated. Imagine needing a tank and being able to just hit an armory and go tank. It's a huge missed opportunity in the game. I've been playing almost 13 years, and I can't just be a tank or healer when needed? It's crazy. Double artifact xp and double augment xp at least help make this possible by switching charcters.
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It seems pretty obvious that they're never doing double XP or double augment again, so it's pretty dumb to keep on waiting forever for it.

    But good luck with that. Best of luck with the idea that just fortifying augments and artifacts normally is "useless," which is a pretty weird way to look at the way the game works.

    I mean, maybe they will do doubles again. That would be great. But there sure is no reason to believe that that will happen other than what at this point amounts to some sort of religious faith. Because such a belief certainly is not evidence-based.
  12. phill132 Level 30

    It is entirely evidence based. Double artifact xp was happening around April and October on an obvious schedule. Therefore, smart people with self control were intelligently waiting until those times to level artifacts to maximize resources. Double augment xp was happening every dlc. The same people were saving up until those times to be able to level augments on multiple characters. We can't possibly unload all of our savings now, because then the next double xp event would happen immediately after. We're stuck. Also, the way the game works, those of us with jobs would spend a year or more playing just to be able to max one artifact. That's not feasible, and you know we can't really play without max artifacts, so it can't be helping the game/population. I'm not really trying to have this discussions here. I was just pointing out that there hasn't been any bonus week for a while and that a new artifact is great, but many of us can do nothing with it.
  13. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    By that logic, pretty sure you shouldn’t be complaining about double XP in this thread either…
  14. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Not really surprising. New episodes, new time capsules, new seasonals, and new booster bundles have almost always cancelled out bonus weeks.
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  15. KidKretz Committed Player


    (after reading the rest of this thread, i think i am going to stop at "cool!" hehe :p )
  16. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    Mepps is starting to look heaven sent based on some of the replies I'm reading. Never know what you have until it's gone. It ain't looking too good for us boys and girls.
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  17. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I'm quite sure that that's not at all what's intended, but, again, best of luck with that waiting for double XP weeks. I hope it works out for you and your evidence-based smart-people thinking.
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  18. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    This reminds of of people who go to a fast food restaurant and complain to the person making them a shake, "The app doesn't work! I want my discount code!"

    As if the employee would have any insight into the solution other than politely giving you information on who to contact at corporate.

    Which she did. Several times.
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  19. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    If the majority of customers were presenting with the same complaint, after the fast food restaurant had asked for free beta-testing of the app and repeatedly been told that it didn’t work, but they then continued to not only release the app but actively announce its release and promote it (all the while continuing to take customers’ money) - then yeah, I expect the worker to do a bit more than tell me to go complain about my milkshake somewhere else…
  20. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    "The restaurant is not requiring you to use the app. Nor are we charging you anything extra by using it. Many are quite satisfied with the app and the milkshake they have received. I'm sorry if for you this is not the case. I have no control over what milk mixture is sent to the store. No control of the mechanical workings of the ice cream machine itself. My job is to offer you a milkshake, serve you a milkshake, and if it's not to your liking tell you whom you need to contract. Anything else is above my pay grade."