New Artifact: The Omega Totality

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Angeliana, Oct 14, 2024.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Harness the power of Darkseid with his infamous Omega Beams!

    Gain access to the powerful ability Omega Beams and smite your foes with Apokoliptian might!

    “Heh, the Main Main snatched this bistache from ol' darkseid, The Main Man can take down bastiches on his own - no need for fancy eye beams! So The Main man thought why not let the side characters have a chance to shine.” – Lobo.

    Whosoever holds the Omega Totality shall have power known only to an elite few. They shall be able to fire deadly Omega Beams from their eyes and let their target tremble in fear!

    Players will be given the Artifact upon meeting these requirements:
    • Completed Part 1 of Harley Quinn vs. Apokolips
    • Character is Level 23 or has completed the Artifacts mission
    • Once per character

    PLEASE NOTE: The Omega Totality Artifact will be granted for free for a limited time! Make sure you claim yours before the next story arc unfolds.



    Marketplace Sales

    For a limited time, we’re marking down the entire Artifacts Tab for 20% off in the Marketplace! This sale lasts from October 14th through October 21st, 2024.

    Stay in the loop by joining us on X, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.
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  2. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Does membership discount this further as well? Perhaps worth a mention!
  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Membership always discounts everything.
  4. DiegoRaizen New Player

    If you use combo power, be careful when leveling this artifact because it is still bugged, they did not listen to the feedback from the test server, I put it at 200 and it is useless in celestial
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  5. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Not the purchase of marketplace cash, but I digress.
  6. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    Combo-breaking issue start after 160 rank, please fix it.
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  7. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

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  8. TheMikeB Active Player

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  9. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    This bug was known and reported multiple times in the test feedback thread for the artifact.

    Maybe I could be wrong, but isn't the specific test thread for the artifact meant to report bugs to be fixed before launch?

    This makes the reason to report bugs in these threads near-pointless if it doesn't equal results in fixing these issues.

    Source thread:
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  10. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    You have to wait until its released before posting bugs. :rolleyes:
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  11. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I have no control over when/if bugs or issues get resolved.

    Hijacking an official announcement to report bugs will not ensure the bug is seen or fixed any faster (and is also against the forum guidelines).
    • Disrupting Official Threads - these are created to gather feedback on specific issues or topics relevant to Daybreak Games. Do not post about other topics, or use the thread as a platform to attempt to advance another agenda.
    Reporting them in the proper forum ensures those who CAN fix them will see them. They have seen the threads, and it will be fixed when they are able.
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  12. AlmightyFinest New Player

    So giving feedbacks under Ranmaru's thread is not what we were supposed to do to report that issue ? my fault !
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  13. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I apologize that this was inconvenient.

    I appreciate you outlining the stance on this matter.

    I will not further discuss this matter to waste valuable time.

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  14. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Since they asked for feedback there, yes.

    Thjis thread is not asking for bug reports to be posted or feedback on the item, nor is it the bug report forum.
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  15. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I'm only taking the time to point it out that reporting bugs in these threads will not yield results, as this is not where bugs are looked for since there is a specified forum for them.
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  16. ElChupaCabras New Player

    But reporting in the intended thread (artifact test) did not yield any results either. This has been an issue with many bugs that have been reported during test.
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  17. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

    ;)I WANT IT ;)
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  18. Raised New Player

    be grateful for the things we have
  19. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    So for the record (since this seems to be a new thing with the current dev team):

    You only address bugs reported on test server if they are reported in the bugs section of the forums and not the feedback threads? Regardless of how long said bugs have been reported for?

    This is treading a very fine line between deflecting the issue and not taking responsibility for not addressing said bugs, or just suddenly taking the forums and how they are laid out extremely literally even for new updates on public test server that have yet to be released on live server.

    At best there is and continues to be miscommunication between the devs and the player base. With previous devs in the last decade or so until recently bugs on test server would be addressed/fixed from feedback submitted by testers on the test server feedback threads.

    Thanks at least for clarifying that any bugs reported on test server will not be addressed/fixed unless they are reported specifically in the bugs section of the forums despite not being on live servers yet. Please make this very clear to anyone who tests new updates on test server so we don't have this issue with future game updates (maybe have a pinned statement in the Testing Feedback section of the forum stating this in case no-one sees your responses here).
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  20. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    • Developers do not check every thread or announcement for bugs being reported.
    • There is a specific forum section for bug reports, that is the bug section. This is the sole purpose of that forum.
    • A developer, from time to time, will also post a thread asking for feedback on specfic things.
      • Bugs are welcome in these threads when the developer requests feedback.
      • Otherwise, bugs should be posted into the bug forum to be seen by the proper people.
    There is no issue in this thread being deflected. A statement was made, by me, of where to properly report bugs.
    I understand there is some frustration, I understand there are bugs which were reported and not fixed. The game team does keep an eye on the bug forums, as well as their posts about feedback, and they will handle things in due time. I cannot make this process go any faster, no matter how much an issue is re-posted. I wish it were that easy, but it's not.
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