Not A Bug New Anti-Crisis Amplifier

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by ZEROKILLEER, Apr 30, 2022.

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  1. ZEROKILLEER Well-Known Player

    Tried to fortify my Death Metal Anti-Crisis Amplifier Adaptive Augment with the ones from Legion of Doom ( Totality Inductor ) but it is not coming up as an option. I have double checked that it is not the substandard ones. Am I missing something or is this a bug?
  2. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Are they imprinted to an armory? If so they won’t be available.
  3. ZEROKILLEER Well-Known Player

    okay i just tryed that and its still not letting me consume the old onces to the new onces.
    OKay it seem's my toon was under the cr level 350 so he have the one's that rank up to Level 12 only ( Substandard ), so I went to get the new once's that rank up to Level 28 and now i can consume the old one's too the new
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