New and Curious

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Trilight, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. Trilight New Player

    So I have been dabbling with DCU over the weekend for fun and am liking it quite a bit compared to last I dabbled years ago. Now have the highest character I've ever gotten here... lvl 18 wooo. lol. Not merried to him yet.

    Figured if I decide to play more, longer, etc. I should get some extra information on powers and playstyles etc. So I don't invest so much in a character to only hate it later or be gimped. So I have a few questions and would love some clarifications.

    Controller Questions
    1. Are controllers both controller, buffer, and debuffers?
    2. Which of the controllers could AoE stun/mez enemies so they don't attack?
    3. Are controllers even needed/wanted later or do players rarely/never coordinate and all DPS race?
    4. Taboo to have a controller get in the mix? Or are they expected to be ranged at all times?

    Healer Questions
    1. Any of the healing powers do AoE direct heals?
    2. Taboo to have a healer get in the mix? Or are they expected to be ranged at all times?

    General Questions
    1. Is this a sort of game where you should totally focus on 1 character and will take a very very long time to make them great? Or would I be okay with 3 characters over time for when I wanted to be a different role?
    2. Are there travel powers or power combos that are completely taboo to take which will result in me being shunned at company parties?

    So far, I am interested in Quantum, gadgets, water, atomic, electrical. In additional to various weapon skills... I kind of like the idea of being in the mix of battle while not being a tank and having far more tricks up my sleeve than simple DPS.

    Anyway, barely scratching the surface of the game and want to adjust my expectations accordingly. So, any information is greatly appreciated!!
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  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Yes and yes. Both controllers, or trolls, and heals are needed in the game. Most off roles will have more to do in raids than anything else. We have something called the roleless buff. It lets 4 dps run content and not need off roles. This is for alerts.

    As for specific kinds of stuns, you'll have to try the powers and see which one you like the best. I like munitions, but that's me.
  3. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    <reply to OP>

    I am a longtime player. I made a free account to evaluate the game again from the beginning post-revamp. As a nature (heal/dps) toon I got to combat rating 62 in five days with 50 skill points. I strongly recommend nature. BTW, nature was weak for years and they fixed it and now it is the best fun useful works correctly power. Nature can heal or damage (dps). Go nature.
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Some of these might help. And I have plenty more on my Youtube page. ;)
    i need to make an updated version for the Healer.... but most of it should be somwhat true. :0

  5. Trilight New Player

    Thank you so much for the links. The information is up to date and gives me a lot of information! Already excited to go try what I've learned and only 11 minutes into one video! So many videos are out of date since there were some sort of changes recently, even the UI was slightly different in other videos I found... which is confusing for someone that has no clue what they are doing.
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  6. Pyroseraph360 Active Player

    Read 'dabbling' as 'dabbing'. Giggled like an idiot. Carry on. >.>
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  7. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

  8. Exostorm Well-Known Player

  9. Exostorm Well-Known Player

    I laughed, but probably for a different reason...