I couldn't help but to LOL at this. I do agree, the underwear on the outside had to go. The New 52 Superman costume and the New 52 Batman costume are truly what they should have always been. The only thing I am not a fan of, is the black S on the red cape. I loved the yellow S, and wish they would have kept it that way. But was really happy to see them do away with the underwear. My own picture of Supes had always been without the underwear. Was glad to see DC get rid of them as well.
is this a trick question? What the heck do you think superman is wearing? Except has an actual cape and outside underwear?
That is my point. You see a distinction between both... but.... you have one guy wearing underwear and one guy wearing a pyjama. You have a bias towards Spider-man... that is fine..... no harm in liking Spider-man or his costume more then Superman. But they are both equally Timeless.... or equally dated..... depending on how you want to look at it. It might be argued that Superman is actually the more "Timless" of the two since he standed the test of time longer then Spider-man did. Again...... you see the Spider-man look as timeless.... but sadly many see it as dated and see the Miles Morales' costume as the better of the two. So what you think about the Superman costume..... many think the exact same think about the Spider-man costume. Sad...... but that is how it is.
LOL. Here is the thing... DC comics agrees with me. Not you. Hence why Superman does not have underwear on anymore. Guess what suit Spider-man is in today? essentially the same one he started with There is no need to modernize his look. It's timeless. THE MERE FACT PEOPLE FELT THE NEED TO MODERNIZE SUPERMAN'S LOOK PROVES HIS CLASSIC LOOK IS NOT TIMELESS. Timeless means that there is no need to modernize it because it already fits the time period and all time periods before it. Supermans suits ia product of its time and people have felt the need to modernize it OVER AND OVER again. even the suit you are referring to is very different from his original concept. You want to say Spider-mans suit isn't timeless? prove it. Because I can prove supermans suit isn't timeless.
If you ever read Superman, you would know that it is not PJ's, his costume is actually Kryptonian Armor. Edit: What Superman wears, is a far cry from the Superman PJ's you wore as a kid. PJ's do not fit tight to the skin, and do not protect you from harm. Superman's Armor (which is also his costume) however, does.
Hahahahahahahahhahah!!!! That is your proof??? The idiots at DC can't figure out what to do with Superman and that is your proof??? Hahahahahhahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!. You realise that they are clueless??? you realise that...... right??? Heck they just had John Romita JR give him a new costume barely TWO MOTHS ago..... just to change it again to him in a T-shirt and jeans. You know that??? right??? If they keep on changing his costume.... before long they will change it back to the red "underwear". Hahahhahaahhahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!! If changing the costume is your "proof"...... You realised that in the mid 80s.... Jim Shooter wanted to change the Spider-man costume to the black costume??? You realise that right??? Essentially he wanted to update the various Marvel characters. Rodey became Iron-man, John Walker became Captain America.... and Spider-man got a black suit. Shooter was planning to make those changes permanent. But then he was gone... and after a while the characters reverted tback o their former selves. So if changing/upgrading the costume is "proof" that he costume is "dated".... then the Spider-man costume was "dated" 25 YEARS AGO!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was fun. truthfully I stopped taking this conversation seriously when you said underwear on the outside is modern and timeless. All in good fun
Where did I say "modern"???? You realise that "modern" does NOT = "timeless"??? You realise that??? right??? Almost forgot..... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH!!!!!!!!
If you say something is timeless, you imply that it is modern. Because if it wasn't modern than it is not timeless.
???? Are you serious???? or are you Trolling me???? here is a hint; http://dictionary.reference.com/ Timeless synonyms, enduring, lasting. Timeless has nothing to do with being modern. It has to do with being able to pass through the ages...... through various eras. Which the Superman costume did for 75 years. It has NOTHING to do with being modern. Heck if you make something modern..... you pretty much make sure that it will NOT be timeless. Remember a little comic book series called the Ultimates??? By the time the last issue was published... the series was already outdated..... thanks to all the "modern" references in the series. Remember a little animated series called Batman??? That series is timeless because when they made the series..... they did not use anything modern in the show.... at all. No modern cars.... no modern TVs..... etc. Heck cars looked like they were from the 40s..... gangsters looked like they were from the 50s........ science gizmos and gadgets looked like they were from the 50s or 60s. Nothing was modern in that show.... which is what made it timeless. So no..... Timeless as NOTHING to do with being modern.... at all. Not even close. And also....... HAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Superman no longer wears "Kryptonian Armor". JRJR designed some new long underwear for Superman to wear........ which now will be replaced by a T-shirt and jeans barely 2 months after JRJR designed that new long underwear costume.
I do not want John Stewart, Victor Stone, or Luke Cage becoming white or anything else either. I loved the Milestone stuff DC did, and was hoping they would do more with them. I still to this day do not understand why Hardware is not DC's Iron Man. It is what It is. Again if you have an agenda create a new char stop changing people to make it seem like your being politically correct.
Yeah, I don't get that either, man. Probably because Superman can't fly anymore. Guess they figured they should go with the street look until he finally gets his powers back.
Yep this. Make a completely new character with their own personality and style instead of sucking on already created characters like leaches. Yes it's not gonna be easy to create a successful new character but its better than completely changing an already existing one. I'm not happy with changes to personalities. It's like taking a Porsche and redesigning it as a tractor, no matter what you say everyone will say it's a tractor and not a Porsche everyone knows. Call the new characters what you like but they aren't Lobo, Starfire, Superman or Harley ect.