New 52 DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KDICHU, May 1, 2015.

  1. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Why would DCUO change their NPCs to look like their New52 counterparts when DC is ending the New52 with Convergence?!!
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  2. RealGODofWar New Player

    That thread is a year old.... you almost tricked me into necroing it...
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  3. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    New52 killed Earth 2. It made Power Girl give up her mantle to some brat with "pom poms" for hair. Someone that took the name, before she even knew if Karen Starr was dead. It also left the real Power Girl in some alternate limbo. So no thanks, I would rather she stay iconic.

    It also made Supergirl a Red Lantern Rage Puker, and then fixed her, only to make her a Cyborg (in the near future). I don't think that writers even knew where to go with New52. That is why so many left the DC team. So DCUO does not need to follow those footsteps.
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  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I would love to see new 52 comes to DCUO. Specially green lantern Hal new outfit is AWESOME !
  5. Tskales Well-Known Player

    The new 52 is so terrible that another reboot is underway as we speak. Only a few years after the politically correct reboot in 2011.

    The last thing anyone should do is take inspiration from new 52.
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  6. The BlackDragon Well-Known Player

    The only thing they are ending with convergence is label "new 52". Stories that happen in june are direct continuation of the stories that were put on hold for convergence (which is a filler event since they are moving their offices and can't do standard monthly comics until june). Things that happen post convergence with Batman, Superman, GL, WW etc, are the consequences of things happening their own tittles (which happen in the new 52 continuity), not convergence.
    That being said I want this game to remain its own thing continuity wise because things in comics change too fast at times, and its way more work than you might think. For many characters "new 52" is a lot more than a costume change.
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  7. The BlackDragon Well-Known Player

    They are not rebooting anything. Pre convergence storylines are continuing where they left off when convergence ends. Some new 52 stuff is good, some is bad, more or less like pre new 52 was, but like I said above I'd rather this game remained its own thing.
  8. Multiverse Creator League


    Now take that back. Where is the soap???


    The red underwear look looks better.
    It breaks up the blue nicely in the costume.
    Without it.... it looks like long underwear,

    Sweet irony.... they got rid of the red "undewear" in Man of Steel..... but they turned th whole costume inot actuall underwear that Kryptonians wore under their actual clothes and armors.

    Ahhh.... sweet irony. ;)

    Now let's get the soap to wash your pie hole. ;)
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  9. Multiverse Creator League

    No.... they are rebooting quite a few things,

    Heck.... some like Batgirl they rebooted before Convergence..... go figure.
  10. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    How dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  11. The BlackDragon Well-Known Player

    Well ya, Batgirl got a sweet new status quo but its a direction change more than a reboot. What happened to her in new 52 still stands, but she got a new direction that is a pretty drastic departure from the Gail Simone's run, but not a reboot in a classic sense. Things that happen in june tittles (post convergence) Batman 41, Superman 41 etc. are still in new 52 continuity is what I was saying. Superman is back to his shirt and jeans look because of the story not because it got rebooted, same with robo Batman, it happens because of how "endgame" story ended not because they are rebooting it.
    Sure they are using convergence break to try something new in june, but they are not doing an actual reboot.
  12. Minnion Devoted Player

  13. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    That's fine, now he'll just wear a Superman t-shirt and a pair of jeans like Mr Super Average Joe
  14. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    The New 52 imprint is going away in the comics.
  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Holy carp that is lazy design giving him a T-Shirt and jeans.

    Is this a flashback to Action Comics #1 when he was wearing the T-shirt, jeans and a cape???
  16. Makineko Committed Player

    I had a look for at a few of them, Raven's new look is disappointing/horrid though and they botched Mr Freeze. Not sure on Harleys new look either :(
  17. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    Superman weres the Man of Steel outfit idiots
  18. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Hey, look at the bright side: It's super easy to duplicate in DCUO (as long as there's a Superman T-shirt player characters can wear!) ;)
  19. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    He also can't fly anymore so he rides a motorcycle around ....... and no secret id anymore.
  20. Krypton Dedicated Player

    Way to go there. lol
    Simple minded people are way to funny.
    Yeah its the skin color that people do not like lol, not because they grew up with a char named Wally who then left and came back black. lol
    You are very sad.
    I grew up with Barry and accepted his death. I also accepted that Wally became the Flash. He was the Flash.
    New 52 bang he is gone. For a whole generation all they knew was Wally.
    You go right for skin color. LOL that is only part of it.
    If DC wants to make a political statement, create new characters who fit their mold, do not change others just for the sake of changing them. Hence Alan becoming Gay.
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