I am a Comic Book reader not a super reader, as some of my friends and also league mates are so my knowledge isn't as vast as theirs. NPC Style Update - Change any and all Iconic Characters that are in the 52 Comics to the current style. (Superman would look like The Man of Steel movie) New DLC's - Be based off of the 52 arch - not all but 1/3 (Scrap WoL3 and add Jeff Johns Story Arch, where Kyle becomes a White Lantern) Part of the new 52 There are many more things but that's what I would like to see and yes its possible and more likely with GU47 I read the update notes, but honestly I don't think DC will even be close to it. NPC Style Changes would be great to see. anything you would like to see Check out Comicstorian on Youtube I like them a lot, im not affiliated at all with them just a shout out since I used their video
No I do not like most of the new 52 plus they are doing away with many of them right now anyway. Leave my Superman alone.
My good friend is a superman lover and I think most would agree that the red UnderOuter Wear is a need to go type of the Man of Steel way cooler, What don't u like about the 52 and not getting rid most are losing the New 52 logo because it was a transitional period cleaning up all of DC's messiness
They are dropping a lot of the new 52 after Convergence. Many old things are coming back. I do not agree, Superman does not need a costume change. What I do not like about the new 52 is most of it is not the characters. Their costumes are changed, as well as the character traits. I grew up reading DC and was a bigger DC fan over Marvel. This new 52 ruined so many characters. I am sorry but Ted Kord is Blue Beetle not that kid. Green Arrow? That is not Ollie. Superman sorry that is not Supes. Starfire becoming a slutt sex pot sorry. Harley becoming a goth hooker sorry. Do not like. Wally now with different skin color. I can go on. I like a few changes such as WW, and Aquaman, Kara. Most of the changes I do not.
Issue with changing all NPC's to their New 52 counter parts is DCUO isn't in the New 52. We exist in the Pre-New 52. It doesn't make sense story-wise since the back stories of many characters are vastly different between DCUO's universe and the New 52. With the new dlc structure, I wouldn't mind see content based on New 52 story-lines, but adapted for our universe in DCUO.
While the 52 styles I would agree are better, subtle change to what most people are used to, the character traits of most of the hero's and villans have changed dramatically. Almost too dramatically in some instances. I think it's the right move to go back to certain original story lines after Convergence. That being said, the purpose of the new format for GU's after GU 47 will help dev's incorporate more of the newer styles and story lines within the game to coincide with what's in trend within the books. I look forward to seeing what they can do with that.
GOOD LORD NO!!!!! I don't like the new 52 especially after what they did to Lobo. This is Lobo This is not
Don't you want change? Superman is Still superman just not a lil B anymore, and since uve read comics since u were a kid, (idk ur age) then wouldn't u want the Characters to Grow Up to?
Not if that means making a character who they are not. That is not Superman, its another kryptonian that looks like Superman a little bit. Heck he might even be a clone Lex made in a lab but was actually successful.
No I don't. You need to understand that what makes a char great is who they are. Marvel ruined SpiderMan by aging him. Spider man was best as a naive kid who had powers. Once he is married and older it is not the same char. Plus you do understand that these chars are for everyone. There are many kids that get cheated out of the characters because writers age them up, and lose the magic of who they are. Also sorry the new 52 Superman is not MY Superman. Nor was that rubbish crap in the Man Of Steel Movie. Again LEAVE MY SUPERMAN ALONE.
I'd say no to completely revamping all the styles to 52 for npcs but they could introduce the new52 universe through a multiverse style dlc or episode. Since we already have batmen and luthors from different universes why can't we eventually go to other universe. They could create a whole series of us helping the heros of another earth from a mutual threat.
i dont like a lot of the new 52 character designs but not because i don't like change...like some ignorant people in this thread. seriously not liking wally because he's black? -.-
This conversation is like the one at the Funhouse: https://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/new-52-looks-rights-wrongs.200253/ Call me old school, I stay with the classics. I won't mind if the add them as an alternate versions in some instances, but I like thee current Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman at the Watchtower and Lex, Joker and Circe at the Hall of Doom. My 2 cents.