congrats, but that is the definition of insanity, and is yet another reason i *only* have 129 SPs on my main
Congratulamations, Sis! I'm one of those silly people that did 6-12 Bottle Duo's a day to get this feat out of the way; after getting all of the other associated feats finished I'm in a similar situation with the Iconic Anomolies. I have both pieces of Time Traveler and am really over running them.... Bizarro Anomoly over and over, it is! Keep up the good work; you're an inspiration to us parents!
i said the same thing when i got it, then i realized they have the 3 easiest to find ,quickest to get treasure chests (that i know of) in the game. damn you young billionaire! DAMN YOU!!!!!!
I really wanted a gif of Bad Wolf saying "No More." Anyways, congratulations. I have no idea how many duos I've done, but I know I haven't done them in about 7 months (maybe more). If you solo them, does it count?
no wonder i was thinking wrong , i mean iam gathering lately like a berserk ...i am atm at 23k -> 2k more to gather and i dont sleep well lately
Everytime I see this it inspires me to get back at it. I make it through 1 duo and I'm like "pfft, **** that" It's gonna be a while...