haha congrats! I've been working on this feat too and man its just as annoying as paradox reaper feats in CC and Booster Gold Tours! Have you done all the CC Bounty feats? Those make you never want to see rouges or anyone else from that world ever again lol
I want this so bad....I think I'm about 100 or so away from that goal. Then I can complete the feats dor this DLC and move on to the next one. The ONLY reason I'd ever see these duos is for my brand new alt I'm leveling...and that's just for marks and the few styles in there.
DLC18 - Brainiac's Back Part 1 Brainiac is back! and he's bottling more of Gotham! Features 3 new Duos. Feat: Bottle Opener 2 - 10pt - Complete 500 Bottled instance duos.
After helping a few achieve this feat...I still have yet to complete mine. Wanna come help a girl out?!?! Lol... Grats!!!
Grats on the feat !! a very annoying one too . 47/250 here ... maybe will get it ... when dlc 21 hits ...
Congrats!... Don't quit those duos yet...they're great for walk-in farming treasure chests... break the chest and leave, got to the next bottle...rinse and repeat
Congrats Sis! Right now I have 3 left, Salvage 10k, Skin of your Teeth and TT style. I'll probably have the salvage done by August and the duels done today, TT is my last dice roll ever hopefully lol
I'm calling BS on this. That's 5 minutes per run, back to back, for 24 hours straight ... factoring in 30 min for server downtime, but no time for bathroom breaks of eating. Or showering ...
Key word being almost. The ones I hated the most were those tiny little guys that would do very little damage (if over geared) but unless you had a shield or immunity, you were practically frozen until you killed them. Congrats by the way.
Congrats Lil Sis.... I just finally finished this the other night: Woohoooo no more vault runs.... Still need those bottle duos though... Ugh.
Hey, I can do that too! Where are all of my likes? Oh, here's another for good measure, 1 year anniversary tomorrow. I laugh at all the people complaining about the salvage feat now. You people have it way too easy with individual loot.