After 2 years (give or take a few months) of purchasing the BFE dlc I'm still on 51/250 duos. I'm probably never gonna get that one done anytime soon.
am guessing you will NEVER start a new character again. since then you would have to see Brainiac minions a lot?
Hey hey hey sis, wanna run prime battleground? Or or or the Gates of tartarus? Oooo lets do courthouse ! XD
It's hard to believe now, but trust me, in about three months, the idea of going back in once a week/month almost sounds fun again.
I did that feat long ago, honestly 250 short duos (i remember in t3 gear those duos were less than 5 minutes with 2 decent dps) is much more enjoyable than gather 10k exos, or salvage 10k items, even having unlimited money broker need to have green items who can be salvage which not all of them can as far i remember, but grats op you never have to do them ever again.
Those are the most fun duos, everything else is just a hallway to run through (except Ferris, also a fun duo). I'd do them 500 and 1,000 times if there were feats.