Downtime Network Maintenance - April 8, 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 7, 2021.

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  1. TymeBlast Well-Known Player

    Sorry Mepps.. but years of playing this game and forking out money monthly and very occasionally,, was not trying to be an a$$.. Just tired of the same thing over and over again. Yes, 90% of us have patience and normally I don't speak up. But this time I pretty much had the end of it. Not to mention I still have yet to get my armory fixed since I bought some feats... Pissed, yes........ I have a toon that I can not advance even though i "paid" real money for it. Now you know my frustrations.......
  2. Cap0037 Active Player

    Ok, so what do I do if I don't see my some/all of Station Cash when the MP comes back up?

    A s I recall I had 1,000,000+ SC at last count...
  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    You bought 10 thousands dollars worth of station cash?
  4. Cap0037 Active Player

    And stock in the company.

    And an island in the Middle East.

    And a bridge between the Colorado Rockies.

    Would you like to buy a used bicycle that thinks its a unicycle?
    It's quite unique and rare you know...
  5. DCUO Post Loyal Player

  6. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    Responding to the green portion of your rant, your armory isn't bugged, it just needs updating, To fix your issue, simply physically go to the armory in question and interact with it. Select the option "Activate All". After which you will go into that armory and fill in the missing SP you recently got with replays. After you spec'd the SP once again interact with that armory and select Imprint All. Now you can once again switch to this armory on the fly with the appropriate mapped key.
  7. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Thanks for all the hard work behind the scenes. In a purely professional capacity, I'm interested as to what went on? Could you PM me if you can discuss it?
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