Nerf to super speed, but what about flight?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Dylan Top5, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Can SS combat speed be countered?
    Also Superman is a fictional character that does not exist so he is weaker then the average human. Since it is a human that can change everything about him from his strength to his clothes.
  2. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Dunno if you were ever in a 5s under focus fire but you are not gonna pull an escape super charge like dust off lol

    I agree with clutch that you can't copare an SC to a normal movement mode m8

    That being said I'm not a fan of what they are doing to super speed
  3. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Except at no point did you even compare inertial flywheel compared to every other movement mode in combat, which again invalidates anything you were saying as you didn't even address what was being discussed...
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  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

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  5. Dylan Top5 New Player


    The hardest hitting part of the HB WM combo, Explosive Shot was untouched

    Look how far back he went and HB explosive shot + might crit still landed
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  6. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    More bad pvp players making excuses to nerf. They don't get they suck and, always will. They will want a basic run nerfed next. It gets worse soon they will want the punch from no weapon equip to get a nerf. They must be having nightmares of that oh my OP. Do you know how to ground players it don't take much just push to buttons follow simple instructions there you go. The devs are not the smartest when it comes to compete in this game. Just give everyone socks and, sticks, to fight with. Oh wait players would SCREAM OP about that to.
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  7. John Brawler Committed Player

    superspeed has the highest speed of any movement mode, even in combat, it has the most movement powers several of which offer bonuses the other movement powers don't such as self heals and damage avoidance, and before the nerf could almost effortlessly exit combat and be halfway across the map by the time the other player initiates his third attack.

    overall the "flight can spam moves from high up" argument isn't exactly as strong as it used to be as the distance decrease means they're always in range of lunge attacks at all times, plus with flight being the slowest speed, especially in combat, with the least amount of movement powers of the three means a speedster even without kiting still has plenty of advantages in a pvp environment over flight users.
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  8. winter13 New Player

    Range spamming from the air is an everyday event in arenas and legends. Half the time the flyers cannot be knocked down, and they just spam attacks until the players on the ground die. If flyers were interrupted and dropped to the ground every time they were hit, then I wouldn't have a problem with it, but that is simply not what happens.
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Unless the way words and sentences are formed changed while I was recording a PSA for a class of mine, he specifically said solar flame. Not a particular weapon mastery combo.
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It isn't a problem anymore in legends. They fixed the range on HB and rifle a few weeks ago.
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  11. Dylan Top5 New Player

    If you would take note to the quote that he was quoting. It specifically refers to fliers and weapon mastery, a certain level of implication can be assumed.

    Definition of implication (read the 1st one):
  12. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Not true

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  13. ??? Well-Known Player

    And if i recall correctly, that video was posted to get it fixed. :rolleyes:

    So please stop with the -out of range- argument. It´s getting fixed.

    Fact: SS fix = SS abusers panic
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  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You didn't really just post a link to a definition of a word did you? Ugh.

    Huh, I'll check it out when I get home. Close to my phone's data plan for the month so I don't want to use any of it for video :p
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  15. ??? Well-Known Player

    Was posted under Testing Feedback, so it will be fixed.
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  16. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Haha, Yup! I'm on my Giggles game!
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  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, particularly in legends. Unless they reversed the change it's been fixed for weeks now. The only thing that can occasionally hit from outside lunge range seems to be rifles grenade. And that's only occasionally.
  18. MMM Active Player

    Wow hes talking about being ff in 5s not 2s. Lool u say roll like vengeance. Key word here is 5s top scrim not fnl 2s. Smh
  19. Buckley Loyal Player

    PvP, you so silly :)
  20. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    If you can't get counter immunity in 5v5's. Then you should prob stick to 1v1 since you are just hurting the group at that point.
    Fun fact, you cannot be interrupted when you have counter immunity.
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