Nerf to super speed, but what about flight?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Dylan Top5, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Because Arena does not focus much on counters. Legends requires for you to be more aware of counters around you and immunity farm. 95% of arena players don't even know how to roll properly or even know what it did. Never once did I see someone use TM to its fullest advantage [Spamming it was not its fullest advantage].
    If you have an entire team that knows how to roll properly you can triple your team's survivability especially since it can bait out block breakers.
    It is very much possible to immunity farm and roll in 5v5's, but players are far too focused on dealing damage and trying to pull of a WM.
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  2. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    You do focus on counters, believe me. Remember 4s and 5s shows how good you are at your role too.. You can roll, farm immunities in 4s and 5s but easier said than done when you have 3 people targeting you, stunning you (dazin, espd, static g) while trying to kill your opposite player or he gets healed back to full with minimal effort.

    Ever since WM dropped its been a different ball game too
  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Fixed some stuff for you :p Let's not make up numbers ;)
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  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Never said rolling was easy but again anything that can be used the way rolling can should not be easy to do. With the new changes I doubt anyone is getting healed back to full with minimal effort.
  5. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Tell you what, I'm really glad this change puts an emphasis on counters in order to survive as well as making WM more high risk high reward.

    As far as rolling goes, it is used m8 but its just a different scene than in 2v2s
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  6. junglejim New Player

    The problem with rolling on ps3 was latency. Was a rare occurance a roll wasn't leaving yourself open to an initial bb then a lunge which as volk just said in 5s with 3 or more on you its not something you cant do off the cuff . If you have great visibility at the time then sure you can make the call but if you dont you need it called out when its safe by whoever is interupting your block breaker if its not you. With all the effects you get in arena from different powers now be it celestial combos galling eruption etc its hard to see everything thats going on at the same time so your relying on team mates being vocal its times like this you need flywheel. When your surrounded and cant see s#@$ slowing it is one thing but being unable to use it in combat considering under focus youll be grounded is stupid imo. People are free to disagree it wasnt an issue needed fixing in my eyes though

    ive been on the end of so many 5 on me situations for the full match and in my experience rolling isnt viable very often. Particularly when as i mentioned your surrounded with no where to roll and getting from standing to rolling on ps was rarely a smooth action it regularly animated block and opened up the killer window. Its not a game breaking change but one i dont agree with none the less.
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  7. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Or you're underestimating just how good a few certain players are at counter mechanics on PC, it's a completely different level to PS.

    And as I said, I'm not referring to "jumping around like a spaz". I don't know when that ever equated to playing it properly.

    On top of this, none of the other movement modes had the kiting potential that SS did. Regardless of how high or low the skill floor or ceiling is for it, SS still was far superior to both and the fix is justified.

    Yup, people used to say that about legends too. Now look what's happened :p

    Rolling allows you to bait out block breaks better than anything else currently in the game, especially when you're playing against players who can easily block break on reaction. On top of this, most melee WM combos are blockable on reaction so if you happen to roll and you notice someone go into a WM combo it isn't difficult to interrupt the roll with block and get immunity off of that.
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  8. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Agreed with what you said, think you meant to reply to Sabigya tho :p
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  9. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    I'm not, but 5v1... I get PC crowd sees PS players as slow/crap reaction times, etc.. But if 5 people can't kill you then they aren't as good
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  10. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Ok, so what will be the point of super speed after the nerf? Flight and acro can both get CC immunity and "float" away. Flight can already cast powers and attack at positions on the map no other movement mode can, it's also the best movement mode for pve.

    SS had one thing going for it and now that will be gone. This nerf is unnecessary.
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  11. chubbychase New Player

    I swear, this game keeps giving me reasons to give up SS for flight... I think it is finally time to give in.
  12. FruityLoop New Player

    Way better kiting abilities? I don't think so

    Just go down and start running like speedsters or just ->

  13. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Are you seriously comparing a 50% SC to a passive ability that's always available?

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  14. Zezimar Committed Player

    If I remember well, it was giggles that asked devs to nerf SS right ? So giggles, in the name of every PvPers using SS :
    [IMG] gg.
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  15. FruityLoop New Player

    Look above that video. I'm comparing passive to passive and the speed difference is not much..nothing you can't reach with a lunge.
    Lunge also stops double jump and makes you fall down.
  16. Petralka Well-Known Player

    I honestly find Giggles as a troll, he was always saying negative things HL and how the power needs to be balance (Nerf for the most part) I don't even know how is possible for the devs to always take all Giggles feedback like everything he says is true :confused:
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  17. FameYack Committed Player

    Movement pulls will ground,
    do you think grounding moves need a bigger range?
  18. LoArlequin Well-Known Player

    Cards on the table.

    THIS was needed. Super Speed was annoying. The only movement mode that let you escape and kite, even while in combat o_O That needed to stop.

    As for flying... well... that's really not effective, if you get lunge you are dead XD in the time you fall, you can loose half of your health. But of course, the group needs to focus.
  19. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    It doesn't matter what was above, you still tried to compare an SC to a passive ability.

    Automatically invalidates anything you were saying.
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  20. FruityLoop New Player

    Superman is stronger than average human.
    Superman can use laser beams.
    I compared a superpowered hero to a human.
    This invalidates everything i said.
    Superman isn't stronger than average human cause i invalidated everything i said.
    Most nonsense thing i've ever heard.
    Flight users shouldn't cry when they have the possibility to go down and start running. Lunge is way faster than ss combat speed.