Nerf to super speed, but what about flight?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Dylan Top5, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Dylan Top5 New Player

    i don't understand how they can nerf super speed in pvp, yet do nothing about high flying weapon mastery spammers.

    Never once have I seen a complaint Or had an issue with speedsters in PVP, yet I always see players having issues with high flyers spamming WM in pvp, especially 5v5 node matches. This is probably the most ridiculous change in the new season of pvp. This will only encourage the lame, cheesy style of flying high in the air and spamming WM combos on unsuspecting players and also take away options from speedster who are already limited in pvp.

    Will gu41 be the rise of the flying spiders in pvp? If you guys are going to limit speedster, then you have to limit flyers
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  2. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Speedsters run away when they start to lose a fight
    especially in open world pvp

    a snail can pass a flier once he's in "battle mode"
    there is no escape, even if your attacker is rooted.

    big difference there.

    Is this what they nerfed?
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  3. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I never have issues with people flying and spamming combos, especially since the range decrease.

    SS was by far the best movement mode for survivability due to the kiting potential.
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  4. Dylan Top5 New Player

    But now fliers have an unfair advantage of being able to start the fight up in the sky. That 3 seconds it takes for a player to notice, then target a flyer in a 5v5 can result to a 10k damage loss.

    Also, the range adjustment, while it fixed hand lasted range. It did t fix hand blaster to explosive shot. The hardest hitting part of that combo, explosive shot, still hits far out of the intended range.
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  5. Dylan Top5 New Player

    And fliers could pop a breakout trinket, shield or get cc immunity and just fly straight up out of range and never have to come down. The "Slow" speed of a flyer in battle mode is greatly exaggerated btw.
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  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Superspeed is currently by far the best movement mode in both open world PvP and Arenas due to it's incomparable kiting abilities. It is far, far better than flight.

    I'll have to double check but I don't think there are any more attacks that can attack from outside lunge range since the developers did a range decrease.
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  7. Dylan Top5 New Player

    And flight is by far the best movement mode for pve, I looked at it as a trade off. Flight for pve and ss for pvp. Not to mention the weapon mastery spamming it can do in PvP on top of the screen, sure good players will catch you quickly, but they will have to go out of their way to target you, even if it's a few seconds of unchecked damage, it's still a big advantage flight players have in pvp. Flight and super speed has their own advantages. But after the super speed nerf, what advantage will ss have?

    Also, if you guys want to talk about kiting. Equip the shield and spam that lunge away from your opponent to escape, it makes kiting with super speed look like a joke. This is a unnecessary nerf.

    And yes, test that hand blaster to exp shot weapon mastery. The explosive shot still hits very far out of range, only took about 10 seconds to test. Haven't tested much others, but I was amazed how the devs overlooked that after adjusting hand blaster range
  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

    how ? look at this:

    thats how u do it as flier , and its faster than anything else there...
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  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    We're talking about PvP so that point was redundant before you even typed it.

    What you just described is running away. I don't think you actually know know what kiting is.

    If you're going to read any one thing here, read this:

    Your issue has nothing to do with flight itself. It has to do with certain attacks being capable of being performed from outside lunge range. Go make a thread about that instead as that's where your issue is. Or start suggesting ways to adjust flight to fix the problem (that isn't actually with flight).
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  10. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Wait... You think using shield lunge to kite is running away??? Lol

    Duel any good PVPer that uses this tactic, there's not really much you can do to stop it. He can engage and disengage the fight at will. I don't think you know exactly what I mean by this

    About flight in pve: I'm saying that all movement modes excel in one area, super speed excelled in pvp, flight excelled in pve. Now super speed is nerfed, what does it excel in?

    And it's not about certain moves being outside of lunge range, thats just an added bonus. You can't deny that it's harder to stop a flier above your head, than a speedster at eye level. Especially with DCUO's wonky targeting
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  11. ??? Well-Known Player

    Pretty much what he said.

    That is not kiting. SS movement required no power at all to kite. If you have problems with flyers at max range, then you shouldn´t be complaining here. Maybe you should work on your pvp skills. Let me give you a small explanation and a pro tip:

    Flight max range is just 1 ant away from when turns gray. All you need to do is jump and lunge ;). No need to thank. And now, we´ll have working grounds too.
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  12. junglejim New Player

    Im with the op the devs need to allow all players to comment in Testing feedback or bs like this gets put through. Giggles suggesting the inability to use flywheel at all while in combat as an acro user doesnt sit well with me. What difference would there be between being grounded or not in this case. Absolute nonsense. So now ss users can sit and take it in the face. This wasnt needed and typical of the state of this game atm. Nerf before buff id love tunso to come out and explain his thoughts behind this change other than a few on test suggested it. So will dash attack be returned to normal? Im losing patience with this game its at deaths door for the better players
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  13. ??? Well-Known Player

    Yes they fixed this
  14. ??? Well-Known Player

    True, now is fixed.
  15. ??? Well-Known Player

    The way it´s supposed to be. Engage combat, not just run away. This brings more skill to the the game rather than just jump around.
  16. ??? Well-Known Player

    Grounding should work properly after Gu41, so no need to worry about :)
  17. junglejim New Player

    Dude just stop talking . With your multiple forum accounts ive heard all this before. Your 40 regurgitated pages in the wip thread about skill and layers of strategy and blah blah blah about keeping ht in pvp and surprise surprise you used tumbling master. Then after the fact agree removal was the best idea. No you shouldn't need to just sit and take it avoidance and line of sighting are a skill and strategy too. If you believe its as simple as double jumping away to safety then i dont know what to say to that. Grounding removal/ammendments and this just removes "a layer of depth and strategy" thats a term i know youre familiar with
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  18. Captain Neos Committed Player

    Doesn't that only work with the HT foot mod?
  19. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Here is what you are not understanding... The fact that it takes 1 or even two seconds longer to look up, jump and target a flyer is an unfair advantage that flight has in pvp.

    And yes, it's easy to say "maybe you need to work on your pvp skills" when your trying to act cool on a forum. But if you are on usps, I'll gladly show you my pvp skills are just fine. Otherwise, relax on the assumptions buddy :)
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  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    That requires a few things to happen, you not having any DoT's on you, it being a 1v1 (as in many cases your other opponent will put you right back in movement mode), and your opponent not having crowd control immunity in order for you to get the knock back so you can get the hell outta dodge. Super Speed requires you to simply mash the jump button and pick a direction until you can break free.

    I would be fine with super speed having a non-supercharge move that can do the same thing, just as I recall the last time Super Speed had that it was heavily abused. They'd need a way around that.

    The way you phrased it certainly makes it out to be very much running away. It's a bit of a semantics thing but my previous history in almost all cases with the word "escape" used in this context has been the person not kiting, but attempting to put as many rooms, buildings, cities and continents between themselves and me as possible.

    Not entirely sure which bit this was responding to.

    Just like powers and weapons, the movement modes should be balanced across all game modes and possibly promote different playing styles. However in it's current state, using super speed is by far and large the best way to kite in PvP. Treat Super Speed's double jump as Acrobatics double jump is treated in combat.

    The developers have stated they are looking into grounding options and can potentially implement them on a wider scale. Here's how Tunso's thoughts went:

    Once grounding has been worked out and is costs a reasonable amount of power to use and Super Speed isn't the king of arenas anymore so players will resort to using other movement modes such as flight or acrobatics, that will become far less of an issue.


    I am going to regurgitate what I said earlier since I don't know if you're going to read all this but:

    "I would be fine with super speed having a non-supercharge move that can do the same thing, just as I recall the last time Super Speed had that it was heavily abused. They'd need a way around that."

    And: "Treat Super Speed's double jump as Acrobatics double jump is treated in combat."
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