Nerf the new DWF raid?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bjr338, May 19, 2016.

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  1. BumblingB I got better.

    Huh, never really realized it, but a lot of the hard raids always had something to make it easier, either an exploit or an exploitable option. Funny how exclusive that makes a lot of players feel. Especially the ones that earn it the right way.

    I'm guilty of doing the artifact requeue with the league in lockdown. Didn't get the other feats until overgearing.
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  2. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I just want to be less annoyed when he says "Kneel before Zod"

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  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I wouldn't call it exploitable, but it is shady.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    It's not even that it's shady, it's just dishonest.

    You can't go around saying "yo raids easy" when you spent tonnes of time re-queuing to avoid a boss you know is going to cause you the exact problem we are asking be fixed here.

    It's extraordinarily duplicitous.
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  5. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    That's funny...because I still need the was a leauge run.....we Q and got all the feats out of lockdown except would never give it to us...we ran it like 18 times when it first came out. Never got the lasers to come out. thought lasers was a myth. Then last month I went to run it to get the extra mark. Long behold lasers this time. I was asking everyone cane we go for the feat. Nope was the reply.. I was the only 164 in the group. There was a few 130ish in their. They burnt them to fast before I can cage them..what was really weird. I ran it back to back three times. All lasers. No one wanted to go for the feat.
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  6. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    One thing I do notice about this raid is that every one knows they have to bring there A game to beat this raid. From vets to new players.
    From my personal experience. Ever since this raid came out more players are caring about feats. (yes I know sp don't matter) but ppl stil ask for them to see if you invest in your character.
    More and more in experience players are honest about they want sp now and how they can be better. Even tho I see player with wrong type of mods in there gear, At least thee putting in effort.
    Day by day I feel that ppl that are asking for nefs are in the minority now. Thee are inexperience player preparing themselves with gear and mods, and that's all I really ask for, is just to care what you can offer to the team and not about self player that just want to run threw stuff for gear.
    This raid is headed towards the right direction. Devs just need to be firm with this choice.
    These inexperience players want to get better. But if you continue to give in complaining with nerfs no one will care about teamwork and were back to square 1.
    It time to take the training wheels of in this game and let these players respect the raid
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    "lo and behold" ;)
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  8. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    This raid sucks in my opinion.

    That's okay I'll wait 2 months for the next Chest, Legs, Back & Waist lol
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    That would make sense in a game that is structured an entirely different way.

    It's funny you use the term "take the training wheels off" - where exactly in this game is the content that has "training wheels"? Where are the environments that people use to "learn content" should not that environment be present within every tier?

    In a game where the developers endorse, skipping content, endorse spamming replays on content and refuse to offer any meaningful tutorial environments I find your comments somewhat lacking in reasonable substance.

    My view isn't even necessarily about this raid in particular it's about the direction of this game going forward.

    Are we going to grow this game in a way that accommodates both types of players or are we going to keep creating raids and an environment that causes division and animosity amongst the groups?
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  10. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    That feat still on my chopping list when I get feat grinding. 223sp going for 240-250sp in 45 days.
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Good on ya :)
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  12. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Ok maybe not training wheels, but stop giving ppl candy?
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    It's too late for that, because we already have a blown out game that encourages the complete skipping of any content the end user desires.

    It's incorporated into their business model so heavily there's no going back, only finding an innovative way to move forward.
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  14. Laura Lightning Level 30

    Of course the raid can be finished, more than likely by a exceptional team of elite players just like Dox back in the day. But, just like Dox this raid is too hard. If you continue to make raids this difficult (on normal) then players are going to be discouraged and eventually leave the game. Some of you might enjoy this until you realize that less players = less money for the game. Eventually you will have no one to play with in this game and dcuo will have to shut down. Even will all the replay badges you spend to gear up in 3 days, I doubt you'll be able to keep the game going for very long. Take note, devs. If the only players you listen to are the elitists who post on the forums, then you have a very small audience of fans.
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  15. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    We can still take away there candy :(
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Sure, no more candy during the Halloween event! :D
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  17. Senko Committed Player

    Just want to point out my group in that comparison its not a matter of "I want free stuff gimmme, gimme, gimmee" but "I'd like to TRY the new raid let me in your group and I'll do what you tell me . . . no why? Oh its because I haven't already beaten the raid and have experience. Ok how do I get it? Not your problem right." Repeat for group after group after group. That's why I say it should be nerfed, when the normal version (when there's an elite) of the MAIN means of progression (raids for marks are pretty much all end game has these day's) will only accept people who already have experience beating it there's a problem.
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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    This inevitably gets brought up whenever there is hard content. People threatening to leave. It has been said before 3yrs ago with dox and the game is still here. Plus players quit/leave for all types of reasons. I highly doubt majority of players will quit playing the game over 1 raid.
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  19. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    Yes! This is what is bugging me the most is the silence from the devs, I am tired of hearing the arguments from both sides. I just want mepps to come on here and say either suck it up buttercup or that they are going to tone down the raid and set a precedent for the future. That way this bickering will settle....for now anyway.
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  20. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

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