Nerf me Good !!!! Please

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dawn_Dove, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    no replay badges is not even remotely the same argument.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    reduced vendor gear helps them get a second set of gear on their main too, complaining about the feature is nothing short of ridiculous.

    It's one of the only good things to happen in this game lately.

    I complained about the skill points hand out not because I wanted something out of it myself I just didn't want to see feats obtained by others trivialized and diminished by giving them away for free.

    I'm also saying exactly that, if these people "advocating" stat clamping were doing it for the "good of the game" and "helping lower cr players learn" they would just take their gear off and/or form groups to do that.

    Instead they just come here make threads and outright lie about their own invested self interests...

    increase loot rewards etc. etc.

    Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with asking for "loot rewards" for running clamped, what is wrong is trying to pretend that's not what you're doing and using the pretense that it's all about the community ;)
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  3. Gamer_Liko Well-Known Player

    You don't know every new player, so how are you speaking for the collective?
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  4. coco Committed Player

    Ya'll are walking a dead horse, which is sad to watch cause I actually like some people here, just had to get that in there.
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  5. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    Don't forget the auras
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Personally we need one, and if a bunch of you quit because of it, short term loss for long term gain
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm glad to see you have a real argument.
  8. UltraVillain Committed Player

    We have been encouraged to worship the false idol of CR a meaningless number whose only effect is to distance us from one another and in turn everything that really exists to make this game unique or fun (acutely so when linked to the idea of content relevancy).

    Once we hit 30 our progression should be very slow and content should be made trivial from there on out and only at the highest extremes should stomping content be possible. We have sadly been inducted into an absurd escalation of stats/combat effectiveness that accelerate content redundancy, reduce content variety (at least in terms of challenge types) and rapidly isolate or segregate players from one another. This is a fundamental problem and one that needs a radical rethink. imo all tiers need massive crushing T8 should be hitting and performing like T3 at most, we should feel free and be encouraged to engage in all tiered content at all times no clamping needed. Progression should be more about us having more choices and greater variety in how and where we spend our time and more diversity in our individualisation and interactions with the world.

    To coin a phrase from another thread the perception of the game has been distorted by the developers over the years and needs to be brought back into proportion, the many ways this game could reward (and mostly used to) need to be salvaged from the marginalised mire left in the wake of promoting the almighty gear (itself just the secret identity of Daybreak's god 'the RB').

    For the love of all that is DC nerf us one and all and make everything the game offers reward us...make the game be everything it can, open it in a way that offers everyone a reason to play and not just for that tier but for always!
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  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    different reasons, MY reasons aren't important I didnt make a thread did I?

    Why do you play this game?
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  10. Dawn_Dove Level 30

    for a challenge. To enjoy group corporation and to socialize with friends that live far away, while meeting new friends .....

    why do you play this game?
  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Nox only because of styles and feats associated with them. Some people have to run older raids to get certain style feats. Making the instance harder for those just trying to run something for a style is not cool. I understand for newbies it can be hard, but most don't understand what they are doing anyway.

    Put it this way, when I started the game. You could not raid unless you had good gear. Back then outer, khandak, inner, and sub. You had to mostly finish you T1 gear to get into a raid. No one new does this. Infact, if you have the ingame cash, you can skip all the way to T3 almost T4. Let's say T4 is where they start trying to raid, fresh off the ship. You want people who have played for years, months, weeks to carry/teach some fool the mechanics of Prime Battle Ground. Now your asking for statclamping sounds ridiculous. No statclamping is needed. Most raids thru T3 actually have an easy mode. You think people take advantage of those?
  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    This is a free game. So I don't understand. :)
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  13. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    I actually understand both sides of this argument. It's actually really tough to make a decision because each side has valid, cogent arguments.

    I guess only time will tell.
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  14. UltraVillain Committed Player

    I never want easy marks, or trivial content, what I do want is variety I want to log in and think......hmm I'll do this today, haven't done it for a while or I feel in a Trigon mood etc.... Ironically the game is large and can offer a lot but the escalation in stats and the restrictions on what content reward actually tie players into a tiny fraction of the whole, massively exaggerating repetition and burn out.

    The game has elevated the importance of gear to the exclusion of everything else and while we all hope the revamp will address that if it comes without a mechanism for offering a wider diversity of content we will be left in the exact same box isolated from one another and from the game as a whole.

    Clamping is an option but by far the worse and most problematic course creating multiple 'exceptions' in terms of fairness and balance and completely failing to address open world content (which has been much requested of late and is the only content that can also deliver a DC feel)...we therefore need to promote a better solution - one that works transparently and fairly across all content at all times, we want the likes of Superman to be a force to be feared by villains in every case not just in the highest tier, we want the widest choice of challenges and types of content, the game has it and has it right now the problem is that it fails to point us at it or value it in any worthwhile manner - crush the stats and open the whole game to us let progression be about adding variety and choice, make modding and crafting worthwhile alternative rewards of their own, bring back variety and diversity to the game and then build on that!
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  15. blacklisted87 Active Player

    I think that if they stay clamp you to the tier you q up for then you should be able to earn marks. Would definitely bring old content back to life and people would q up for old content more frequently.
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  16. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Actually, yes, it is fun to be overwhelmingly strong in lower content. Most players actually do find it fun to be godly like that.
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  17. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Proxy, the feature only works for each type of vendor gear. Getting the feat to unlock for elite gear doesn't reduce the cost of the reg gear and vice versa. There's still a stupid replay element attached for those wanting both the 50 point feat from the reg gear and the elite gear for the elite affinities. For that reason, it it ain't ridiculous at all to complain about it lol.
  18. Wildboy Committed Player


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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    The elite gear is always a carrot over and above the regular vendor gear - I have zero problem with keeping them seperate in terms of this new feature.

    You need to either choose to go for normal or choose to go for elite.

    As I pointed out in the WIP thread as well, all you need is one serious alt to collect normal on and you reduce the purchase price of normal for your main, whereby collecting the style on your main given you've already transferred the feat merely gets done for cosmetic reasons.

    So what exactly is the problem?
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  20. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Long term gain? That's quite a bold statement. You say it's a small loss, yet there's all the other factors that could happen.

    Just imagine what would happen to some of those players? A: Some see it as disrespect towards their time/money invested into their toon and call it quits. or B: some stick around to help out, revisit old content, and possibly get rewards.

    You realize some of these new players have been popping out of the blue for one reason: Open Episodes. Once Open Episodes go bye-bye. A, B, C, D, or E is gonna happen.

    A: New player comes on the forum, complains about how they skipped to cr 100 and can no longer advance without buying content.
    B: Population drops down.
    C: Players wait it out until the developers do another round of Open Episodes.
    D: People delete their toon's.
    E: They actually buy content or subscribe to the game.

    Let me ask you a question since you see "Long term gain" Why did so many people use the skip to cr 100 token if they truly wanted to experience the game?
    Sorry, but I don't get the logic behind that^

    The real question at the end of the day is will it hurt DCUO or make it better? and as so many stat-clamping threads have shown in the past, it "looks like it could be"(using quotation marks to make it clear) a 50/50 split with some potential problems heading down the road.

    I'm not against stat-clamping at all provided there's rewards waiting for us if we do lower our gear. But at the end of the day; you can't go saying it's a long term gain, especially if these new players find out potentially just what Time Capsules could do to this game.

    Anything could happen with stat-clamping, it's not something that can be drawn with a straight forward conclusion; all variables need to be taken into account.