Need Help

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DreddtheRed, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. DreddtheRed New Player

    It has been 3 days I have not been able to log on. I play on the USPS server and everytime i try to start the game it keeps saying "Failed to connect to server. Try again?" I have done this multiple times to no avail. My wi-fi is perfect. I can play oither online games I just cant play this one! Does anyone have any suggestions or anything at all to help me?
  2. spinza Well-Known Player

    did u try to reinstall the game?
  3. DreddtheRed New Player

    no. How long will that take!!!?
  4. spinza Well-Known Player

    its depending how much your net will take to reinstall try it may be an hour
  5. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player