Need Endgame Raiding League

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by seraphiun, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. seraphiun New Player

    Toon Names =Seraphiun, colonelcoldx, and profchocolate.

    Levels = 30 (cr66) 20, and 19

    Roles = sorc healer, ice tank, and mental troller

    Server = US ps3 villain

    I am very skilled and understand the mechanics of the game. Im looking for a league that is very active in pve, but a pvp league would be fine if it featured dedicated players. I am on between the hours of 4 pm to midnight And early morning.

    I plan on both my alts being 30 by the end of this month, and endgame ready by the end of next. Thats all 3 roles covered so we never have a blankspot!

    Pst in game, or e-mail me @
    Or text/call 478-951-7760
  2. Recon4thCav Level 30

    Really you left your phone number? You are a very brave person.
  3. seraphiun New Player

    Haha, ive got a galaxy note 2 so ignoring necessary numbers is a cinch