Need an answer on this - enemies spawning with god mode

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Raijin1999, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    Keeps happening during seeds
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    As you have been, it would be helpful if everyone continue to post specific NPCs and locations where this is occurring.
  3. Ogat New Player

    Happens in seeds of rot on the Hazmat crew, it sometimes happens on the last mob pack in fos1 too.
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  4. Curae New Player

    Mepps check my prior post on this thread.

    A summary: the bug affects any ground-spawner mob.
    In other words it effects any ghost, paradox reaper, hazmat crew, hallucination, hellclown, etc. that has an animation that slowly floats/crawls them out of the floor.

    To fix it simply make it so that any attacks knock them out of the animation and remove the reset/immunity/whatever it is that currently affects them while animating out of floor.
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  5. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I have enemies spawn with god mode and, it gets so bad sometimes to where I can attack an enemy they don't take damage they don't notice I'm attacking them so they don't take damage that way also. If you really pay attention while out on missions or just feel like hitting enemies damage does not always count. The T5 solos are the best place to find that one.
  6. Lyndi Well-Known Player

    I have also noticed this bug specifically in Coast City Alert when the Controller CC's something while they are in the "stun/CC" animation they are invulnerable. I'm not talking encased just stunned. doesn't happen all the time but it happens at least once or twice during the instance
  7. DARKKNIGHT New Player

    The last open world objective in wayward.

    Among pretty much every other area of the game. Its tied to the game not just certain specific instances.(it may or may not happen at any point of the game but I found It happens regularly in Wayward)
  8. details26 Committed Player

    Happens when fighting scarecrow goons while leveling up if you are a batman mentor. The guys spawn in and they can keep hitting non stop while you're sitting there unable to do a thing.

    Another think would be in Family where the 5 thugs you are supposed to kill are still able to do damage even after they have been damaged enough to activate their distress call and shield.
  9. akira 28 New Player

    was helping some kid level up yesterday n this happened repeatedly near that Joker's funhouse area (where you fight Full House n break those little jokandroid ***** out of the clown boxes)
  10. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    To clarify, when you are attacking an enemy and they are not taking damage and also aren't attacking or noticing you at all, that's lag. You're suffering from an ugly lag spike and the server isn't sending/receiving the data from your console, so the server doesn't see what you're doing and likewise the console isn't able to see what the server is doing.

    But when you attack an enemy and then the enemy turns and faces you and starts attacking like you just stepped on its very expensive shoes and insulted its mother, then you have a bigger problem. It's not lag, because the enemies are responding to you. Each attack they pull off is the server successfully sending data to you, your console reading it, and sending the data back that you were hit. For some a part of this data isn't getting through.
  11. Spidey Well-Known Player

    This happens in Wayward every single time I play. It's always the ghosts you have to spawn and defeat just before Grundy. They always come out in god mode for sometimes up to like 10 seconds before you can actually hurt them, but they can kill you right off the bat. It's been going on so long and it was so consistent I assumed this was working as intended.
  12. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    I experienced this Wednesday night while fighting OMACs near the Knightdome. They would spawn and start damaging me and my hits were not registering at all until about 5-10 seconds after they have spawned.
    around 9:30ish P.M.
  13. Hallows Eve New Player

    This bug has been going on for almost a year not 4 months. I reported it roughly 15 times and never got an answer. Why do you people still play this broken game?
  14. Evil Grave New Player

    The same reason you will continue to post on these forums the devs have made you completely addicted to this game.
  15. Hallows Eve New Player

    I'm not addicted to anything. Haven't played in a couple months. If anyone is addicted to a video game they need to get some help because that is really sad LOL.
  16. Evil Grave New Player

    Sure your not. :rolleyes:
  17. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    happened to me the other day in family reunion t5 op. last nexus overseer before final boss was on god mode and took like 15 mins to beat him (obviously with that all the other constant adds respawning and wiping the group a few times didnt help). also some of the adds (not all) also had loads of health and took a fair bit of time to beat. this is from an around mostly cr93-96 group.
  18. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Yeah Ive seen this too. Sometimes in a mission or in open world I'll come across a goon or detective and it will take me forever to kill them. So long that my fingers tire out and I start thinking....."What the hell man! This is unnecessary right now. Your not even the goal of my mission and here I am taking 2min to take you down! I'm the Superhero here! Your just a damn detective!"
    The devs need to make the "Artificial Intelligence" in this game a bit more "Artificial" and less "Intelligent".
  19. Legion_of_One Well-Known Player

    I frequently encounter NPCs who engage in combat, but when you retaliate, they RESET (displayed above them), making them invulnerable. You move on to another enemy, and these guys finally reset with full health and get the first shots in. I have also noticed that NPCs get to attack during cut scenes, which really bugs me. When the cut scene ends, you are already at a disadvantage and under attack. Both of these scenarios occur in all instanced missions, and happen all the time.
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  20. mollypoppinz Well-Known Player

    this happens when running t4 raids on the villain side (seeds)

    its very annoying when :
    a: i activated the civilians and the hasmat spawns
    b: upon spawn they start attacking the civilian but no matter how much
    a whole raid of 8 people attack and 2 trolls debuff no damage is done or shown
    in the npcs health bar after the hasmat kills the infected civilian he will run away and dissapear please make this stop