Necropolis and Artifacts Raids 7 DPS 1 Troll

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Akroma, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Ogat New Player

    HoP the biggest flop 2014 so far, "reintroducing challenge to the game" my ***.
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  2. Akroma New Player

    was very fun. great for building teamwork and cooridnation. youll see in the video that there are quite a lot of people dropping at time so everyone has to be on top of pickups.

    the problem isnt the content. this would of been really difficult before the new home turf mods but the new home turf mods give you so much extra damage and heals. some people had accomplices that gives heals and shields and supply drops pretty much heal you for full power and health now. just have a group cycle through em one at a time and there is very little need for a healer or troller
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  3. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Couldn't agree more. I've put up with a lot in this game, but I won't play the waiting game anymore.

    I understand that they need some easier content to sell replays, but there is absolutely zero content for the high end community that loves a challenge.

    Ever since WOTL dropped 90 gear and killed all challenge in nexus and dox on top of nerf after nerf I have been patiently waiting for another challenge. They promised at least one raid would be on par with that level of difficulty. Lies..

    Easy mode combat thanks to weapon mastery, now supplemented with even easier content..
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  4. Ogat New Player

    Yes a 7 dps run would have been difficult before the new mods. a 5-4 dps run is the norm tho, and on a normal run those raids present 0 difficulty at 100 cr and at 108 alike, even the lockdown.. I mean it's kinda idiot proof in some aspects, but it's designed in such a way that you can push the idiot to the side and do all the work yourself.

    Finishing the content for the first time inspired no sense of acomplishment, in fact the only source of entertainment this raids provide is laughing at the ridiculous cr requirements people shout for. Content You can farm with a ****** alt group 2 days after launch isn't well done at all.
  5. AL Lonso New Player

    I'm beginning to lose hope :-( .... Oh, There it goes, let the game be called DPS Universe Online now. The game shouldn't be addressed as MMORPG anymore -.-'
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  6. Ogat New Player

    Don't woryy while afun challenge and all, you will loose a lot of fluidity and damage without a tank and healer. bcause some of the dps simply can't burn, not the most efficient way to play the raid for sure, was fun for them I suppose.
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  7. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    You tell me, why do we need such a high restoration values? There's no need for running with 2 healers since there's no burst damage to heal that a solo heal can't handle, and you can't heal 1 shots, so... Why do we need such a high vitalization values? With WM I'm barely under 50% power, and even if I decide to weapon clip I don't get out of power either, so in most of the cases a solo troller is more than enough. Why do we need to make that much damage? That's something that I don't really get, I have +5k might and +2.6k prec, those are some crazy stats and I even can get higher ones since I'm not fully geared. Since WM came our damage got a crazy boost, add to the equation Max Damage and the new Supplies and tadaaaa! DPS Universe Online.

    But hey, we are getting tons of customization options, we can change our styles... a lot of colors... and soon we will get the option to change the UI color! yay! I guess soon we will be able to paint out character nails.

    PS: Btw, I tried sorcery Clipping+AM, was interesting :)
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  8. Ogat New Player

    Thats the problem with the game for a while in the process of making us powerfull they made us ridicuosly overpowered, and they haven't released content ever since that can keep up with us(aside from sm) because even with all those boosts people suck.. It's a bit sad when a game gets twisted and held back by the inability of it's own playerbase. I sometimes wonder how much more crutches will it take, and when they introduce the new awesome feature of the "dev" trinket, just so you can clear the raids with the ease of 1 button press and give them your money for replays.
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  9. Captain Neos Committed Player

    Lol this is too funny. Just ran BiA and this dps was so insistent on rushing and beasting it all that he left the entire group fighting the iconic boss and pretty much soloed it. No more skill needed for this game makes you wonder why only beast trolls, heals or tanks are sought after when all you need is the Ht trinkets to make up for mediocre (insert x role).
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  10. Ogat New Player

    ^^ Just saw that now. Yeah, Sorcery is like my bastion i return to for some old school dpsing heh.
  11. The dark knight New Player

    All those who have hopes for the devs adjusting old or new content so that support roles are not excluded you also believe in santa clause? This problem is not new and you are not the first ones to address it here on the forums. This is why it seems the devs give a sh.. about excluded roles.
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  12. Biester New Player

    Good ****ing work devs!!!!!!! The new upgraded base mods and upgrades were exactly what we did NOT need at this moment in time. Every single role was already way OP in 94 gear but now you have made the dps role the only truly viable role in this game with these new upgrades.

    Use some common sense when implementing **** like this. Just because the majority of the community has been asking for it does NOT mean they should get it. Nothing in this game is even remotely challenging enough to require these upgrades yet they were implemented anyways.

    Time is running out for me, the game gets worse with every new GU and every new DLC. If the next DLC does not address and fix the problem with support role viability in content then I'm done with this dps oriented game.

    Summarizing statement: PEOPLE ARE RUNNING THE LAUGHABLY HARDEST CONTENT IN THE GAME THE EXACT SAME WAY THEY ARE RUNNING T2 ****!!!!! This is a HUGE ****ing problem!!!!! This will now spread through the community like wildfire and it will now become the norm.
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  13. Fel1x90 New Player

    Im waiting for the day till they finally give us the 1-shot trinket. :)
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Please look at History.

    DLC6 Launched, all the mainframe stuff was way OP. Beyond, actually. T4 was smashed. Heck, Orbital was so good that it would cause Brainiac to writhe in pain from a Gauss Grenade. (God, I loved that.) Then T5 came out... There wasn't a big benefit for that stuff. It gave only a small bonus. For the most part, people were using the supply drop for the 50% buff and power. The heals from it were way low.

    I see this as no different. When the second half of T6 comes out, we are going to have a use for this stuff. Remember, DLC12 and DLC13 will require 106 to get into them.

    But really, the gear is the main reason you guys could do this. Congrats btw.
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  15. winter13 New Player

    And people say there isn't a big difference between a cr 100 DPS and a cr 108 DPS. Threads like this one should be closed immediately, because they just promote not using support roles.
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  16. sAssyCc Well-Known Player

    They also had the healer and tank buffs, for some reason those still work in 8 player operations and have been like that for long while ~ I remember running prime no tank with the tank buff and the devs taking the role buffs out of the raids when it became more widespread ~ Maybe this will have the devs look at the role buffs, at least in recent dlc content ~
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  17. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I still remember everyone's dire wishes to improve HT trinkets and gear mods.
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  18. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    What the "hardcore" community fail to understand is, once you are fully tiered we are over geared for the current content. Like I've been saying for years, unless replays are taking out and raid lockouts are introduced, no content will be hard for more that a month.

    Wave and nexus was hard for so long because we had 4 tiers of gear in T5. It was sorta as if the 86cr gear was t5, but the raids were t10. Not nexus or wave so much, but wave feats were like t10. I know some will come back and say "I did the feat in 85-86 gear" which you prolly did, but you were surrounded by 101cr roles when it happened.

    Anyway goodjob VG
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah I'm going to chime in here as well and point out that I think this sort of thing is an absolute joke.

    Developers you need to take a hard long look at this game you're creating. This game used to be challenging and fun, back in the T4 days and even the beginning of T5, Origin Crisis in my opinion was the "pinnacle of this game" early on.

    Now all you've done is stomped into the dirt through nerf after nerf after nerf.

    And now we have pathetically easy raids that are being stomped and support roles are redundant.

    I think the reality here developers is that you need to bring back the difficulty levels that were present in "Paradox" when it was legimately hard. When you said you would give us hard content again I had some hope that there would actually be a challenge in the game again, but it seems that hope was well misplaced.

    Lockdown is a joke and the other two raids are the equivelent of an 8 man gorilla grodd duo.. Seriously I am seriously starting to wonder whether I'm investing in the right game and that's saying a lot given how long I've played this game.
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  20. Badname28 New Player

    i called this ******** in an earlier thread of mine

    and everyone thought i was just being stupid.

    it is pretty clear at this point now that the development team as a whole is a colossal failure completely incapable of creating anything but menial and trivial content.

    perhaps they should. consider spending less time at places like E3 or SOE live essentially fellating themselves and the few hardcore dcuo junkies that show up

    Or perhaps instead of wasting our time voicing our complaints on the forums about their endless string of "any blind two year old with downs could have seen that coming" failures and all around bad ideas,we should start writing to the people that wear the really big pants at SOE and gave them their jobs in the first place.
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