Near Impossible for New Players to Progress

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BustaPrime, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah you can hook up a Controller to PC.... I did that too..... but does your contorller light up like the PS4 one?? ;) ;)

    As for Dragon age Inquisition.... it seems you were amongst the lucky few. Because on the Forums you had threads after threads on how it did not work properly on PC at release.

    Or did you play weeks/months later once it was patched??

    Who are you.... the Joker in disguise???
    How can you hate Batman??? ;) ;)
  2. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Rushing lower tiers have resulted much funnier than before. So if you switch to PS, you are more likely to progress faster than as we used to. No excuses, unless you are one of those who likes creating 5 alts per day and not progressing cause lanters lvl 20 mission always kill YOU.. LOL..
  3. BustaPrime New Player

    I appreciate the reply but like I said in my original post that noone read, I wasn't talking about progression as in gear, I'm talking about feat points, which as an original experienced player, I happen to care about them. The whole original post was referring to the difficulty of getting in low tier raids for the feats, you have to grind some of those and theres hardly anyone on the USPC villain side.

    It's ok, the majority of the people who have commented on my post have failed to read what I typed and only took a few keywords from it and immediately typed up a post explaining why I'm dumb and how wrong I am.

    Gear is not a problem for me it's the least of my concerns, I'm not the type to grind to max cr just to run stuff with 90 skill points and hardly contribute to my team. I have the time and effort to put in the work for the feats I need, however I unfortunately have to rely on other people to run the content I need for the feats and it's extremely difficult to find a single person to run it, let alone 7 other people, and weekly.
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    USPC villain side has really low population, but most of them are also either in a league or a very close clique. Finding pug groups is very hard to do. If you want to play villain, you will have to have patience. It's as simple as that. If you want to progress quickly, hero is what you need.

    Crossplay will considerably help USPC villain, but they aren't giving us a release date. Just, it's still in the works.
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  5. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    I read your OP man, that's why I referred you to the Iconic style vendor that you obviously didn't know about.

    To be frank, there's only 2 raids that you can't technically solo (Kahndaq, and Inner Sanctum) I highly doubt that those 2 raids will make or break your sp, just queue them up while you do some feat hunting, I guarantee you aren't the only one needing to run those raids.

    A few days ago I got a group going for seeds/unpaid within 10 mins simply by shouting in LFG and the HoD while making it clear that anyone eligible could join, there's plenty of low cr players out there that will join your raids.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, or that you're dumb, I don't think that's the case at all, but the lower tiered raids never gave any monetary value to the top tier regardless, we were only running them for styles then, and we're only running them for styles now.

    The reason I pointed you towards the cr grind is because most everything is soloable at top tier, you don't have to necessarily run the top tier stuff yet if you feel like a burden, but once you get there you can go back and do some serious sp grinding, it will save you tons of time.
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  6. Venus Void Dedicated Player

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  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The costs for actual gear (not the styles) do vary a bit. I get info obsessed at times and when the update hit I checked the gear costs on the vendors so I'd know what I might be looking at in terms of vendor gear costs on any new characters. T1 has the lowest cost, with T2 costs slightly higher. For example, a T1 chest piece costs 39 Marks, while a T2 chest costs 48 Marks.

    Once you hit the Central City vendor (T2.5 I guess?) the costs become standardized and stay the same from that point on (60 for chest/legs, 45 for hands/waist/feet, etc).

    But with as quick as you can move through some of the tiers with item drops, it's almost better to get the styles you want from the style vendor now.
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  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Why would you go from PS to PC?
  9. metalfenix Committed Player

    Ah, the woes from playing on USPC villain side. I gave up my villain and I tried to remake him (with some things improved appearance-wise) on hero side.

    I hate the mentors AND Oracle, but playing on USPC Villain side is too depressing.
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  10. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    thank gu47 for this
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  11. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Pretty much. It's hard to get into the low level alerts on the villain side let alone the tiered alerts and duos.
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  12. Ghostof91 New Player

    My solution to this ongoing problem is to have portal intrances so that way you dont have to wait for other players to que up.
  13. MrB Dedicated Player

    100? Where do you see them? Most I pugs I see have like 85-95.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    USPC Above CR 111, there is 1730 characters with less than 100 SP and 6659 more than 100SP.

    For all servers below 11786 and above 50,989.

    You must be getting really unlucky to find them most of the time.
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  15. MrB Dedicated Player

    Haha thats why I rarely pug. Mostly its league runs.

    But really most pugs I get into don't do so well.
  16. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    Hey feel free to friend my villian Trollergiest. Lvl 11 met 3 more new villians leveling last night that were level 11 to 16.
  17. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Central City is roughly 3.5. Back when mods changed CR and synthetic mods weren't around yet, it was a challenge to get from to top end of T3 to T4 using only the T3 gear in the headquarters. The CC vendor made that gap easier to jump.

    It is faster to level up and then go back to get the cheap styles from the vendor. That was a recent change now that earning marks has slowed down some. The trade-off is that it generally gets harder to finish content as your tier goes up. You can easily farm the T3 solo missions for their marks each day. It's not as easy to finish T4 content. That doesn't really reverse until the middle of T6, where there a good chunk of missions that feel easier to finish than the T5 ones do in T5 gear.
  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That's why I used "I guess?" in the phrase. :D

    I think it's probably 2.5, though. I remember hearing it referred to as such quite a bit in the past, and out of curiosity I just checked the T2, CC and T3 vendors. T3 stuff is item level 70 while the CC stuff is item level 62 and T2 is item level 56. I'm more inclined to call the CC stuff T2.5 because the CC stuff has lower stats than the T3 gear but higher stats than the T2 items.

    The only gear I had to buy from the CC vendors on a regular basis to move up was the weapons and the face piece. You don't get much in the way of good loot drops on those items in the T3 solos (which I tend to stick to for content runs) and the T3 gear with the right mods were enough to do the trick.
  19. Sbel Devoted Player

    The gear level is T2.5, yes. But you can't get in until T3, so the missions are T3.

    Central City was extremely useful when it came out, because the FoS raids were the only T3 missions out at the time.