Near Impossible for New Players to Progress

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BustaPrime, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Multiverse Creator League

    That is the ONE thing that NEVER happen.

    Everyone is quick to say "Get a good League".

    NO one says "Why don't you join OUR League??? We will help you."

    Because the truth is..... no one wants neewbs who have been playing for a week only with 32CR with 30SP in their League.
    They all want a 126CR 200+SP to carry them though.

    But they sure are quick to give the "helpfull" advice.... "fond a League". :rolleyes:
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  2. BustaPrime New Player

    Guys, I'm not talking about GEAR!!! I'm talking about feats....c'mon read what I typed instead of just commenting stuff without reading.
  3. MrB Dedicated Player

    Welcome to post gu47 stat flattening and no marks runs.
  4. Sbel Devoted Player

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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh I get you man don't worry, still remember the good old days when marks of triumph were different along with many other marks, momentum, distinction, krypton etc.

    It was a lot harder back then as you say, it's then got to the point where it was obscenely easy and now it's somewhat drifting back to being somewhat of a grind again, which is at least somewhat encouraging in all honesty.

    As for the population problem, unfortunately; you will find the villain side over on USPC is pretty dead; you might want to start off as a hero as the population is really good on that side and then when you have a hero, make a villain and transfer the feats and stuff over and do it from there.

    Villains are more active in the upper tiers as a lot less people make "new villains".

    If you make a hero, hit me up in game happy to help if I'm free where I can :)
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    and that's why you have CR125 people running around with 100skill points. :rolleyes:

    increase the value of skill points and then you'll find a change in attitude.
  7. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Um, a PC can do 999999999999999999 more things than that. Why would you want to get a PS4?
  8. Veritech Loyal Player

    OP, Send me a PM on here this coming weekend and I'll invite you to our league.
    Moving house atm so I won't have internet until Friday (dcuo withdrawals :( ).
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  9. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Why did you switch to PC? No one is on there.
    Especially in a game that's been around for 4 years now and the hype is all gone already. Of course your having problems.
  10. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Hello! :D

    Feel free to friend me, I'm level 27 ( I think...I don't remember...check the dcuo app thingy ) but I am more than willing to help you with whatever you need, and if you hang around in Metro or Gotham, you will see in shout how people are doing low level stuff, I usually tell people at the end of doing something "feel free to friend me :)" and I do care about feats/skill points, and I usually do general feat hunting when waiting for queue to start.

    As you see in my sig, my toon is DarkStrega on hero side and feel free to friend me if you want to, again, I'm willing to help you with whatever I can. :)

    And to those saying "join a league" joining a league is easy, looking for a good one that's helpful and all is a different story. ;)

    I wish you the best of luck. :)
  11. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Nah probably just more people looking for some way to be better then other players instead of trying to beat things together in some way. All it would do is create a large gap that would benefit a a small portion of the userbase.

    it's so odd to hear on one angle how easy everything is
    and then on the other how our characters should be stronger and be able to stack more stats that we don't need.

    You'd figure only people having trouble with the content as is would be bothered.
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  12. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I think you took offense too quickly and missed Sbel's point. I believe the complaint was against the people that feel like the only way to progress through the tiers is to complete raids, and don't think the small stuff will get them there, or bother with the small stuff at all.
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  13. AzraelR Committed Player

    Of course its impossible, the villains side has almost no players, and now with this stat clamping s*** the CR top players are not willing to do the old instances and still no marks for that. Even though I have friends in my league, they don't want to be doing T5, because even with high CR they are nerfed ridiculously there. So, I'm pretty stuck now.

    I was in a group today that took 30 minutes just to get 8 players to go Paradox Wave (I have video as evidence) only to ultimately everyone give up and disband, such difficulty faced inside instance.

    But maybe that's what the developers deserve after all (and player who request this s*** too, good luck suffering now, get 999999999999999 wipes and leave this game, please) by adding something ridiculous as stat clamping.

    Perhaps still have time to go back and I can solo instances like Trigon Prison again because after all my CR allows it.

    What bothers me is that there are several players in-game complaining about it, but are not able to come here in the forum and complain. It is clear to me that anyone who accesses the forum are not the same players playing.
  14. Deranya Dedicated Player

    That makes it sound rather awesome though :D

    If you complain about USPC, think of the EUPC server, it will make you feel better. It isn't dead, there are enough people to run the new content with, but that is where it stops. We have a couple of people that tried to make a new character to see how fast you can level, especially with pugging and well, it doesn't look good. Some are still stuck in T3 or T4. The amount of times I have run SA in the last 3 days is insane and I thought I would never run it again
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  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Some games are exclusive to Consoles/PS4.

    And even when they are not exclusive..... sometimes they just work better.

    An example of that is Dragon Age Inquisition.

    If you read the Forums..... the game was broken on PC.
    But it worked fine on PS4.

    Heck I played it on PS3 and it worked fine even on PS3 compared to PC.

    But you could read posts after posts of how the game was broken on PC.

    Also the controllers light up. ;) ;)

    And let's nor forget the most important reason... to play DCUO with my friends. ;)

    And the Batman Arkahm PS4 looks sooooo cool ;)
  16. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah going the solo route takes patience..... and skill. ;)
    T4 is the tough part.

    Although some prefer it....... It is not for everyone.
    Only the best of the best of the best can do it.... Sir! With honors! ;) ;)

    But there are times when it is better to go the solo way.

    Once in a while.... when my League falls appart..... or when I am just sick of the community...... I will go solo for a stretch of time.

    It is much slower to progress solo..... but it is worth it for your sanity when the community gets too irritating sometimes. ;)
  17. Multiverse Creator League

    What are you talking about Willis??? ;) ;)

    But seriously..... Feel free to look me up on USPC.

    My main is Doombot 2099 on USPC Villains PVP. ;)
  18. Sbel Devoted Player

    Don't worry about it. I phrased my post poorly, I'm not surprised he took it like that.
  19. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    DA was not broken. in fact it ran beautifully on my PC. With the graphics a PC gives, it was 10 times better than PS4 could even dream about. As for controllers? I can hook up a controller to my PC too. Oh and I hate Batman :p
  20. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    I didn't read through all the comments so I'm not sure if you've been told this, but they added a vendor that's right beside the style vendor that sells the iconic styles at a reduced cost (10 marks I believe).

    On your other concerns.....I could see it being difficult for a BRAND new player to progress extremely fast (which they shouldn't anyways), but I literally just leveled a toon from 1 to cr 103 in like 4 days with no help and no replays. I didn't even buy any gear other than the occasion ring, face or neck to bump me up a few cr.

    With the gear scaling to 115% now, the item level of your gear is actually higher than it ever was, in lower tiers when you never really used mods to increase your cr anyways, you increase your cr much faster than before.

    The marks also scale 1 tier behind, meaning you could be a 70 cr (T4) and run nothing but T3 for marks, and still be able to get to T5 within a day or 2.

    The problem with new players is they don't understand how cr really works, experienced players probably aren't having much issue leveling new toons.
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