Near Impossible for New Players to Progress

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BustaPrime, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. BustaPrime New Player

    This has been going on for a while now and I just began noticing it the most when I made the switch from USPS to USPC. When starting out as a new player, or making a new character(with no mains to transfer skill points from) it's incredibly hard to find anyone willing to run any sort of low content, mainly raids. How is one suppose to grind these and get the feats from them when I cannot get into them, and you can't solo all of the raids even if I were to wait until I had better gear because it requires multiple people to hit switches at the same time.

    Another problem is that with the marks being converted to Victory and only getting marks for your tier, that makes it incredibly difficult for new players to get all of the sets, literally once they get to max set, by time they earn marks for every other set in the game a new set would be out. This isn't a huge problem because it's not impossible to do like some other content is.

    USPC is really dead, way more inactive than USPS by far and even on USPS it was very hard to find people to run low content. What is one suppose to do when you have all of those feats that you can't obtain due to the lack of players willing to run it? Just miss out? I know some people reading this doesn't care because you either have everything for the low content already or don't care about feats/skill points, however as someone who has played this game since launch, and just recently made the switch to USPC I find myself very limited as to how far I can actually progress in this game.

    Is there an estimated time on Cross Play? I'm thinking of taking a break even though I just made a new toon on USPC at least until Cross Play comes out, I literally waste half of my day waiting in queues and shouting in LFG and still don't get any groups to run anything. If any of the devs read this can you please leave some feedback on any solutions you have, thanks.

    Be sure to thumbs up if you agree with this please.
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  2. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    You being on USPC is the main problem..USPS is still fantastic though. I began leveling my new toon up last week. I literally got him to t4 in about 2 hours. People were more then willing to help me run the lower raids.
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  3. Horridhal New Player

    Prior to the last GU it was much easier to find instances with people willing to walk you through the game, in my experience.

    That said, the best advice I can give you is either join a league, preferably one willing to help you out in low tier content or one with a high population of low tier players also working their way up, or start using the chat to look for people near your relative CR and start making friends.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    USPC is not dead I wish the people that keep saying this would just stop already.

    If you want help find a good league lots of people still run this content for styles and the like.

    Also in regards to gear styles etc they sell for cheaper at the style vendor if you're after a set...

    You know what though i think for too long people have had it too easy for too long... been handed too many cookies for free and now the prospect of having to actually play to earn things annoys people.

    That's why people are mad because it's suddenly not so easy. it's not different in any other mmo.. In fact is harder in most other mmos.
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  5. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    There's a vendor that sells Tier gear styles - 10 MoV a pop - so 80 MoVs will give you the full set.

    It's pretty complete, and as far as I'm aware it's only missing styles from WotL onwards (such as the Scion of Ion and Disiple of Parallax etc.).

    I used it to get the Prideful style from SoT....which would've cost about 250k MoTs before GU47 and the mark unification.
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  6. BustaPrime New Player

    I wasn't aware that the marks for the sets went down as you went up in tiers, thanks for clearing that up for me.

    As for the whole running lower tier content thing, mainly raids..I have tried my luck shouting in LFG, shout(in gotham, metro and HoD) as well as asking to join a league, 99% of the time when I get an invite to a league it has 1-5 active members in it at most, and the majority of the time they are either under level 30 or up in the T5+ range and are too busy to run the content.

    I've made multiple threads asking to join an active USPC Villain league here on the forums before, still no luck. If you have any suggestions as to where I can find an active league or are in one yourself feel free to let me know.

    For those who wonder why I don't just go back to the PS version, well I only used my PS4 for DCUO and I mainly do PC gaming, so I sold off my PS4 and I'm trying to start over on the PC. I've been playing since launch so I have not had anything handed to me @Proxystar, in fact it use to be harder in the earlier days to obtain certain feats that are now handed to you for nothing, I had 201sp on my main on the PS before I quit, I haven't had anything handed to me and I don't mind putting work in on the PC but I'd like to do it on my time and not be held up by insane queue times and lack of players willing to run content that's on my level.
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  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    One lie I get tired of hearing: "It's impossible for me to progress because I can't get a raid group."

    Sure, get a raid group whenever you can, even if all you need from it is feats and styles. But don't just log on, fail to get a raid group, then log off again. Do some other missions too, so that you keep progressing even if there's no one else to play with.
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  8. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    To clarify (and apologies if I'm essentially telling you how to suck eggs), the actual gear cost is static (in fact, I think the cost stays the same regardless of T1 gear costs the same as T7).

    But you can get the styles for most vendor gear once you reach the appropriate CR.

    I've found the leveling and gearing process relatively painless to be honest, I managed to get to the T4 wasteland recently, and have yet to run any non-mission required alerts.

    The gear from duos and challenges is mostly enough to boost CR....obviously the usual sticking points still exist though (rings, face, neck and weapons).
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  9. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Being on the villain side is part of your problem. I hear it's dead over there.
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  10. BustaPrime New Player

    I like how some people assume I'm a noob or something. Listen man, I been playing this game since launch, I know what to do and I don't give up after 5 minutes of shouting, and I do have plenty of other things to do, however when you are T1 and you can't get into raids it's annoying, I've tried for the past week. Don't assume I shout a few times and give up just and make this forum post.

    Incase you didn't know, I was a top player on USPS, was in the top #10 before I quit so don't assume that anyone who makes a forum post like this is a noob. Again, if you have any solutions then I'm all ears, but I've tried and tried, spent most of my day shouting(while working on other feats) and nothing.
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  11. BustaPrime New Player

    Thanks man, gearing up is actually the least thing I'm worried about, the main point of this post is trying to get the feats from the content I can't get into. Gear is easy, however grinding for skill point's takes time and I'd like to knock out as much as I can while I'm a lower tier.
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  12. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Fair enough....and I know what you mean - I have a character or two on USPS (mostly I play EUPS)....and I haven't been looking forward to a bunch of feats - like tier styles, and Toyman (although I must admit, I came to enjoy that after about 50 runs or so).
  13. WingedMedic Level 30

    I'm in no way trying to be insulting OP but why would you switch from US PS to PC? The only really benefit is test server but I mean it's a wasteland there. Well anyways besides that I hope you can link up with someone on here that can get you in to things if you were still on USPS I would gladly que up with you and help you. Good luck friend
  14. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah that is probably a good part of the problem.

    Sadly.... nowhere when you create you character does it say if you make a Villain on USPC....

    **** WARNING!!! WARNING!!!!! There are only 3 Villain players in the universe.
    If YOU make a villain.... you will be the fourth Horseman..... and then the Apocalyps will begin!!
    So create a Villain at your own risk. **** :eek:

    Maybe they should add such a warning?? :D
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  15. BustaPrime New Player

    I can tell you didn't read my full post, lol.. DCUO is the only game I played on the PS4, I mostly do PC gaming so I sold off my PS4 and I'm starting over on the PC.
  16. Multiverse Creator League

    Sadly.... to play on the UCPC Villain side.... you must be one of the best of the best of the best..... one of the toughest breed of Super-Soldiers.....

    You must travel the hard and long road of.....

    The Solo Player.


    Some of us have done so by choice at various points for various reasons.

    But on USPC Villain side..... you have little choice but travel the lonely road.

    And it is even worse on the PVP server.

    So until they implement Crossplay..... all you can really do is dig your heals.... grit your teeth.....

    And become one of the Elite few Solo Players.

    As for feats???

    Gear up first.... then later come back for the feats.

    that is the less bad option right now. Sorry. :oops:
  17. Multiverse Creator League

    You crazy you. ;)

    Why would you do that???

    I am dying to get my PS4 on the 23rd.

    Your PS4 can be used as a DVD/Blu-Ray player. And other things I fail to mention.

    Sell your Blu-Ray player and keep your PS4.

    This is blasphemy!! This is madness!!!

  18. Zeikial Committed Player

    That's the issue, hey maybe your league can pick him up and help him out
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  19. ChuckLess New Player

    I'm sorry, but did you really switch to PC, choose the Villain side and then come on here and cry about low population?! :rolleyes:
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  20. kravonik New Player

    I don't understand the cant progress...I soloed pretty much up to t6 and still soloing the t7 daily.

    would have been faster if I raided or did alerts.