NBE-1013 again ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tracmar, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Ok so yea, pretty much what the title says ...quite few people have been having this error all over again .

    I mean it was supposed to have been fixed right ? RIGHT ?
    • Like x 1
  2. Thieron New Player

    Having the same issue...
  3. EvilSnake Well-Known Player

    its horrible im gonna end up doing responsible crap around my house now
    • Like x 6
  4. Zhouz Well-Known Player

    Hooray, it's not just me
    • Like x 2
  5. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    If there was any compelling enough reason to fix it .... it's this ... come on !!!
  6. EvilSnake Well-Known Player

    it was lies im reading the forums
  7. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    still down or is it back up ?
  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Two of my leaguemates got this and restarting their PC fixed it.
  9. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Happening again here, but leaguemates are all in game
  10. Alien New Player

    I can't login either wth. I was playing fine a few hrs ago.
  11. Necronus New Player

    Ya im haveing the same problem sometimes i go to log in it gets to "Validating login" then screen freaks and goes to disconnect screen and says "Disconnected...Unknown...Close and restart".
    Any idea whats up?
  12. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    For me uninstalling and re installing the game is the only thing that would work.

    BUT! if you have the test server, copy the unreal3 folder from there and paste over the unreal3 folder in the live folder. rather than re instaling the game it's much much quicker.
  13. tukuan Devoted Player

    Don't forget to vacuum under the couch not just around it...
  14. Lightws Dedicated Player

    I had the same problem i just spammed the play button and it worked *shrugs*.
  15. EvilSnake Well-Known Player

    are you the one that tell my wife to say that?
    • Like x 1