Nature healer

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ALB, May 25, 2019.

  1. ALB Dedicated Player

    Nature dps who are running as healer need to be looked at. That artifact pet ran with nature is crazy. Savage growth, WD clipped, and roar is doing crazy damage. While in healer role with 160 Gemini and cloak is almost unlimited SC.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Nothing to see here. xD
    Seriously tho Nature hybrid has been a thing.
  3. ALB Dedicated Player

    It's not hybrid. It's a dps running in healer for unlimited SC with 160 artifacts hitting 75-100k roars with no poisons up. Don't make-up arguments and argue your made up point
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Was he healing? Was he doing significant damage? If you can answer yes to both these questions, H Y B R I D.

    Proof? And what SC was he using?

    Don't get mad. Let people be great.
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  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I swear some people just don't get it, when you ask for nerfs you are ruining the game for somebody else in some form.

    "OMG A controller is doing damage!"

    "OMG A healer is doing damage!"

    Why not just let them enjoy what they are doing? If they can heal or power your entire team and squeeze out an extra bit of burn to make your run go peppier, encourage it.

    No, instead of a healer or controller being a little bit extra and doing good for your group; you gotta come here and complain because how dare they do something that's a little beyond of what their role demands them to do..:rolleyes:

    You people spend way too much time worrying about how others are playing the game and because that scorecard exists, you gotta try to make someone else miserable for playing how he or she wants.
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  6. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    These nerf threads are hilarious. Players have fragile egos when it involves dps. Players like the op would likely complain about a seasonal boss dying too fast.
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  7. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    oh heaven FORBID someone ACTUALLY be doing something to HELP for once. *warning sarcasm does not convey well across digital mediums of communication*.
  8. ALB Dedicated Player

    They are not helping. They are in healer role for SC regeneration. Wolf and gorilla form nullify any dps reduction in those forms.
  9. ALB Dedicated Player

    ^^^ this player is probably running nature dps as a heal or haven't seen it yet. I was healing Arc and SGr regular. This stooge came in healer. Doubled everyone in dps as a healer and we beat both raids in 18mins or less. Not with 4 solid dps. The healer doubling the next 3 dps. Usually I would say bad dps, but the time of completion tell another story
  10. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    they're doing better than any of the players i've had the disgrace of seeing, or at least they are from what you've described.......
  11. Crn Well-Known Player

    Sooooo, you’re upset that you’re getting out dps’d by a healer and that you’re burning through the content quicker? Oh ok.
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  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    this is why the game is a carcass.
  13. ALB Dedicated Player

    What's your point?
  14. Zneeak Devoted Player

    This reminds me of all those "HaXXor! Cheatz0r! Earth tank too OP NURF NAOW!!"-threads that used to pop up like crazy when not so good-DPS's found themselves out damaged by Earth tank-hybrids.
  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Some people still don't get what the op was trying to say.

    So let's be clear: The healer role (as nature) is only used for the Eye of Gemini dropping a supercharge generating green circle. That's it. Nothing to heal here.
    Trols do it too with full prec dps. Kinda how the first people did the Stake well done feat. Nobody complained.
    Nobody also complained about earth tanks topping boards.

    It's not like nature is insane in dps role as well. :rolleyes:
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  16. Perdition Committed Player

    I somewhat understand where this comes from, Roar (and you can keep doing it) doesn't strip the PI and does alot of dmg from the Void Poisen that the artifact puts up. that's the only reason i can see that's not working correctly. I do not have a problem with DPS being in healer role, sinds i see tanks do thats aswell, earth for example.. the only way they can fix nature's SC without breaking it, is either make the form changes non supers again, or adjust it so that it doesnt act like a SC (like water Dehydrate, but instead of stripping all SC only use the amount that is needed for the formchange, that way Gemini won't proc). Adding a cooldown or a SC increase will hurt nature overall, so that's not the way to go forward.

    PS: also Roar not stripping void-poisen has been reported up during testing of the artifact in question, but no response was given (that i could find).
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  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Even if roar would strip the Poison PI, it would simply just be re-applied by the Void Gazer. It does that like all the time.

    From a healer's perspective, I don't see the need for any changes. We Nature healers don't have a shield supercharge. Using a 2500SC to generate SC is the least we can do. :(
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  18. Perdition Committed Player

    True what you say. it indeed keeps re-applying it. But the way roar is acting to the void poisen, is kinda broken. Also, i really don't have a problem with nature generating SC. But as it currently is, nature is the only SC-feeder around at the moment, and i can't really say if that should make up for the lack of a group shield. i don't like seeing nerfs either. The only thing thats currently broken to my knowledge is roar acting ''special'' to void poisen. The only reasonable fix would be that Roar doesn't take benifit from void poisen, but still the poisen's that are applied by powers.
  19. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Can I get contact details for these nature healers? Having sole responsibility for keeping adds off the healer in the alerts is giving me a headache. :(
  20. Schimaera Devoted Player

    As mentioned before, they are not healers.