Nature Buffs Requested

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Sore, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I agree with most of the suggestions. Swarm I don't think will change though simply because it doesn't have to be spread nor does it rely on a varied stat; it will do the same damage whether you are Precision based or Might based. I wouldn't mind it changing but I also probably wouldn't use it even it does change. It would mean a drop of of a Weapon Mastery critical or delay in rotation.

    Harvest affecting Escalating Might would allow Nature to make full use of all 3 stacks regardless of which weapon is used. I think that is the easiest fine tweak to make along with duplicating the critical buffs onto Hive Mind. Harvest procs is more giving Nature full use of a damage neck Tactical Mod (as the mod is intended) and Hive Mind is a play style equalizer. Typically Hive Mind + Carnage is only used in Terror only loadouts and like you said the critical buff would overwrite.

    Depending on how much Serpents Call is increased would depend on how fine an adjustment it is. It is similar to Shards of Fate but it also has a lower modifier making it easier to obtain. I am going to compare how Max Damage affects both of them to see where the balance point may be if I can this weekend.

    Along with those suggestions and allowing the Power return mechanics in Primal Wolf those would be good fine adjustments to make without directly affecting the Advanced Mechanics (which I would say are more sensitive for SOE to adjust).
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  2. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Personally I'm fine with making similar mechanics work the same way. For Nature and Electricity they could implement some sort of passive buff like Gadgets too. For example instead of Battle Awareness you could have Natural Meld or Voltaic Overload (placeholder names) where if you full stack your DoT's and refresh once, or refresh multiple times, say 2, you would be able to use the Power return mechanics in any order. The duration could be 5, 10 or 12 seconds depending on what makes sense to SOE.

    For Nature the animation for Natural Meld could be borrowed from Poison Spores where vines pulse from the characters chest. For Electricity the animation for Voltaic Overload could be borrowed from the safety net but instead of blue it could be red.

    (Adding another trait to the rotation would be viable with Nature and Primal Wolf but not really with Electricity. A buff like this would have to really be proc'd in some way.)

    Wouldn't be a bad idea and would match the alternative for the Power return mechanics introduced by Gadgets. Currently in my Poison Spore rotation I really only benefit from Power return by going Swarm -> Harvest and that only happens once every 2 refreshes and only if I can do a perfect rotation at that time.
  3. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I'm gonna keep on the escalating might and harvest thing till they fix it. Its been long enough and i think its about time they took a look at it. Just a few small tweaks is all that nature needs imo.
  4. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    You've been to quiet in here man lol. Your our inside man with the dev's and we need you to persuade them tho fix escalating might with harvest and some other things but escalating might would be a awesome start!
  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I know Sore can get busy so that may be why.
  6. Sore Steadfast Player

    Exactly. There aren't major buffs.
  7. Sore Steadfast Player

    So is Harvest not triggering Escalating Might? I'll look into that. It should be pretty easy to get attention to.

    I've been traveling a lot. I spent a marathon 14 hours in a meeting in a single room reviewing consumer compliance changes to lending documents field-by-field.
  8. Superskull85 Devoted Player

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  9. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    i really cant stand peopleasking to buff one of the strongest dps powers
    take nature to crowded place (adds whise)
    do your poison
    ull be the top in a sec
  10. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Haha sounds like fun! But yea it doesn't trigger it.
  11. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    There are a few things that need to be fixed like the issue I stated with harvest not triggering escalating might. And the terror loadout that allows you to get the WM crit bonus could also use some help. We don't want any big changes just for some things to get fixed and small things that have always been over looked.
  12. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    that can be good but still
    nature as it self right now is veryy powerfull
    on single target more then 500k damage in 117 seconds
  13. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Aside from CrappyHeals' small mention of an increase in base damage (which as the thread went on was less focused on) a lot of the changes we discussed here are either fixes or changes to make alternate ways possible. For example Weapon Mastery while using Primal Wolf. Currently a normal form style works just fine but Primal Wolf attacks were mostly forgotten without the addition of Weapon Mastery. Due to the critical buff the Weapon Mastery for Primal Wolf should not be as strong as normal weapons but Primal Wolf (even by me who advocates for the use of it) is not used as a form you stay in anymore because of the lack of weapon strength compared normal weapons.

    Stuff like Harvest and Escalating Might should be fixed for Nature. Harvest does Might damage and should therefore benefit due to the guidelines of the mod.

    Other suggestions involve Power return which would give more options for those mechanics. Currently Power return mechanics in an ideal rotation benefit the very beginning of the fight. You can refund Swarm -> Harvest given that you have rotational freedom at the time Swarm needs to be refreshed and do not need to dodge or interact with something. Compare this to Fire and Gadgets who can actively "request" Power from their mechanics whenever they need it. (Electricity works the same way as Nature.)

    Others like CrappyHeals mentioned involve making pure Weapon Mastery more comparable (more variety-wise) to other powersets. Currently it is literally buff, buff, Power Interaction, lob and repeat. There is next to no non-indefinite refreshable damage over time can be applied. There are different ways to approach this as has been suggested.

    Overall performance should not change but instead of mainly having 1 way to play with these suggestions you might have 2 unique and comparable ways to play: Poison Spores and Terror and alternate weapon styles using Primal Wolf and Gorilla forms if wanted.

    That's all these suggestions are for. :)
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  14. EasyM0de New Player

    I agree on most of the things here especially the escalating might neck mod. Theres no reason that it should be broken this long and the terror loadout could defiantly use some help. If you run 2 natures in the same raid you can see the big gap there is between the two playstyles.
  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    All nature need is that swarm work with nature buff, asking for anything else is asking to be op
  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    None of the things I mentioned would take it to OP
  17. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    This is hypocrisy at the highest form, lmao when I tried to inform most of the nature dps that nature was behind because we couldn't stack dots I was accussed to be a noob.

    Another month from now when nature dps fall behind , because we can't stack dots because of burn I look foward to the nature buff threads
  18. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If nature got any buff other than what I said, it will be op
  19. Sore Steadfast Player

    So crowd control (stuns, etc) while stacking DoTs would be OP? Adding WM to insect and wolf form would be OP? Lowering DoT damage in place of up-front damage for SG and VL would be OP? Letting you stack in any order for power refunds would be OP?

    I disagree. Those wouldn't have near the effect as suggesting WM crits stay active with Swarm.
  20. xNohellz Committed Player

    You are right but swarm should not be excluded from WM, I would like to replace the Robot Sidekick by Swarm in the terror loadout without losing damage