Names of the Henchmen/Backup

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Netherith, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    For the purpose of chronicling them in the wikia, I need the actual names of the Backups/Henchmen that we can summon.
    It seems that their titles also change depending on their lvl (1 - 4).

    To start I will list the ones I do know but I need everyone's help in the other names.

    Level ? Assistant Operative

    Level 3 Specialist Sentry
    Level 4 Elite Sentry

    Modern (what is Modern? Is it the Dive Hideout?)
    Level ? Trained Bodyguard

    Level ? Lead Researcher


  2. Lynx Committed Player

    Modern is Modern, but the Dive theme uses the same backup/henchmen.

    I use the industrial theme. The backup robots for it are called "prototype alpha/beta" based on the level they're at (havent gone past level 2, so im not sure what comes after beta).
  3. Netherith Well-Known Player

    So, Alpha Prototype and Beta Prototype?
  4. WorldsDown New Player

    I've renamed these guys as being my "Pit Crew"... they kind of look like car mechanics to me. ;)
  5. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    These are all level 2. Unfortunately, I can't go down to level 1 and 3 & 4 cost too much

    Cave = Enhanced Sentry
    Modern [Deco] = Trained Bodyguard
    Hideout [Dive] = Trained Bodyguard
    Penthouse = Trained Bodyguard
    Gothic = Assistant Security
    Ancient = Cracked Stone Sentinel

    I think they changed this at some point. I don't have the Deco one in the pic above. I only have "modern," which must be for Deco. Modern & Hideout have the same exact henchmen. The Penthouse henchmen have the same name as Modern & Hideout, but it's the dual pistol women in striped suits.
  6. Netherith Well-Known Player

    So you have never seen these ones: [IMG]
  7. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Yeah... I don't have that one. I only have the level 2's for dive, deco, gothic, cave, eastern & penthouse though. So either that one is a different level or it we redone. There was a post where someone mentioned a change to the backup style, but I can't seem to find it.
  8. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I just got the sewer theme, so the level 2 backup for that one is called "Biohazard Assistant." They're HAZMATs with rifles... unfortunately not ninja turtles.
  9. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Just started a Deco base, which lists the backup as Modern on the dispenser.
    The training dummy is of the hat and suit guys.
    The issue you mentioned occurred back before the Penthouse lair appeared. The hat and suit guys were spontaneously switching from their normal appearance to the "Pit Crew" dudes and the "Zebra Suit" girls. Possibly due to them all having the "Bodyguard" prefix.

    Any clue what the Ninja/Assassins are called?
  10. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Lol... can't believe I left that one out! I think I had that one dispensed already, so I forgot to test it. At level 2, it's "Martial Adept."