[Name Relcaim] Who else is making a list?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Magician, May 10, 2023.

  1. Magician Dedicated Player

    Good luck to my fellow players attempting to snag a name or two tomorrow! I know for me, I got some names I'm holding out for but if I don't get any, I'm okay with that too. I got me a running list and it seems like every day I am trying to find something punny to add to it. I really do hope more players that "want" to play with the preferred name gets them as opposed to resea\llers or bots, ya know?
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  2. Brit Loyal Player

    I worked the weekend shift last week so that I could trade another guy to get tomorrow morning off.

    I'll be online and ready the second that things go up.

    I've got my seven Rename Tokens already purchased, and the seven characters queued to the top of my roster, with a shortlist of names for each of them.

    I know that I won't get everything I want. I realize I might not get ANYTHING I want. Even if I get nothing, Dimensional Ink still gets my money for those Namechange Tokens, because this is an important piece of customer service that I definitely want to support.

    If ANYBODY gets a name that they really wanted, instead of having it rotting on an account that has been dead for almost a decade, then I will consider the event a smashing success. We are a community. When something makes the players happy, and makes the company money, we all are winners together.
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  3. Magician Dedicated Player

    Instead of buying Rename Tokens I may or may not be able to use, I have a slush account made for free to name hold in case I got a couple I want. ;) That way I can buy Rename Tokens "if" I get a name I am after
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  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I dunno, man. I'm really hoping to get XXXBatMANIIIIBruceWaYnE69XXX. . .

    or maybe Armchair.
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  5. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Odds are you will not get any of those names. The bots already have thousands of names loaded and ready to go within seconds of the game coming back up. You may however now have access to buy one of those names.
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  6. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

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  7. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player


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  8. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    This thread isn't even 1 day old and already:

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  9. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    If all this advertising (and now delays) didn't get the one already hoarding the name I'm after to log in already by now XD
    People have told me he wants frickin' $500 from me for it. I wouldn't give even a penny for a stinkin' name lmao
  10. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I believe it considering on PC it's very easy to open multiple instances of DCUO all at the same time. (PC is amazing)
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  11. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I don't need to make a list. I'm not interested in being "Batman". I'm more invested in the backstory of literally any of my toons.

    LOLBot Deluxe, Alchematron, Epic Win, CPU. All of those are not only original names, but they have a reason to their names.
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  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I think my favorite, out of all my toons' names, is "The Spellifier." She's not based on any existing DC or Marvel character (that I know of), and I was having trouble coming up with a name that wasn't invalid or already being used. I was just typing things in out of desperation, and finally hit on "The Spellifier." And BOOM, suddenly I had part of her backstory and her personality. She's young and was raised apart from other humans, in some magic realm, so her grasp of English is sometimes wonky. She doesn't "cast spells" on things or people; she "spellifies" them.

    And all because I was forced to get creative, when I couldn't use any of the first 10 names I thought of (none of which I even remember anymore).

    EDIT: My second favorite is "Pain Lightning," and I was so happy that no one else was using it.
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