Name Reclaim: Update & Delay

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 11, 2023.

  1. Brit Loyal Player

    As somebody who has bought tickets to a concert that was then rescheduled, stiffing me with airfare and hotels for a weekend trip I didn't need. And as somebody who has had airplanes get grounded for snow, causing me to miss out on events that I paid for and could not be refunded.

    I took a day off of work for the Name Purge.

    I'll take a day off of work ANY time they are doing a Name Purge.

    No way in heck I'm going to complain. I want them to make piles of money from this event, so they'll do it more often than once a decade.

    Thank you, Mepps, for trying. Thank you for communicating the delay. Thank you for rescheduling for a future date, instead of just cancelling it altogether.

    This Name Reclaim event is the most important thing you have done for the community in several years, and I want you do know how much we appreciate it, even if some people are being a touch irritable at the time. This is a good event, you are doing a good thing, and you should feel good about yourself.
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  2. Limey Committed Player

    Called it.


    Imagine thinking playing a game or spending money on said game entitles you to character names. If character names are enough to influence your support of a game, then you really shouldn't be playing any MMO, let alone a 12 year old F2P one. And if it's not, stop with the fake outrage because you're entitled and think throwing a temper tantrum as if this game is older than you are is somehow a good idea or will change anything.
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  3. Gravedigger Active Player

    I really don’t care about the delay aspect itself, but the fact you guys have now done this 3 updates in a row (gemini, dlc, name reclaim) .. i dont mean any disrespect, but cmon.. waiting until the last minute to say “oops nvm” 3 times now isnt very professional. This should’ve been worked out at least a week before the promised date. Not dropped at the last second
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  4. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    This company really fumbled the bag this go round…

    Not only do you take the game down for up to 6 hours on reset day but to add insult to injury you didn’t accomplish the single thing this downtime was for…

    Whether you agree with players taking time off for work or not, we can at least all agree that only the most dedicated members of the community would have done that and now you’ve basically screwed them over on multiple levels for being too dedicated?

    Not great business practice in my opinion but what do I know.
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  5. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    The minimum was to give a rename token to everyone.
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  6. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    Thank You Mepps. ;)
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  7. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Well, while it is against TOS obviously name selling in DCUO is a market literally worth thousands of USD dollars. Over my years i've seen a very large quantity of names sell for $400-$1000 USD and there is no shortage of players requesting to purchase. It is not out of the question at all for people to book off work when they could potentially make drastically more money then they would actually at work.
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  8. Limey Committed Player

    I'm impressed you spend 24-hours a day monitoring the forums to be able to make that kind of claim.
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  9. Avelox Active Player

    Maybe we can get a "Sorry we had you wait 3 hours for nothing" downtime reward. Hope the purge happens still. Kinda wish we could have done it today since some of use took today off for it. But I get that somethings are out of our control.
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  10. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Ok. So turn the servers back on then if the name reclaim isn't happening. ,
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  11. Limey Committed Player

    I wish I could say I approve of these types of black market transactions, but it says more about the state of the game that name selling and gold selling is an active and viable method of making IRL cash, than anything else.
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  12. LordNayonak New Player

    Glade you caught it. thanks for the update.
  13. MathMoratto New Player

    I appreciate your hard work ! ^-^
  14. Boston Phantom Well-Known Player

    People live to complain about a game. SMH. Y’all should have expected a problem. You didn’t, now y’all gonna cry about it.
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  15. Limey Committed Player

    For usernames. Character names. It's not a brand new video game, it's not a special event, you took a day off of work for text.
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  16. Skoll Well-Known Player

    Episode 45 - Delayed

    Eye of Gemini changes - Delayed

    Static Shock ally - Delayed

    Name Reclaim - Delayed

    In the last 4 weeks. Am I missing anymore?

    I was a paying member, had often bought replays, character slots etc. I won’t be any longer from this point on.
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  17. Boston Phantom Well-Known Player

    So long, Karen
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  18. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Well when you have posts on every thread it's easy to track. You should spend that time hitting the sparring targets or leveling up those level 80 arts. Js, Tough Guy
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  19. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Is it just me or does providing a specific date for the name reclaim cause more harm than good?

    Just make it happen at some point next month without an announcement prior. Then, in the middle of the day drop the info on the forum.
    People taking days off for names or trying to snipe as many as they potentially can is just pathetic in my opinion - unless it's only for your own characters of course.

    Also, while we're at it, will the prices for a rename token be adjusted since deleting a character and restoring it cost only half of a rename token but lets you rename after the restore anyway?

    Also, to all league leaders, don't do that without giving away the lead or the league will be bugged forever.
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  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    name are infinite use your imagination
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