Name Reclaim: Update & Delay

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 11, 2023.

  1. Kidbape New Player

    This isn’t good for those who have been waiting for names to free up. Pushing back the name reclaim date extends the opportunity for those who literally have names sitting on their accounts of characters that they dont use. I’ve already seen multiple characters with names that haven’t been on for years get on and literally get right off and have not been back on since. You guys need to do something like give us accent letters to be implemented in character name creating or something because this is unacceptable. Your tweets and forum posts are not only updating us but the trolls and inconsiderate players who want to keep names on lock for no reason. You have a problem, now you need to create a solution. This isn’t fair for consistently active players such as myself. Think about the ones putting 8k plus hours and 1000 of dollars into your game.
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  2. BigSlasha New Player

    you guys should honestly bring the dcuo dox thing back to let ppl see how long someone has been inactive
  3. Stag Active Player

    Sad face
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  4. pstsmk. New Player

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  5. KeaKor_l New Player

    Hello, I waited all day and even missed a day of work to invest time in your update. You told us at the last moment that you had failed to enter the correct command to manage the person's name. We expect a gesture from you because we and a lot have waited.
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  6. Emoney Loyal Player

    So, are we looking at another 3 hours down? It is reset day after all.
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  7. pstsmk. New Player

    Atleast 100 replay badges will be nice ;)
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  8. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Coming from the dude who is on the forums 24/7.
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  9. Tolly Committed Player

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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You should have just kept going. If they have not logged into that character in over a year then do they really deserve to hold that name?
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  11. myandria Item Storage

    Well, it was a good thing that the dev team caught the error before it went live; that would have caused a riot and burned the forums down. Hard.

    It is also good that the rescheduled date is at the end of the Spring Seasonal Event.

    Thanks for the heads up Mepps!
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  12. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    What a welcome back! On one hand saving the day, on the other hand, singlhandedly taking down an update people were looking foward to? Let's say "antihero" and call it even ;)

    I missed you too, Mepps
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  13. BigSlasha New Player

    we should review our priorities because we're passionate about the things we like? specifically an event loads of ppl have been waiting for this for years my guy its not like we took a week off just 1 day for something we've been waiting years for lol
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  14. Zizvak New Player

    This just makes me lose even more faith in DCUO. I am just constantly disappointed. The game has so much potential but just keeps messing up. This name delay is not the only reason for this post but the styles, environment and gameplay are just not meet the quality that they should be. Giving us re-made versions of old gear is not cutting it. This months reward is the 6th batman cowl, which we don’t need. Please do better because I don’t have time for this. Also if we could have the Lois Lane hair as a gift due to this delay, that would be lovely.
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  15. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Dissapointed, but not surprised. Sigh.
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  16. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    I don't ever like to complain but I took a day off for this. I know its not your fault and that circumstances happen out of everyone's control. However in some things should have been predicted. Thanks for trying and that what's counts in my book. The effort is the important thing
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  17. BƖack Dedicated Player

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  18. xZoom New Player

    Typical Daybreak
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  19. BƖack Dedicated Player

    As always great timing for an update guys (Meaning here European time and reset day).
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  20. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    thank you for the delay, now this will give people more time to login to their accounts. sorry name gamers.
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  21. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    I’m glad to see some people (that took days off from work) are not as angry.

    But I’m still pissed off. I take my personal days (from work) seriously. I don’t want compensation, I don’t want crappy replay badges, I just want this company to pull it together. I want to be able to trust this company. I’m just a random I get it… but this BS is not acceptable.
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