Name Reclaim Ideas To Combat Selling/Bots/Hoarders

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dene, May 12, 2023.

  1. myandria Item Storage

    Well, the opposite can be said as well; players don't "have" to hoard and sell names to make real money, do they? Why can't they just leave those names alone and let people who really want them have them for free as the devs intended? Aren't there other ways of making real money without taking advantage of others in a game?

    Both solutions are easier said than done.
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  2. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... Money makes people do things A LOT worse than hoarding and reselling names in video games. People need money. Nobody actually needs their toon to have a specific "OG" name. It literally doesn't matter.
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  3. myandria Item Storage

    If it doesn't matter, then why bother with hoarding and selling names? To make money, which you have just pointed out matters, for good or for bad. Your 'dismissal' doesn't mean that the situation doesn't matter; it's just your point of view.

    Obviously name reclaims matter in this game; otherwise, players would not have been asking for it at every opportunity. So, why not leave the name reclaim for the ones that actually care about and want to take that chance to get an unused name? Let those who want to sweat with getting a released name freely, sweat freely. Do players need OG names? No; however, the devs are giving those players the "free" opportunity to get one so again, it matters to those who care about it.
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  4. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Bless your heart.
  5. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Sure. Because players are dumb and don't have their priorities straight. And opportunistic hustlers exploit that.

    *shrug* You're telling me this? I don't sell names, I don't care about name reclaim. Never had a problem getting the name I wanted. Convince people with more money than sense to stop financially supporting scumbags. Maybe tell them to stop buying cash from gold spammers as well, while you're at it. Good luck. :D Or - alternatively - try being more creative and original with your names.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    But at the same time there should be measures taken to prevent this from happening. If they allowed first name last name anybody can have the Alias they wanted because usually the names will be unique enough that the name sellers can't fathom the name combination, they can still try to sell the name or Alias but there's no purpose to that since they maybe a dozen people could have that Alias with a different name
  7. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    How much do want for "Bruce Wayne / Batman" ? Lol. ;)
  8. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I still believe adding some kind of CAPTCHA or similar anti-bot methods last minute (if even just for that day) could help slow them down tremendously.
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    LOL it's a given that iconic names are going to be blocked so that won't really be too much of an issue

    I mean you can still sell names but your Market is effectively crippled and worthless since you can't make up enough combinations to stop players from getting the name that they want.

    Add that in with annual name purges this ceases to be a problem
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  10. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Granting your proposal's implementation, there will always be combinations more desirable and therefore more valuable than others.

    You've solved nothing.
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player


    Lets say 170,000 x 170,000 x 170,000 is the possible combinations you can create using the amount of words in the Webster English dictionary.

    Youll run out of characters slots long and well before you get anywhere close to a name players will pay for.
  12. Frostk21 New Player

    I totally understand what you mean! It would be great if the US server allowed the same characters as the EU server. Having more choices for character names like Captain Moose, Captain Mööse, or Captain Møøse would definitely add some fun and variety to the game. To make it work, the profanity filter would need to treat letters like "o," "ö," and "ø" as equivalent, which shouldn't be too difficult. We see similar treatments in search engines where "Pokemon" and "Pokémon" are considered the same, and even in Windows, where they are alphabetized together. So, it's definitely a possibility and could enhance the overall gaming experience!
  13. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I got 1 of 2 OG names from my original day 1 acct that was hacked in an identity theft years an years ago.
    I got 0dyssey and still need Abyss.
    50% is NOT bad so im super happy! Whoever got/has Abyss PM me, im gonna need that one lol
  14. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    The thing is: o, ö and ø are not the same letter. O is the same letter in all countries (that use these.. greek? latin? letters, idk, doesn't matter where they originated) while ö is a German variation with a different sound, while ø is a seperate Danish letter.
    Just google "Motley Crue german pronunciation".
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you are right it's just people use them for makeshift letterings I used to use a variant for the name solowing I think it was Alt 141
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  16. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Exactly. I know they aren't pronounced the same, but they look similar enough. kind of like how some people use Cyrillic letters as if they were just backwards counterparts of Latin letters, even though they're not pronounced even remotely the same. Plus, I can see people wanting to use vowels with umlauts to make their toons' names look more "metal."

    Like Cäptn̈ Spärklëfigërs. See how metal that looks? :p
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  17. Emoney Loyal Player

    It would be nice if there was also programming for cap sensitive combinations. It would free up a lot of options.
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