Name Reclaim Ideas To Combat Selling/Bots/Hoarders

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dene, May 12, 2023.

  1. bradleymsimmons Well-Known Player

    The solution to this is easy, if DCUO cared. They have an undercover unit that aggressively searches out, identifies, and bans any account that attempts to sell or sells a name. Not only that, they remove the name from anyone who has bought one. That solves the problem. Police it! And make the consequences severe enough so no one takes the risk. BUT, DCUO would have to care enough to enact such a unit within the organization.
  2. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Yes. This IS certainly an option. Of course, prohibiting an act, creating a black market for an act, then policing and punishing that act has been tried quite a bit through out history.

    I'll let you guess how that usually turns out. And then, for what purpose? Will your game play be improved because of it? Is it really even being impacted at all right now without it being policed so vehemently?

    I think you just see other people playing and valuing a game differently than you can understand and you want it stopped.
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  3. bradleymsimmons Well-Known Player

    Create a black market? A black market already exists or people would openly be spamming chat and making posts in the forums about what names they have to sell. Policing it wouldn't create a black market. It's already there. Then, you mistake me for someone who actually cares. I don't. I've just provided the solution is all. Secondly, DCUO doesn't care because why would they spend money and resources to police something that doesn't affect their bottom line? People will still play the game, still pay for membership, etc. They have no incentive to stop this activity. But, clearly, you can agree that reserving the name to sell it is against the game's policy. Can't you?

    BUT, I will tell you I HATE scalpers. They are opportunistic parasites trying to make a quick buck. Let someone have the name they want without taking advantage of them (making them pay big money for something the scalper actually got for free). And if you can't agree to that then I can't help you.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So what happens if a name is claimed before the buyer can get it? They are just left out to dry because all you did was release the name...

    You didnt sell it to them, you simply released the name once the ransom was paid, and evn then somebody else can still take the name.
  5. Brit Loyal Player

    The most simple solution I have proposed was this.

    Name purge occurs. Those names are freed up.

    For the next 7 days, those names can only be taken via Namechange Tokens. They may NOT be taken on new-created characters.

    After 7 days, release it to the wild.

    This is a simple, yet elegant solution. Using a Namechange Token encompasses two groups of people.

    1. People who just lost their name. They already get gifted a free Namechange Token, so have at it. Claim your name back before the spammers, or go for something else instead.

    2. People who spend money to buy one.

    It's simple economics. If a namechange token costs even $5, then for those name-sellers to instantly reserve hundreds of names on the day of release... they have to spend THOUSANDS of dollars. That is a huge up-front investment of money that the name-sellers would LOSE to do this. This boxes out the majority of them.

    Even if they were willing to spend money to just sit on a name and try to sell it, it limits the total number they can do that with. As we look over the census, we see thousands of names that never left the brainiac ship. Basically, because accounts are free, name-sellers reserved hundreds of names to grab up literally anything they could think of. And the vast majority of those names didn't sell.

    If they did that with a cost, they would LOSE money. So either they lose money (which is good, because they deserve to lose on this thing). Or they don't do it.

    That's my thoughts. Reserve the names for people who really, really want them that way.
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  6. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Lol. Wait a sec, your issue with name selling is the imperfect method of delivery!?

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  7. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    No one answered my question.

    "What's in a name?"
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    how an you sell something you dont actually own?
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So if you "sell" me a name (let be real, youre merely holding the name for ransom it fits the definition like a glove)

    If for some reason a player cant get the name, thats just on them..... They arnt going to be refunded because you didnt sell them shyte....All you did was stop holding the name hostage.

    DCUO needs to implement the first name/last and alias.

    Example (Roll Ryuko/ Blackout)
    Roll Eiko/ Blackout
    Jake Long/ Blackout

    Users can have similar aliases but the name cant line up. So that way everyone gets the name they want while making name selling absolutely pointless.

    That should burn your entire (Bs) market to ashes and ill be tapdancing all over the ruins of it
  10. myandria Item Storage

    What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; so Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,

    retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title. Romeo and Juliet: Act 2 Scene 2, Shakespeare
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  11. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Exactly; so people should abide by that phrases meaning.
  12. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    “Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” Alfred Pennyworth
  13. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I don't get it... It's "watching the world burn" stopping people from selling... Get this... NAMES???
  14. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    To clarify:

    “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” William Shakespeare uses this line in his play Romeo and Juliet to convey that the naming of things is irrelevant.
  15. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm.. I think the point that is being made is the fact that some people like do things because they can with little to no repercussions; they don't care about the outcome or how their actions affect others. That's where the "watching the world burn," comes in.

    Why do some people sell drugs to "anyone"? Because they can and make money from it. They don't care how the drug affects the person taking it, only the money matters. A whole generation can be lost to drugs but drug sellers don't care about that (watching the world burn).

    Why do some players hoard and sell names? Because they can and make real money from it. They don't care how it affects other players, only the money matters. If some players are overcharged for a name, don't get the name they promised to sell or lose out on a name that they are hoarding, oh well (watching the world burn).

    Well, this is how I am interpreting it; I could be wrong.
  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... It's not that "DCUO" doesn't care. Most players don't care, because it's not that important. There are a lot more pressing issues, that could use the resources and man-hours your "Name Police" idea would require. If you can't get a name because someone thought of it before you - come up with a different one. Get a grip.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    "Watching the world burn" is usually a term used for when one is trying to "ruin everything", so to say. I can't think of a good example off hand, but something like wanting to rid the world of Spacebar would be wanting to "watch the world burn" XD
  18. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Affects other players? How?
  19. myandria Item Storage

    It affects players who are legitimately waiting for unused names to be released without having to pay for them.

    The devs NEVER said or intended that players have to "pay" for any name released during the name reclaim; players simply need to have a character to give that name to.

    Name hoarders who sell names take advantage of players by charging for names that are "freely" released by the devs, thus triggering the stress and anxiety of others unnecessarily. So, hoarding and selling names affects players who have waited patiently to grab a name from a name reclaim. The only thing that matters to name hoarders who sells those names is the money to be made (watching the world burn).

    A name reclaim should be a fun opportunity to snag a name; it should not come with anxiety of the possibility of having to "purchase" that name from someone else who could care less about it.
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  20. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    You know you don't have to "purchase" those names, right? If dumb people with no imagination didn't pay silly money for those "cool" names, then opportunists wouldn't be motivated to snatch, hoard and sell them.