Name Reclaim Ideas To Combat Selling/Bots/Hoarders

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dene, May 12, 2023.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Exactly right! Selling timeshares in Patchwork Themyscira is the scourge!
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    They have detectors already.. I have no clue how they work but they have detectors of some sort.

    The way I see it is they *can* tackle multiple problems at once.. I was highlighting one, doesn't mean they should stop EVERYTHING to take on one issue

    Simple, yet effective and wouldn't take away too much od the dev's time that suddenly everyone is worried about
  3. Dene Devoted Player

    100% Agree - but people aren't like this

    We could say the same for all other more "priority" problems people have brought up..

    * People should stop glorifying glitchers or excusing their behaviour or joining their groups.. but they do

    * People should not hire speedhackers, join their groups or let them stay in groups you are in, once you see they are hacking.. but they do

    * People should stop encouraging, cheering on or joining in with the hate speech etc in chat.. but they do

    * People should stop paying real money for rare stuff or paying crazy amounts of ingame cash for stuff etc.. but they do

    * People should stop using gold sellers.. but they do

    I'm sure others have examples/issues they could add to the list

    Decent people do not do any of these things.. but others do.. my post was discussing 1 issue.. I get this issue may not affect everyone the same but I think it is one of many that need to be addressed..
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  4. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Prohibition creates blackmarkets and inflated prices EVERTIME its tried, even inside video games.

    The powers that be would be wise to embrace the fact that there is a high demand for quality names and come up with a way for players to sell them legitimately.

    Its not even outside the lore: comic characters routinely "pass the mantle" to others. How many different "Robins" have there been over the years?
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    When your definition of a quality name is a random word out of the dictionary
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Isn't names like Robin, Atom, Vixen, Joker, Penguin, Raven, Hawk, Dove, Firefly, Cheetah, Flash, Bane, Talon, etc just random words out of a dictionary?
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  7. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I fully agree with you, which I guess is why my previous comment ended up mentioning bots and gold sellers over the name sellers. I was only saying that outside the game or official sources they shouldn't have to worry about policing because it's not their realm, but of course inside the game I'd love to see some action going for all the things that really do plague the game.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but when you go to the 3 hour presentation, you COULD win a prize, like a Trip to Paris....A new 80 inch 8K TV...10,000 .....or a toaster. So worth the visit.:D
    (legal notice: Chances of winning anything but the toaster are 100,000,000 to 1)
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Um....whatever they paid for them....they need a refund. Speed hackers are a daily occurrence. I saw probably a dozen in lower pop phases the first week of the new bounties. They'd pop into one where no one else was an finish the F5 in a few minutes before anyone showed up.

    Agreed they can work on other issues but I'm not sure what they'd have the bandwidth for. If one thing had to get less attention, I'd rather it be name sellers than the other things. If they can do it all...sure, let's get 'em all.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  11. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    For many people on the EU server though, the "special" characters are entirely "normal". Banning them will invalidate a lot of existing names, and make name creation harder. Just as an example, the characters Ää, Åå, and Öö are part of the Swedish alphabet, which therefore has 29 letters instead of 26. Removing them would make it impossible to use many common words as names, and reduce the choices available to people - just what we need, right? o_O
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  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't mind if the US server allowed the same characters the EU server does. Then you could have more choices. For instance, Captain Moose, Captain Mööse, or Captain Møøse. :p

    The only thing is, the profanity filter would have to treat o, ö, and ø (for example) as an o. But that shouldn't be that difficult. I mean, search engines treat (again, just as example) Pokemon and Pokémon as the same (and IIRC Windows treats them the same when alphabetizing).
  13. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    I agree with the sentiment of this post, but it would be hard to implement.

    PC multi-tabbing and hoarding in general on all platforms is going to be rampant when the reclaim hits live. Whether or not one cares about og names themselves or this reclaim. I like the idea of it being combatted, but it would be difficult, largely because of the institution of all of these parameters specifically for the batch of names that are reclaimed without affecting anyone who is actually creating a brand new character. Just seems very complicated.
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  14. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Those extra characters are a nuisance. It's not just extra letters but also all sorts of symbols, which I can't even find on my keyboard and many of which don't even show up above toon's head or in chat, like '¬'. Try to report someone for cheating, when you have no idea how to spell the name. And anyone you want to reinvite to an instance after a disconnect better be on your friend's list, or at least in recent chat.
  15. kallader Committed Player

    This is just ridiculous at this exist since 2011 and you create the 10000000 Batman chara and get surprise the whole Bat family name are already matter if someone try to sell the real name or not wtf you doing is so obvious ofc someone take it already...oh they will make cash from it..and?..the person that will buy it will keep it for ever anyway so what the difference one person or the play a game were you have to create your own 100% custom hero or villain but your imagination is so basic than you go for the main character of the game

  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im not a fan of selling names, because its less a service and merely holding names hostage to be paid to release it.
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  17. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    When it comes to people holding names, if the choice is between someone who understands the value of a name, and someone who doesn't, we are better off choosing people who understand. Right now, the names languishing on dead accounts are held by people with no clue as to their value.
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What value are you adding? Nothing you are simply gating name behind a paywall no newbie would ever be able to pay,trying to profiteer of removing names from the pool that even you dont want.

    Released Names need to go into a 48 hour lockout with a random release timer. So buyers are dissuaded from buying since they arnt guaranteed the name even after paying for them to release it. And some of you will need to find less scumbag ways of making money.
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  19. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Sellers recognize value, claim it, and make sure its passed on to those who recognize value as well. My way increases the likelihood that value names get played. Your way decreases that likelihood.
  20. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player


    ..."what's in a name?"