Name Reclaim Ideas To Combat Selling/Bots/Hoarders

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dene, May 12, 2023.

  1. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Because it's not extreme lengths anymore, chat gpt can even give you the tools to do it.
  2. Skoll Well-Known Player

    With how toxic, bold and careless the majority of the playerbase is in game chat, I really don’t understand why DCUO doesn’t go the Runescape route and have Player Mods for ingame and the forums. Trusted players that have a history, and if they abuse their abilities, they get perm banned. It’s not like these Player Mods have access to secure personal info or access to accounts. They can mostly just Temporarily Mute a player for 24 hours and that report goes to a separate list for an actual employee to review. And people saying “thats all they can do? Whats the point then?”, look, nobody wants to be muted for 24 hours, and more if you have previous offences on your account.

    The current report system is a joke. Most people simply do not care to take a screenshot/video, upload it to somewhere and then send in an e-mail. No way of reporting in game, and there is a limit on Ignore list. Like, what?

    I can’t see a downside to Pmods, and the fact a MMO like Runescape AND their other version Oldschool Runescape (whose graphics make DCUO look like realism) has been using them for 20 years shows, it works. The only people that would have a problem with this are toxic, racist and vile players who know they would actually face some consequences for once. And the fact that chats like LFG and Trade are server wide, this would clear up the toxicity real damn quick, along with ToS breakers like gold and name sellers.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    My Opinion.
    • Name selling for real life cash should be outlawed - If you're caught then you and the person that bought the name are perma-banned. Real world trading of anything in game, names, accounts, virtual items, cash is entirely unacceptable.
    • It is fine to sell a name for in game cash, because this is strictly virtual and and in game, this is between the two users though, scamming will not be policed and there is no support after the fact, this entire transaction is trader beware.
    • If a player account is not active for 12 months then their names are immediately released on a yearly purge every January when the anniversary rolls around (you don't need to log in to the character, but you must be logging in to your account) this will get rid of people who have little to no intention of ever playing again.
    • The exception to the 12 month cycle above is if the person has a paid membership and they are therefore paying to retain their names even if they aren't playing.
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  4. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Eh, at least then I could save my ignore list for people who are actually offensive, rather than just spamming the same long message over and over, every few seconds. I don't use Discord, so I can't say how that would work.

    They probably should have GMs anyway. Most other MMOs have them to assist players on the spot, rather than waiting for support tickets.
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    So using the same tools to bypass extreme websites just for DCUO when you can just be using them for those high end websites...
  6. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    If they added a CAPTCHA for name reclaim day, those hackers wouldn't know which type they are going to use until it's too late to re-program. Most will have already tried for the names before they can mass claim.
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  7. Rainnifer Committed Player

    Any official (or even unofficial) discord server out there worth it's salt have rules and policing, so if DCUO has an official discord then you'd think it would be policed too. If it's an unofficial/player created discord server then.. you can't complain if the sellers start appearing there with no moderation.
  8. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    2:59PM EST: Botter sets programs up to claim names
    3PM EST: Server comes back up
    3PM EST: Botter activates shenanigans..
    Two seconds later... Why isn't it working? What's this? A CAPTCHA? *Has to re-program to bypass*

    Too late, most got the names they were trying to get.

    The End.

    Edit: Wait, not the end. Next name reclaim, different methods to throw them off again.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    100% down with GMs in game....0% care if they stop name selling before any of the other things they should be looking at.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    My point was that it will just be taken elsewhere. Same with gold sellers. If they actually found a way to stop in game bots form shouting...or policed these things in Discord, does anyone think they will just throw up their hands and say...."Welp...I guess we all need to go work at wal-mart then."

    Anyone who's existed on this planet for more than 8 or 10 years, I'd think, knows by now the scummy...rule 'bending'...scoff-law...will find a way. most of us...find this out by personal experience.
  11. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    thats a great idea to consider.
  12. TabulaRasa Active Player

    Money is the root of all evil
  13. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    What I'm saying is, wouldn't someone with that advanced of an anti bot system be focusing on bigger things like concert tickets heh
  14. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    Upon reading through this thread, I'm coming to the sad realization that Mepps doesn't get paid enough.
  15. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Let's hypothetically say they saw this thread pre-reclaim, if they really wished they could put this code in before reclaim and then choose whether or not to use it. It being advanced to you doesn't mean it's advanced to anyone else.

    The actual better way of doing these things is based around packet analysis of network traffic. Which also isn't perfect.

    Edit: the more I think about this, them having a bot detection system based on this could eliminate speedhackers overnight. Couldn't you just auto-ban users sending 20X more packets related to DPS abilities?
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  16. Rainnifer Committed Player

    If they manage to get the gold sellers and people like that off of the actual game then that is a win (for the game), doesn't matter if they will just go elsewhere, it's sad to see them plaguing the actual game itself which shows new players there is almost no moderation for it. The bots can go elsewhere but they will find less "customers" for the game elsewhere. Basically it's better to try to get rid of them instead of saying "what's the point?" and leaving things how they are.
  17. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    True but I'm saying they wouldn't know which version or method they were going to implement, or how many steps, until the event actually happens. Anything to throw off the usual bot programming, basically. I'm sure there's something they can do to "switch it up", so to say. If even for just 5 minutes.

    Totally agree with bot detection systems to detect other illicit cheating as well.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Right...and as I was saying already, if we are going to start picking at the several things that plague the game, 'name selling' is very low on the list. Not saying that it's not worth the effort, just lower on the list of things that would be an improvement. It's also harder to police once you move outside the game. As far as I know, speedhackers and 'toxic' chatters have no power outside the game unless you insert yourself into that other environment....whatever it may be. a few conversations might not have come off that clear if you weren't seeing them. I like the idea of policing chat and trade activity....I just like it for OTHER reasons than worrying about name selling. To me, it's a practice/problem that only really impacts a smaller subset of the community...and in general, speed hacks, gold sellers, glitchers and trade/lfg a-holes impact everyone.

    People here acting like name selling is some great scourge on the game. It's not.
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I was actually a player mod on RuneScape for years back in the day, it worked extreme wonders. Especially to get rid of the macro users and extremely toxic players. You forgot to mention that if a player mod wrongly mutes/reports someone, they get red marks and can lose modship entirely (for those worried about abusing the system).

    We also had a private forum and mail system in which only we could see/use to converse with devs and other mods (we weren't allowed to talk about any of that via NDA-type agreement when accepting mod status), to see if certain actions were reportable.

    It was there where we could even see if the report was reviewed or if action was taken as well. Good times.
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've often thought they could just put a trigger in for X number of hits. If you've ever seen a video of a speedhacker, you'll know you can see hit combos of 100's maybe even 1000+ hits without interruption. Sorry, but that's not really humanly possible except for the very narrowest of margins, like someone wailing on the sparring targets for 30 min straight.

    Set a trigger for 1000 hit combo in any 'instanced' content and tag that toon as a speed hacker automatically, basically self reporting. Maybe even set the number lower, depending on a reasonable expected 'max' number, say, a prec dps could pull off. The report could include the time/run where the combo landed and maybe the end run stats. "Oh, the guy who hit the 1000+ combo was also 20x the DPS numbers?"....ban implemented.
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