Name Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by iAquamanJLA, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    Many people have trouble coming up with names for their characters, or if they do find a good one it is most likely taken. There is a simple solution to this. The solution is to add a lowercase i at the beginning. It's small and easy to ignore. Example: I wanted the name Caelum, but it was taken already, so I instead used iCaelum. For people wanting names having to do with their power, such as if you have ice powers and you want the name frost, but frost and iFrost are already taken, why not go for a different laguage? I find that latin or japanese names sound the coolest, and may have multiple words meaning the same thing. For example frost would be Gelu, Gelum, Pruina, or Gelus.
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  2. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    For iconic dc characters you can also add JL, JLA, or JSA to the end.
  3. JosEl Well-Known Player

    Or more easy you can just replace some letters for look alike letters, like to name TheBatman, oyu can also use TheBalman, see the l is not too much different that the t and it still works.
    By the way, TheBalman is taken by me.
  4. bagofboom Committed Player

    The Balman....giggity.

    Long Live DCUO!!
  5. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Why not go with the highlighted option first, rather than prefixing the name with an "i"....making it seem like your character is a rabid Apple fan boy?

    As for your forum name change, PM Mepps and ask him.
  6. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    No offense, but when I saw "Name Guide" by iAquamanJLA I had to chuckle a bit.
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  7. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    You do know how that is going to be interpreted by most players, right?
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  8. JosEl Well-Known Player

    yeah i know I just say that some letters or group of letters will look alike when they are read quick
  9. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    You can also use III at the beggining and end of your name to add a handsome and distinguished look to it!

    i kid D: i really dont like those thingies!
  10. hintofcoolness Well-Known Player

    I just think really really really really hard and come up with an original name that fits without using weird characters that can confuse or irritate others. But I like the different language idea, that could work in a bind.
  11. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    Because sometimes the latin names are taken, like Caelum was, and i had to go with iCaelum.
  12. JosEl Well-Known Player

    hey looking at your signature I've read that you wanna know how to change your name, which name the forum or the character one?
  13. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

  14. L T Devoted Player

    Suck was taken, so I had to go with iSuck.

    Thanks! that worked great!!
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