My View on Everything Thats Been Happening

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bose, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I'm finding it harder and harder to even login to play anymore.

    Seriously, I turned off auto-renewal again so no more cash from me.

    When/if Stats actually happens,,,,,,,,,,,

    well I guess it all depends on if I have an interest to even consider playing enough to take a look.
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  2. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Not so much to be honest because the Money grubbibng we have seen lately is probably driving away long time players. And the drop rate on the Time capsules is driving even more to simply stop spending money on just about anything. WHY have we had 2 open seasons lately? because they are TRYING to, for lack of a better way to say it, TRICK the F2P that have never spent a dime on the game to start either BUYING DLCs and going premium or just going legendary. they are trying to do the same to premiums.. Let them play just about anything for a month so they are SO high when it ends they cant play a thing that will give them a mark and they almost have to spend money or QUIT. Or in the case of the f2P .. just let the alt sit and don't play it until another open season happens.. If ever.

    Look at what has been happening...

    We have had two straight Holiday events where they outright SOLD holiday cash on the open market so players didn't have to do a thing but pull out a credit card to get BOTH feats available from each event. For every person out there that opened up their wallet and shelled out real money for stuff they could have earned for free playing the game they ticked off just as many if not more that viewed that as the game heading toward Pay to Play/Pay to Win. ticked off people generally do things like QUIT and go find another game to play

    Time Capsules.. at least 1 or 2 Feats associated with every single one we have had so far and absolutely no other way to complete the feat but to open capsules.

    Time Capsules 2.. Want to talk Pay to WIN.. shell out enough cash and in 2 days your wandering around at CR 189 without ever doing a single new mission.

    Time capsules 3.... Drop rate. Applies to all 3 types. Players have admitted to paying out 100 dollars or more and still don't have things they want.

    Did DBG get $100 or $200 out of them? yeah Will they ever again? depends on the individual but I'd be willing to bet the answer in no more often than it is yes.

    You don't build a good customer relations rep when you come off looking like your trying to pick pocket everyone. Will the game survive? I have no clue. I can tell you there are days I have trouble even talking myself into logging on. other days where the experience i have had has me to the point where all it takes is one thing to send me off line and onto netflix or anything else.
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  3. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Devs only put in what they get out, the players in game or whoever votes with their wallets are encouraging tcs and other money grab features.
    The daybreak don't care about the minority who voice their oppinion on the forums, which is why they can ban anyone who disagrees, if we decide to all change our perception and buy into the money grabs then that's just extra little change for them compare to the money they received from other players, which is why they just don't listen to us forumites, if your gambling to get the item you want in game, imagine gambling on people's wallet.

    The more you spend, the more we get money grabs from daybreak.
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  4. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I have been here since month one, but can't recall the specific date. A few days ago, I finally got the Demon Tail belt style. Tell me all about the drop rates. Over 5 years of consistant gameplay to get that drop, and still missing so many others. Abysmal, indeed. The score card is also completely useless, imo. I recall some days bulldozing top dps, and other days at the bottom. It occurs to me that one does not do much damage when one is blocking, getting stunned, getting knocked down, getting dazed, popping a soder, etc. But, the score card certainly reflects how weak you'll look when these things happen. Nevermind the actual details of the scenario. The combat system is fine imo, except where mechanics unbalance the powers, and lock us into very finite, rotation-specific limitations. I I wanted to make a Kryptonian-style character. I wanted her to be superstrong. I wanted her power to be her strength. Welp, nah. I am stuck with a crystal pet, and fortify golem, if I wish to be relevant. And why bother with these limited events that had their own zone, if they close up shop so quickly? To drive into our heads that we have to buy our way to completing feats. That is absolutely 'pay to win.' If the only way I can complete a set of feats is to buy replays before the event closes (not talking about a seasonal), and knowing those feats go to points that enhance my character's abilities in combat, then that is 'pay to win.' I have played other games that went down roads like this, and it drives off a segment of the player base. I am cool with buying styles, and pets, and auras, and base items. But this very subtle 'pay to win' with the limited time only feats, the restrictions on power and skill rotation usage, and the overall unbalance has been raining on this parade for a long time. Everytime we make suggestions about what makes it better, the game launches in the other direction. We see all that great work put into the look of it all, like with Anti-monitor. That was a beautifully done raid-fight. But, it's a razzle-dazzle, instead of a fix. The issues stated by so many were just as evident in that Event. The scorecard, the movement powers, and the overall imbalance leads many players to compete against each other moreso than working as a group. I wish these issues would get fixed. But after so many years... :(
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  5. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    yes, there was an episode sale last time when open episodes ended. Not with 67%, but still. (I know, because I bought some back then)
    You're right about the cr100 boost.

    Your perspective on why they did another open episodes+sale seems just as valid of an assumption as mine, I have to admit.

    ...but that's no reasoning for what you said...that they INTEND to close the game.

    I've had the exact same thought about the reason for the CR100 boost as you did. So we agree on that.

    The purchasable seasonal currency - I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, yeah, it's sad that I've had to do all of the seasonals for the feats until I wanted to vomit just when thinking about them, while new players can just buy them. But then players would probably take several years to catch up on those feats. And most of them are grindy anyways, and not skill feats. Btw. we don't even have a clue how many ppl are buying those seasonal marks and what they do with it. I'm sure a lot of people who bought it bought it for the pengbot/emperorpeng/teekle base item. I've seen videos from players that had a dozen teekles in their base after 1 week. So I don't mind too much. Especially in light of SP mattering again after #statsmatter hits live, it's a good thing if new players can catch up on SP more quickly.

    I agree that what they did with TC & anniversary event was probably very bad for longterm customer relations, but for a long time I've had the feeling that they can't be making a lot of money with the game as things were, so maybe they needed $$$ right now to keep the game alive. If the recent policy managed to accomplish that, it's justified in my book. Although I too hate to lose longtime ingame friends.
    Btw I can't think of a single TC feat that you can't get if you choose not to open them. Afair, all the items in the capsules are tradeable and can therefore be bought with ingame money from the broker or trade channel.

    But I think we're drifting offtopic here...
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the games gearing toward the whales, you arnt the target audience
  8. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i'm on the side of the game.

    i don't like how the time capsules are being handled.

    i'm nervous about the combat changes.

    there is very little to do if you've been grinding away AF3 content since it went live and if you've been here long enough to have cycled through all the events, lpve maps and survival modes.

    What upsets me is the lack of content, even the announcement of future content or when we can expect our next dlc or what to look forward to in the next year to two.

    there is nothing.

    if we had the content to support how much extra money all of us have been spending these past eight months i think we'd all have very little issue with anything else.

    we need more content.
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Ehhhh not the first or the last time a thread started on one topic and drifted to something completely different. Just wanted to add one thing concerning your last comment. Yes its true almost everything available in TCs can and does find its way to the market place BUT at some point SOME ONE still had to pull a credit card out and use it to buy the thing because TRUST me I have been doing the daily training mission every single day and opening capsules as fast as I can create a stabilizer and i have had ZERO luck at obtaining any of the stuff selling for millions on the broker. But you have to wonder what sort of affect that is having as well. Okay so some guy spends say $100 on stabilizers and still doesn't have whatever it is he WANTS desperately thanks to that horrendous drop rate. Eventually he finds the thing for sale for ?? 30 million or whatever on the broker. He shells out the in game cash and finally has what he's been trying to get for weeks. Now this part is pure speculation but at what point does that same guy get ticked off that he gave up a pile of money trying to get the thing and had no luck and then had to shell out a huge amount of in game cash to buy it off some other guy that shelled out a pile of real money and when the thing dropped for HIM he didn't even want it.. just stuck it on the market to make more cash. Some may be happy to get what they wanted and just not care OTHERS may eventually resent the fact that the RNG forced them to spent real money and then STILL had to resort to buying the thing from someone else with better luck.

    It creates animosity between players and eventually bad feelings toward the game in general. Tell you what if I shelled out $200 or more in real cash and had nothing to show for it I'd be upset. And then in order to actually obtain something I wanted.. had to pay out even more in game cash to actually get the thing? Now to be honest .. I personally am not doing EITHER. I am not in game to gamble. I have paid out plenty of cash to get things like The Bombshell hairstyles, The Amazon hairstyles, Harley's bombshell outfit, Total recall kits, replay badges (so i can BUY feats for my alts).. I rarely replay missions, deeds, armories, even furniture pack.. Notice a a trend? I am willing to give them cash when I get something solid back in return NOT a scratch off lottery ticket that MIGHT have something I like attached to it.

    I come here to play a game ... If I wanted to gamble on line.. I'd be on one of the poker sites. fcat is more and more players are getting to that point. How many in THIS thread have admitted they are not spending a dime on the game any more and the reasons included spending hunderds of REAL DOLLARS and having nothing to show for it.
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  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    This is a real concern and one that I am dealing with daily. So okay On Thursday when the game reset I managed to get invited to both raids on my main within less than an hour of each other. I had already completed the once a week defeat 410 monsters before i even started looking for a raid and of course that also allowed me to complete my daily missions in the zone. I did the solo challenge and the duo and was left with nothing but the alert. That was Thursday.. Friday and Today I logged in.. Did my dailies and the solo, qued up and ran the duo, and then hit it just right both days and got an invite to the alert quickly. In a little over 1 hour i was done for the day. Sure there are still a couple older T8 missions I can do but frankly.. i have all the feats for those and at this point I am CR 189 with absolutely no armor on either role below CR 163... What the heck do I need to run missions that only award marks for? I am struggling to find things to BUY with them NOW. And when i run out of older armor sets to complete .. that will get even worse.

    What really scares me? When the next DLC comes out will we even still be using ancient coins OR will there be an entirely NEW currency? so any coins I save up NOW will basically be worthless? God back when I was CR 115 or 116 I had a ton of content that I could do.. so much you couldn't get it all done in the same day.. Now .. I'm logging off and playing alts after 60 or 80 minutes depending on team building times. As you said we NEED more content more to do that does NOT involve standing around opening Time capsules. I have a weapon and a tray with 6 attacks in it why am I playing scratch offs instead of defeating super villains?
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  11. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    now we're steering into a very general direction. Everything that you said could just as well be said about the gamble bund...oops, booster bundles. The only difference is the bundles didn't have feats attached, but odds have always been horrendous in this game. The RNG sucks, and we all know it, even the devs know it.
    But I know people who spend $200+ on every single of the stupid booster bundles just to get one of the auras, that mostly are ugly anyways in my book. As long as ppl keep spending that money, chances for a change in that policy & the RNG are slim.
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  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    its the old "dog whisperer" tactic. give us enough to do to tire us out and we won't have enough energy to complain.
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  13. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Ah Ha I found another like myself.... I have 20+ alts and exactly one of them uses an aura. My GREEN LANTERN HL alt has a slim green aura I got for nothing from a lock box .. Why? because in the animated TV shows the Green lanterns all have a green aura that serves as a shield and allows them to fly through outer space without dying from lack of Oxygen. So MY GL has a green glowing aura that allows her to travel through space.

    Not a single other alt uses an aura and It has always amazed me when people say they spent 100 or more dollars to get one to drop in a booster pack.

    The thing doesn't add to my defense

    The thing doesn't increase my CR

    The thing doesn't give me a buff that increases my damage

    Aside from making me GLOW basically it doesn't do a thing... Some how I find that not worth spending a ton of cash on LOL
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  14. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    Well, I value the design of my toons very much. If I could buy an aura I like directly (instead of gamble) for $, I'd probably do i (like up to $20 I guess. And you probably would too, since you bought the hairstyles packs for the same reason, right?). However since this has never been the case, my toons got their auras from the broker with ingame currency. But I'd never spend even a cent of real money on the aura gamble boxes. Not sure how many of my toons currently use an aura. There are so many of them and even more I switch designs from time to time...hard to bring all these styles to mind XD
  15. stärnbock Devoted Player

  16. Furdinand Active Player

    I don't really see a conspiracy with the episode sale. It's old content. It's no different then when a game puts out a GOTY edition.
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  17. stärnbock Devoted Player

    my main got all auras so far. and materials. however:
    my alts only have slim auras from the MP and seasonals:

    mental: slim purple aura
    quantum: slim blue aura
    electro: slim gold aura
    nature: pollen seasonal aura
    fire: orange and slim orange aura
    ice: snowflake seasonal aura
    rage: slim red aura
    fear: slim yellow aura
    atomic: slim- and orange aura
    earth: pollen seasonal aura
    munitions: ghostly seasonal aura or slim light green
    gadgets: slim cyan aura
    celest: slim gold for blessing, slim dark purple for curses
    sorcery: ghostly seasonal aura
    water (created toon in summer 2016 to get the pets): slim blue aura

    i look forewards to style unlocking, because some auras and materials
    could endeed fit to some other powers aswell, like solar and phoenix to fire...
    however: untill we get there in 201X, the MP and seasonal auras will suffice...
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    The drop chance is a big thing, but it is the feats that are the biggest problem. If they weren't in there, if you don't like that silly helmet style with wings. You didn't have to try for it.

    If everything had an equal chance to get without any weighted junk added you still have to get it because those feats help progress your character.

    The reason why each tc has gotten worse is because it artificially lengthens the time to complete and require more money to do so. That isn't our perception.
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  19. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Um...duh. Of course a company only cares about the money because if they aren't making money, we aren't going to have a game. If you don't like the way the game is monetized atm (which I totally get and agree with) don't give them your money! I've bought stablizers a few times whilst on sale but other than that I've used the fragments to open them up. In fact, I got the new helm today, which I need.

    However, the Developers of this game need it to make money whilst being fun for the player. That is a hard line to toe and while I disagree with a lot of the things in time capsules, I do think that it probably is the best way for the game to make money whilst giving fun styles to the game. I can only imagine how much time/effort/money it takes for the DEVS to create styles/materials and they want to make sure they are compensated for it. Could you imagine the outcry if the phoenix material was placed on the MP for...$50 SINGLE redeem? It would be crazy and the DEVS probably wouldn't even make that much money. Do you remember when the Batman Helms were put on the MP? (OMG $20?!??! That's highway robbery! How dare they even do this? Make it $10!) For a style that players were literally begged for years to get (and I remember players saying that they would happily pay at least $20)! That $20 gave players access to 4 (2 for each sex) great Batman helms with no gamble and it still wasn't good enough (I bet that the DEVS still haven't made back the money spend to gain access to those styles). Then we have players come on and make new threads that they spend HUNDREDS of dollars trying for a chance to get a collection piece for a style, of course the DEVS will continue to make TCs until the in game community (not the forums) start to vote with their wallet.

    Other awesome style packs added to the MP that people complained about and didn't want to pay for: Bombshell hair packs (4 really sweet female hairstyles), Bombshell Harley outfit (male and female styles), Amazon Hairstyle pack (3 great styles for both males and females), weapon style pack (I don't know off the top of my head how many they have added), Sucba style, Firefighter style, Buckaroo style, Bandito style, the different cosmic/glowing/chrome styles (all before materials were a thing), and a lot more, but nope people don't like them.

    Honestly I think it's because anyone can own/wear them so they aren't "exclusive" and therefore people can't show off their status and "prestige" by wearing them.

    Yeah, I'm sick of the combat changes, but the only thing I can do is to test and give my feedback. If I do not like the changes once they hit live I can walk away from the game. (heck I can walk away right now) Those same mods in the TCs can be bought off the broker for super cheap.

    I also think it is fitting that they have the Cancer emblem since the emblem styles for this round are the zodiac symbols. It would be silly to exclude it. The overwhelming feedback (via forums) is that they want feats removed from the TCs however I doubt that they would continue to make TCs (and the sweet styles in them) if they weren't well received in game and bought. Again, if you want change, vote with your wallet.

    I agree that if stats revamp hits live atm that it would be a massive failure and many people would leave the game. (I mean come on, we're missing more than half of the powers!!!) But for serious, they are testing and making adjustments, the difference between 1.1 and 1.3 is huge. I can only hope that they continue to listen to the feedback (have you used the survey?) and make adjustments. (Still hoping that they give me back Shard of Life)

    There is no reason to report this thread. And even if you were reported the MOD in charge of looking at the thread would probably ignore the report since you aren't calling for people's heads or threatening others. You are quite riled up in this last section but whatever. I have thicker skin than to be upset by someone thinking I'm a "cheerleader".
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  20. Controller Devoted Player

    "You can't tell me what to do." lol

    But seriously I read your post with some interest, OP - up until the quoted area. Sounds like you're trying to twist some arms


    JFYI - There are SOME players out there that find enjoyment in this game despite the flaws that SOME of you harp on. I log on everyday still.

    For me? I wish that future variations of these "Time Capsules" have increased RARE item drops - like maybe a guaranteed RARE out of a pack of 20 stabilizers used - or something along those lines. There simply needs to be MORE RARE items dropped to the gaming population to drive down these insane Broker prices.

    Personally I've opened roughly 10-12 of these since their inception. I've yet to get a RARE item but have had some decent drops.

    Some players here are REALLY upset about the TCs - I can't fault them for that. But if these SAME players that are gnashing their teeth on these TCs are leaving the game because of them then I'd venture a guess that there probably a litany of OTHER things these same players have an issue with.

    And for the record - I did NOT report you.

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