My toons doesnt feel like superheroes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by granddaughterlover, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. granddaughterlover Active Player

    Hello, I just came back to the game, from AM era, I remember big damages and one shots and etc, the thing is my character doesnt feel like a superhero anymore, not even in old content, I loved seeing 100k dmg from Mass Terror and Pets one shotting low adds, the numbers these days are just soo low, I know nothing can be done about it, but does anyone else feel the same ? it was so cool going in old t1 content and basically obliterating everything, gave you some perspective as to how much you've progressed and how hard it was for you, now, you can do the same thing, older content is easy but the numbers are kinda low, like im getting 15-30 k hits, I miss the good ol' 100-200ks, just a rant thread
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  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    It was boring as heck and I'm glad we moved on.

    I'm loving it to see 262 people dying in blackest day and horribly failing in Labyrinth.
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  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

    You can always draw extra 0’s around on your tv screen. Occasionally they’ll line up and you can get giddy!

    Numbers are just numbers...
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  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I miss it too but ultimately the power creep just wasn’t sustainable. It was causing event flags in certain content to fail and sparring targets were basically useless because a single EMP would empty their health bar.
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  5. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    And who would have thought PftT players could continually reach 50+ on the hit meter.
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  6. Do Your Googles Active Player

    I agree with you. I would go into detail but I'm trying not to get banned. I have been good so far but please know I do know where you are coming from.
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  7. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Ah yes... people thinking that being max CR means you don't have to do mechanics for one of three possible reasons:
    1. You don't know about the mechanics because you skipped your first toon up to near current levels, or because you never actually ran the content when it was current because it was "too difficult" (e.g., DWF)
    2. You haven't run the stuff in such a long time that you need a mechanics refresher... where you end up with a, "LOL, sorry. Forgot about that attack."
    3. You think that doing mechanics no longer applies to you
    I see too many people breaking out or failing to burn Granny in DWF on last boss... watch DPSes try to fight Nekron in BN on last boss before the 4 canisters are in place... not avoiding AOEs in UM, KCT, DWF, and others... and other stuff too... all of which can be for the three reasons listed.
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  8. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    What AM's did to the game.

    1. Made content too easy
    2. Made players ignorant of mechanics
    3. Perpetuated the DPS Universe Online pew pew pew mentality
    4. Made players ignorant about roles & stats

    This is just off of the top of my head.
    I'm sure others can add to this list.

    The Revamp was not perfect but at least it was not the turd that it was before.
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  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Not trying to justify AMs, but everything you've listed was not brought on because of AMs. Let's be real, lol. Unless you do not PUG, I've seen the same from all the 210 skippers.
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  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Only thing I miss is how Sorc used to play, and not just during AMs. I miss my red soul aura and being a great weapons focused power.
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  11. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Nobody is going to mention the name ?
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  12. RLManuel Committed Player

    I don’t agree with the AM part but I 100% agree with the title...

    I took a break for a couple months for a lot of reasons and the title of this thread is one of them. The combat is stale. Graphics outdated. Cut scenes look like azz. Player base is super toxic. Support roles are very very rare. Que system and times are horrible. Powers are becoming boring( no new powers have been added to existing power sets or new iconic powers). Episodes are played out in the first week, they look nice but get boring really quick. Old content becomes ghost town and group missions in said ghost town can’t be completed. There’s more waiting than there is playing... etc

    The list goes on and no one cares.
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  13. RLManuel Committed Player

    Just noticed it
  14. granddaughterlover Active Player

    the name?:confused:
  15. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I forgot to mention CR differential too. They both went hand in hand and were terrible for DCUO.
  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Look bud, the numbers are less, but there are still high numbers to strive for.

    Just from what I've seen, it looks like around 200k or more is a big hit?

    All buffed up with a perfect crit during an SC, ive seen 114k smokebomb.

    You'll see a lot of 10ks, 30ks, and 50 to 60ks are great too.

    The AM era is over man, you just have to accept it.

    It was unsustainable....
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  17. JKwak Well-Known Player

    they feel like weak marvel heroes not like completly overpowered dc hereos.
    great for the gameplay, but in the DC universe you have to be completly OP to be a superheroe only villains are supposed to be weak in DC

    jokes aside i think its better to have even with max cr a bit of a struggle and have to do it right instead of just pew pew your enemy
  18. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    I dont know why this god complex dudes plays mmos. You wanna play but not do mechanics? Why play then? Literaly what is the fun in 3 shotting a boss? For that we get the devs to make a solo instance that has a 1hp boss that when it dies 2 come along until you get bored or your console gives stackoverflow, lets call it. God Complex: The mode.
    If I was the Chief Director all instances would be straight stats clashed, After u exceed the cr.
    Well we got the light version instead called, stats revamp, not that great but it can help the most causal getting thoose hard elite feats from old content.
    Still waiting for that G47 to be removed.
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  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Having been a gamer in the Game Genie era, I can understand the desire and appeal to go into god mode every once in a while. It's especially noticeable when it comes to games that can be tough or frustrating or when you just want to blow off steam. Heck, I kept a separate save file on GTA3 using some codes where I could just go ballistic every once in a while and get the whole town angry at me.

    That understanding only goes so far for me, though, because it gets old, and fast. If a class/profession/power set that I've played and liked in an MMO is too strong and it's plainly obvious, I don't mind any nerfs or adjustments to make sure it's brought back down to manageable levels. I don't want to see something I have fun with made boring because it makes things too easy.
  20. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    “granddaughter lover”

    Sounds bizarre.