My last reset in the game ...of moment

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mike EUPC, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    I reset DWFE at least 5 times and only obteined green and blue trash loot :mad:
    All drops green,green,green or blue
    More than 10 € thrown in the trash for trying to get 1 purple piece but only have trash :(

    This is the loot of 5 € ,trash

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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    You pays your money and takes your chances.

    But really, did you get a chance to check out AF3's changes to loot and gear?
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  3. SheerFaith Committed Player

    I feel you...I´m incredible angry too about this loot behavior.Sometimes I´v got the feeling that the only thing we are doing in this Game is trashing useless gear..nothing else.
  4. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    The only utility for green pieces are to sell or destroy to farm the feat
  5. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    I would just love to get through the regular version of DWF..
  6. Xibo Loyal Player

    Reseting raids? Really?
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  7. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    What you say I totally agree you pay for a chance that you drope a piece(good or bad), until there well, but they're supposed to put that "if you drops a piece you increase the drope".Example if you run a lot of time 1 instance and you need the feet ,the drope increases to the point that jumps out at you

    This happens to me than ever (at least on my part), an omni part (over 100 runs in an alert and 0, and DeSisti), a mod V8.3 (50 runs in all solos and duets and 0) with which I have less elite vita and a piece I need
  8. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    >Pays money to replay a raid for a chance at good loot which is not guaranteed
    >complains about not getting good loot drops

    I mean, you knew you were gambling there right?
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  9. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    If you need the piece to increase your armor ,why not?
  10. Backseid Devoted Player

    Running other content, and reviving a rare drop, will reset your "good luck counter".

    So, if you're trying for that one piece, DO NOT run any other instances.

    Just FYI
  11. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    So ,if you need 1 piece you can not play anyone instance and you wait to reset?
    You play 1 raid,1 week without touch the game ,play and repeat . Wtf?
  12. Xibo Loyal Player

    But the game at the moment is CR based and even though you have 8 elite pieces your damage will be always the same and when stats matter comes the best gear will be on vendor. So, don't waste your precious money reseting raids.
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  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    It has not been worth it to reset raids or anything most of this year and last year. Making alts and buying skill points is what I have done. The new DLC is gonna have a different loot system. It's kind of a test to see how much backlash they get. It's better to just raid once a week and work on alts. Once my main hit 175, he was done. Now I have more alts at 174, one at 173, and a newbie around 145.

    I'll tell you. My alts seem to get better drops than my main.
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  14. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    That's what I do.
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  15. SheerFaith Committed Player

    There shouldnt be any blue or green loot in elite runs..they should give us rare Mods or anything else..
    If i want green or blue pieces in my i can duo solos duor alerts,.
    For me "Elite" should be diffrent from all other stuff in Game..
    I didnt read all the changes for AF III..but I hope it gonna change eeeeeeven a bit!
  16. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    It should not drop a green piece of a raid and less in an elite

    And i read the changes to AF3 and its awesome
  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That depends...because if you decide to not run any other content, and only replay DWFe, your chances of seeing a purple piece actually seems to get lower with each reset (because RNGesus hates you but loves your replays). ;) That loot luck limiter is tricky.
  18. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I stopped using replays on elite raids after having no luck on pbe too many times. My main gripe has been only running dwfe and nothing else every week. I scan lfg on the off weeks to get a last boss on normal, then run 1st 2 dwfe bosses for loot. Not exactly fun, but I've had time to get my villain to 174 and now I'm working on a villain tank for af3. I found out the healer type d mod only heals every 10 seconds, so I don't care as much about getting those last 2 pieces.
  19. Proxystar #Perception

  20. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Well obviously not if he's still resetting it 4 months later when the new dlc is due out soon...
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