My ideas

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Simply because multiple people use a system does not in any way shape or form make them good. Successful makes money while not upsetting the masses. I would argue duo loses money between lost sales and subscriptions lost due to such tactics.

    Booster bundles time capsules and the way they compromised the game to sell replays have all been killers.

    Why do we need systems hurting the game disrespecting the customers and shrinking the population. There is zero chance items like the og smoke, nimbus and phoenix material would not he selling. There is literally years where they should be making soup cash and are not. Cosmic materials another and how many of today's players were here for every item

    It costs more then it makes in just a few weeks
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You say "hurting the game" and "killing" but the game is very much alive and development is very optimistic about its future. No offense but your opinion seems to come from a place of bitterness and hurt. You're entitled to your opinion on what you believe loot boxes do to the population but at the end of the day: Daybreak still makes their money, we get new content, the DCUO Train keeps to its quiet schedule.
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  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Just to clear the air I am very angry. The development team created by far the best game I ever played in dcuo. Not even close.

    Because of the love 4 the game the respect I have for customers and because of my years owning a business I am certainly upset.

    You say the population is fine and I assure u that u and I have a very different definition of fine..i date back far enough my 1st account holds the back from the hack account. I remember the day LFG chat dropped. Chat moved so fast some people needed a second person to form a group. One guy reading names while one guy had recent chat highlighted. First guy calls a name second guy immediately opens recent chat and IF U WERE FAST ENOUGH U GOT YOUR guy. If not one of the countless other groups grabbed him

    Currently we have had mentions of combining LFG chats between Villa and here's. Merging the EU and us servers. We already had to put console and PC players together. We now get events because there is just not enough people to fill ques for those who are leveling.

    I am sure there is more to it but zero need to drive a point home any further. This population is terribly thin as to where is should and could be.

    Go on destroy any validity u have and respond time capsules have not outraged plenty of people.

    The same deal with using the best gear as replay bait for years, content being scaled down to...... It's to easy and fast so it's replay spammable. Shared loot locks was also one.

    Every single time someone spends hard earned money to support the game and ends up getting worthless junk they never asked for while still being without the item they spent money on.

    Clearly people get board and leave I mean not everyone can remain a daily player for 7 years BUT U ARE FLAT OUT BEING UNTRUTHFUL if u say everything I mentioned has not done significant damage to our population. It would be a bold face lie to say anything other wise.

    The game the developers who gave us such a wonderful game and especially us customers deserve better.

    The last point "dcuo seems fine with how things are" lol the fact I would have to explain this just shows u should step away from this conversation. End of the day we all want dcuo to thrive. We are way past the point of concern so change is needed
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  4. Great Architect Loyal Player

    You're playing an old (6+ years game), that hasn't been able to transfer to Unreal 4, or make any large-scale updates and is in a very cutthroat marketplace.

    If you expect the population to be as it was at launch, you're deluding yourself. That was the honeymoon. Now you're married, and it's not the same.

    But what this game *does* have, and why it thrives is because there *is* a solid core of die-hard people - like yourself - that will play this game to death as long as it keeps their interest.

    Complaining about how it keeps itself running is pissing in the wind. Like it or leave it. As the population has reduced over time, there are two or three options to maintain the original cash flow: -

    1. Increase the price of Subscriptions. Nope. Why? Because that actively drives players away.
    2. Sell stuff people want on the marketplace. Nope. Why? Because that's not a constant revenue stream, and becomes less and less so the fewer people play.
    3. Microtransactions.

    I'm not saying that the last is the best option, but it works. And all the time F2P or Premium players demand more stuff that they don't yet have, you're basically demanding that the game devalues the other revenue stream - Subscriptions.

    Business is business. Gaming is gaming. Unless you know both, then you're likely asking the impossible from one side or the other.

    However. Assessing DBG's previous output, compared against recent DLC, it seems that there is a marked deficit in resource spend. When we had Monthly content, we got new solos, new maps, a lot of *new* stuff. That's not been forthcoming recently. To a keen observer, that *implies* that something behind the scenes is taking up a lot of resources.

    What that is, I do not know - but the implication is there.

    And if I'm right, then I'm fairly sure it's not a new TC.
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  5. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I could not stomach ur entire post sorry.

    The games old some people leave spew was all I could take. Clearly I said that myself but the issue is business plans dcuo has attempted has driven plenty of players away and aggravated many more

    Go on tell a bold face lie and say it has not. Tell me they are unneeded losses I enjoy fantasy

    The market place.
    Rng is years old and we have to hear non sense like u spew the entire time but an item or hundreds upon hundreds of items in the market place for years or sold in a manner that loses customers ...... One is a good idea but not the 1 we are using

    The first force us to spend money had guys like u defending it and claiming how much money dcuo was making. That was oh yes best gear not in vendors. That worked out well I mean not a waste of time devel and unneeded upset customers

    U know anyone who hears

    We will sell u a very very very small chance at an item u want and if sales are good we lower the drop rates and immediately are anxious to spend money? Come on guy at some point it's time to move on and we are years past saying dcuo was wrong and move on

    Most "supporters are in game players who have or can make money and enjoy obtaining items without spending money"
  6. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Well I'm glad you're so prescient that you could address my arguments without reading them.

    And what you immediately stated the issue was is business plans - which I addressed later in my post.

    You also assumed that I take a particular set of positions regarding DCUO, when I do not - and, in short, your entire response tells me that not only is it true that you "enjoy fantasy", but that you're actively demonstrating that by fantasising about what I actually posted.

    I set out a number of revenue streams that DCUO has, and assessed the pros and cons of tweaking any of them - and explained why microtransactions are the income stream of choice, from a business point of view.

    I never said I was in favour of that (quite the opposite).

    But the fact remains that unless you are a completist, *nothing* DCUO does *forces* you to spend money on anything. Can you at least admit that much, without wobbling off into "BUT I *NEED* THOSE SP FROM TC!!!" territory?

    Because you don't. I've only completed all the feats from *one* TC - the original - and from earned, *not* bought Stabilisers, and I'm running endgame Elite content just fine, thanks.

    There are exactly four things I have ever spent cash money on in DCUO: My subscription (which is on and off when I can afford it), the old-school BFE/LL/LS bundle (which came with powers back then), The Origin Crisis DLC (same - for Quantum power) and the Lair System/Shield/Utility Belt combo pack that now exists - so my alts can still play some interesting content when I'm off-sub, and farm enough MoV to feed my Main with Essence Purifiers.

    That's it. So I'd be interested as to how you believe that I'm a great fan of microtransactions. I just recognise them for what they are - what keeps the servers running. And that *is* going to be a problem when they inevitably are recognised as gambling.

    You'd be better off suggesting serious, reliable revenue streams for when *that* happens than slagging me off for your imaginative idea of my loyalties.
  7. lukelucky Devoted Player

    OK 2 be fair I should of read your entire post so I grabbed my photo bismal and had at it. A joke

    First u said duo is not "forcing" u to buy anything unless u r a completionist. I saw wrong. As much as I don't understand it so many players love designing outfits and constantly changing their appearance. A buddy as an example has changed his name and look according no less then 20 plus times. When u factor in just how starved dcuo is for styles more then completionists are forced

    The comment on the marketplace
    Wrong. This is where u suck f2p players into spending cash. The issue is we drastically over charge and have zero legit deals. Base skins as an example. Should be $4 buy 3 for $10 u pick what three.

    The solar auras came out when? It's been awhile yet the white solar that was available and previously designed sat on a shelf figuratively never available nor ever making dcuo any money. Dc has countless items such as this that could be put in the game but nope

    Loss in subs
    Variants such as negative speed force In other colors
    Years of unavailability
    Players not in game at time of sales
    Dissatisfied customers who remain

    The list can get long if we chose to list how many ways this is bad and takes away from dcuo but end of the day the way we do it is disrespectful to the customers and the game and far from the most profitable way