My Celestial Brethren....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tobias1978, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Tobias1978 New Player

    A few more hours and then we have our time to shine...Yes!
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  2. The Atomic Tuna Well-Known Player

    Yes...till the nerf cries come. Lol. I will enjoy it while it lasts.
  3. Tobias1978 New Player

    I have just one request of those who are going to switch to Celestial....please learn the combo system....if not you will have a bad time...take a few hours to figure it out....please...
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  4. RavenXxx New Player

  5. La Shark Dedicated Player

    The fight for who uses plague, will be on like Donkey Kong.
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  6. HersheyKiss New Player

    Or the FOTM players who realize they are all gonna be over writing each other xD Im lucky where i only have 3 celestial players in my league atm and 2 of them heal mostly and the 3rd is my lower alt. At least quantum doesnt over write with the AM, i give it less then 24hrs b4 we see a thread on here by a FOTM person who complains they are being over written or about being vulnerable all the time :p
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  7. The Atomic Tuna Well-Known Player

    Isnt that the truth. I think I'm one of 3 in my league. I only run a battle heal spec in alerts and raids, so this update only effects me for solos and duos.

    Its going to be interesting watching people try to grasp the combo rotations who are used to easy peasy AMs.

    Warning to all FOTM chasers: celestial takes skill. This isnt quantum or Ice or even electric/nature. We are dealing with vulnerable combo mechanics. Not rinse and repeat basic AMs.
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  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    Guide is updated in preparation for GU 45!
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  9. Tobias1978 New Player

    Only a few more hours maaaan!
  10. Blight KOBRA Commander

    I'd celebrate as well and switch back if it wasn't for the fact that the devs have still not fixed the hand blaster visuals for the Villain celestial users.
  11. JReel New Player

    I wouldn't worry too much about FOTM guys who need to learn how to combo with Celestial. I have used Rage, Gadgets and Mental before. Gadgets take understanding, Rage does not have a direct AM and i takes some skill to clip with it and Mental is Mental lol.

    I'll test out Celestial just to see how it is. I won't be Celestial for long. Gadgets is my power and I am sticking to it.
  12. JReel New Player

    A lot of powers AM or buffs overwrite so this is nothin new. Rage tends to overwrite. My power, Gadgets, overwrites for damn sure. The PI's overwrite one another for crying out loud lol
  13. SenateZ Active Player

    Yes, indeed, but I'm worried that half the server switches to celestial. :'(

    "Was it before it was cool", damnit.
  14. Malachyte Devoted Player

    get ready for the mass influx of Celestial
  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Still the only celestial in my league :D
  16. Remander Steadfast Player

  17. Tobias1978 New Player

    Same here...although one person said he will swing powers...makes me sad...
  18. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    One of the few Celestials as well!
  19. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I am currently delighted to have found in my league there is another avid celetial user :3
    Though they only heal so they may miss out on the update until they decide to do so but I'm always happy when I see celestial peeps before this update.
  20. Disatria New Player

    just me and my hpmeboy are cels. stuck with it since launch and after nerf. granted that after nerf we mainly healed i enjoyed dpsing when wm came out even against otherwith ams. as long as my damage divided by power in was str8 i didnt mind cuz dps isnt about the ammount of damage u dide cuz if u were using 400k power to do 6-8 mil damage and ur not quantum who actually powers himself u cant tell me sh** when all i used was 140k to push out a mil less. (o_o) face! i will enjoy this new update tho