My Biggest Wish? Here ya go Devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. M.R. Thomas Level 30

    Why is there a need for this? Didnt they do away with multiple currencies and now they are bringing them back? Ok you want each new tier to have its own currency fine. Lets not screw new guys any more than they already are. I am currently F2P as im unemployed and cant afford a sub. Tonight I came on at 8 pm and qued for Outter Caverns and Inner Sanctium raids. Other than running the stabilizer duo with a league mate and grinding for collections in the open world this is all that i did today. Other than the few minutes in the duo i was qued the whole time. I finally got into Inner Sanctium at 5 am. Thats right other than doing one quick duo i was in a que for alomost 9 hours to run two raids.

    Now you want to make it so people cant get the same marks for everything and get past that queing nightmare (sometimes its almost an hour berfore i can get an alert or 10-15 min for a duo). I say leave the marks alone on the lower tiers so people can catch up to where higher level people are wanting to play then they can go back and sit in a que forever to get the feats (or rare drops) they missed if and when they want too. Dont make it where they get stuck in T1 for a friggin week and by the time they hit T4 they will probably quit before they can complete it. Not because the content is especially hard but because they dont want to sit in a que for hours just to run a couple alerts or one raid then be locked from that raid for a week and have to que for hours to run a couple alerts/. They would rinse and repeat this for a month or more just to get out of T4
  2. L T Devoted Player

    I'm guessing that got dropped because it would slow progression and there seems to be n effort to push characters to endgame quickly. I remember it sounded good at the time but now I'm kind of ambivalent.
  3. L T Devoted Player

    I've seen a few requests for this. Movement abilities don't cut it? You can easily build a load out from them....
  4. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    My wish is the implementation of a new UI similar to the one they were working on:
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  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    New guys are already screwed by default because who's queing up for stuff like Outer Caverns, Inner Sanctum? Who's queing up for stuff like Prime? And don't even get me started on Tier 5, In Paradox Wave: Yes people run it, but CR 200+ are easily wiping in there; so there's no chance that a new CR 85 person can get through the content with a relevant group.

    Basically, they did away with multiple currencies; introduced marks of victory and relevancy for the sake of trying to shove their monthly content garbage down everyone's throats. Basically if you were at something like Deep Desires for T7, you would be out of relevancy for several other pieces of content like Halls of Power Part 2 entirely. It's stuff like that is why T7 is regarded as a big mess.

    The only reason people ran the content as often as they did back in GU 47 was entirely thanks to CR differential allowing them to easily solo stuff like Paradox Wave and other pieces of content without much effort, but CR differential is gone, relevancy is still here. There's no reason for the end-game folks to come back to run older content and that hurts the odds of someone pugging and getting stuff actually done.

    With the new mark system, I feel like if it's implemented correctly; it can smooth out and clean up the mess that was created with T7 relevancy and monthly content. I also think it'll help players out in the long run because there'll be more of an incentive for folks to que up for older content and get feats they've may have missed out on.

    Granted, this is daybreak I'm talking about and they've had concepts which seemed great on paper; but lackluster in execution(Quark Vendor.) but I'm at least going to give this system they mentioned the benefit of the doubt.
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  6. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    If I can pick only 1 then I'd wish for them to make sure we dont gloss over Superman in 2018 like we did with his 75th.
    2018 is his 80th and the release of Action Comics 1000, both within 2 months of each other.

    Top 3 would be
    1) Superman gear for Ac1000 celebration
    2) Buff of weapons so Wep Expert doesnt require you to use WM combos that dont suit your toon and evens it up with Powers
    3) Emblem Enlargement option. Why this was possible on the Stalwart Defender chest and not on others is beyond me.
  7. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    My longstanding, hopeful theory, was that when PS3 is gone they'd release an optimized PS4 update. And when they do this they'd have the new UI.

    Now to my wish:

    You should get get some kind of bonus for doing the daily and/or alerts so much.
    Every 14 days you do the same one you get extra marks.
    Every 21 days...extra marks + Promethium Lockbox
    Every 30 days...extra marks + Promethium Lockbox + Extra Loot Choice on Final Boss.
  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    If you're referring to the Catalysts and Seals sold on the MP, they dont matter if Artifacts are successful or not. If thats the way you view it then thats on you. They'll be a success depending on the engagement the players have with it. Those items on the MP are there as a choice for players who dont want to run the old content. They gave us a choice, not a mandatory path. If the only way to get Catalysts were in the MP and not in game, your statement would have more ground but thats not the case.
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  9. nawanda Loyal Player

    Remove feats from time capsules.
  10. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    Style Unlocking and an entire Broker rework. The Broker is so buggy and NON user friendly in navigation and buying and selling.

    New emotes would be good too.
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  11. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    A Jokandroid pet that follows you around, helps in combat and occasionally makes comments, like the Servobot and TOMbot.
  12. SheerFaith Committed Player

    I wish to have only ONE reason why I should return and play the game again..
  13. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    My wish is to be able to hide base items and league hall items from the list it’s a hassle to pick certain items from a looooong list of items then the hidden items can have their own list exactly like the r&d list I had to buy two additional deeds to stash all my junk items so I can make a holiday themed base for Christmas way to much work. With league halls only leader or those with deco permission can hide items.
  14. Starblast Well-Known Player

    My wish is for the Phoenix Material. Feel free to grant my wish if you have one lying around by emailing it to me or tell Santa. My character name is Starblast like my forum name. I mean. if all you have to offer is a cosmic material, or any other materials I will gladly use them. but I want the phoenix one most! but we can't always get what we want.
  15. Kestral Committed Player

    That's an ugly UI. Glad it never happened.
  16. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    True. They are essentially just an extra piece of equipment. Most of us who weren't on break were able to get the thing almost to max on day one of the update. I feel like alternate progression would mean something that takes more then a week to finish. I have done an Artifact to 100 on both of my roles (Damage/Healer), and every single alt in my signature that is level 20 or higher is sitting stonewalled at level 40. I don't notice the impact enough to run for all of those catalysts. For the time being they can just sit there and stack up metal from The Vault. Maybe someday I will get around to it.

    True this. I have been wishing for this for awhile. Just the base items I was forced to get for feats is enough to fill a base up. The least they could do is allow us to hide them and when we switch to that view which has them categorized there could be a "Hidden" tab. Anything is better then the current system.

    If I had to make a DC related wish it would be for Style Unlocking. I think a big part of the game for a lot of people is style related. I only recently discovered a style that I want, but low and behold it is on the hero side. The worst part is that I only need 1-2 pieces (one of which being the one that I want) in order to complete the set (I know I don't get a feat, but that just shows how lockboxes are taunting me). This would be good for multiple reasons. There are a lot of styles that I collected for feats or otherwise that would go good on my alts. It sounds like it was a promised thing for quite a while.

    If I had to pick an unselfish wish... I would go with a better tutorial/mentor system. Some way to teach new players. I know that everything that is not explained is a big reason players turn away. It is critical that we start retaining more new players if we want this game to last another 7 years.
  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    At least someone gets it.
  18. veri Active Player

    i would have love to see crisis on inifite earths that would be a cool 2 c
  19. veri Active Player

    good luck with that
  20. veri Active Player