Test Discussion Munitions Power

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Block canceling gets stuck if you jump beforehand for whatever reason. This applies to all of Munition's channeled abilities except 50 Cal. With Ice, block canceling gets stuck if you move first.
  2. spord Developer

    I will move the healing debuff over to Multi-Net Launcher. I guess I was going by our old standard of how we did that. 'Splosion's range is not changing. It was added to the mechanic so that you have a really good option when close because you are usually vulnerable to interrupt. It is also good to use in Solo and Duo content.
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  3. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Thank you. You're right about 'Splosion, it would be too strong if it were midrange.
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  4. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    I think I'm going to have an epileptic seizure from all the Mini Nuke flashes in the Watchtower.
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  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The "Laser Net Launcher" p0t-move, is it supposed to be a single target-stun only? It just single-target stuns for me, which is very disappointing considering the kind of attack. The "Multi-Net Launcher" works as that p0t-move SHOULD be working in my opinion, stunning multiple targets. Plenty of powers are knocking away enemies but few of them stun and the ones that do apply stuns, are channeled powers that will put you at risk and lower your performance or only apply single-target stuns.

    If you want to be an effective Controller using Munitions, your loadout becomes very limited as it stands right now. The only debuff that currently feels useful and complete is "Smoke Grenade Launcher", although the smoke-effects could possibly be a little brighter to not pollute the screen too much.

    The few controller related-powers that do stun, should atleast apply 4-target stuns and none of those powers should be channeled while in Controller stance.

    I really hope you are willing to make these changes, that would make me one happy Gun-nut!

    EDIT: Sorry, just catched up on the upcoming updates regarding a lot of what I just adressed. It all sounds good so far. Keep it up!
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  6. ACW37162 Loyal Player


    Thank you for the updates here and in the rage these, it is appreciated.

    Any information on if you will consider tinkering with the input timings to make moving from channel to channel more fluid?
  7. spord Developer

    There is nothing I can do about this unless you have a specific ability that is acting different than the rest. It is something you have to get used to for sure because it is different from regular abilities.
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  8. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Any guess on when these will be pushed to Test? Guessing that the pulls alone are going to bump this up to one of (if not THE) best options for all-around controller set.

    The other changes...wow. Can't recall all the powers at the moment, but does that update leave anything that's marked as an encasement? As in, things that can't be pulled from their stun location? I don't think everything should be pullable...especially based on some of the animations. That would keep it aligned with the other power sets and their animations on certain stuns. (Sleep Dart, Entrap, Mass Lev, Distortion Wave) Also, moving a debuff just so it's not capable of being interrupted...that seemed a bit much to me. Just an opinion, though.
  9. spord Developer

    The stun note was only for Smoke Grenade Launcher. It had a bad value in the stun. The healing debuff move seems fair so that there is at least a non channel version of a heal debuff.
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  10. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    @spord thanks again

    Same solution different path..... Is it possible to get cold own timers on channeled powers for a visual reference when a power is ending especially for those times of visual and graphical chaos where finding your character on screen can be difficult. Would also be great visual messaging for sequencing your next channeled power?
  11. Absolix Loyal Player

    Only certain stuns in the game also root enemies. Most actually still allow enemies to be pulled. However stuns like most from Quantum's Time tree and Mental's telekinesis and Mass Lev prevent the target from being pulled.
  12. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Fixed that for you ;)
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  13. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Either or really I was thinking more along the lines of the clockwise shading in the tray power itself but I have no issues with a cast bar. The easiest channel for me to manage out is 50 cal because of the cast bar visual indicator.

    Toe-Maa -To

    But thank you none the less
  14. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Is it possible to change Particle Gun and Multi-Net Launcher. So Particle Gun is not the heal debuff that grounds and Multi-Net Launcher is. Because due to the name it grounding would make sense since you are trapped in a net. And it heal debuffing makes it more practical for trollers to use. If this change is made people would troll with munitions. Otherwise I don't see people going to it because half the debuffs are channels. And no one want's to be countered with debuffs. Also It would speed up the trolling loadout allowing all debuffs to be clipped. Just a thought that would help ALOT.

    Also possibly speeding up the animation for reload. The current version takes a long time. Honestly like the other recharges in the game it should be fast. Also possibly lowering the sound at which the animation makes. Just like skimming I forsee the reload sound annoying ALOT of people.
  15. spord Developer

    The length of time until the animation dovetail for Reload is the same as Gadgets' Defib, Mental's Psychic Empowerment, Quantum's Temporal Extortion and Light's Recharge but the start time for taking input is later in Reload so I will make that the same. If you use another ability before Reload is finished it will go into that right at the dovetail. The Reload animation is not going to get any shorter though.
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  16. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Are there any further plans to adjust the visuals on mini-nuke? The constant flash can easily give a person a headache.
  17. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Some observations from the latest hotfix for Controller role:
    • You can do a jump pull with Multi-Net Launcher. The timing to do a group jump pull is a bit tricky and the enemies tend to be spread all over the place if you attempt it.
    • Rocket Retreat can stun up to 8 enemies now if they are close enough.
    • I'm kind of surprised Mini-nuke can only knock down 4 enemies.
    • Enemies seem to develop immunity to Chaingun and Five-Barrel Minigun within two casts. You have to be careful using those powers, especially since Five-Barrel Minigun is one of your debuffs.
    • It looks like most of the knockdown powers are working at the moment. Most stun powers seem to be limited to 3 to 4 targets though.
    I'll do more testing later.
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  18. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    I didn't do a ton of testing on this power, i only really spent a half hour messing around with it.

    I noticed one thing about 50. cal. When you use it and aim at a target, your character will point the gun way left of your target.

    You still hit the target, but the gun is not pointed at the enemy.

    It's pure aesthetics but it breaks immersion a little bit.
  19. spord Developer

    The channel bars for regular super powers were removed a long time ago and I have no way of adding in any UI elements.
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  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Really, with a little practice, you can pick up the timings just from the animations. It's not unlike learning the AM combo and WM combo timings. I don't think it's that big a deal, honestly.
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