Test Discussion Munitions Power

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. La Shark Dedicated Player

    Very nice job devs

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  2. JUGGER Active Player

    To add to what some others are saying Splosion needs a increase in range currently it is very limited even more so then emp.
    As far as SC go, I will throw this in the bin with the other useless SC they look cool but offer no real reasons to use them, I hope in the future we can add some sort of buff given to our char much like our power buffs Ex:Ice Bash or Fiery Weapon in which for a short amount of time after using our SC we get a increase in stats then they would be more useful.
    That aside this is what im currently running for my load-out I may test out Rail Guns a bit more, But I am content with this powerset it is very fun looks great and just needs a few minor tweaks attention should be on Rage hopefully it gets some more love, Cause it def pals to Munitions right now.
  3. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    Can you post a video/stats k am no getting anywhere close to that dps with the same rotation.
  4. Karasawa Loyal Player

    7837 might, 2757 prec, blast adapter, escalating might, penetrating strikes, max damage.

    You should probably ask what La Shark is doin with that 31.5k dps though, lol.
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  5. o0Fallou0o Level 30

    Really liking most of the animations. I assume you fixed mini nuke since before I got on as the flash is fine for me or at least didnt seem bad. I enjoy controlling with it its been fun stuns seems a little lacking. The mobility is awesome. I am primarily a pvp'er on live so this power is useless as far as that goes which is extremely disappointing as I love to PvE but do tons of pvp too. This power is sub par probably the worst one there is pvp wise.

    Suggestion: Add a mechanic similar to emp/dart like if used immediately after Survival Instinct/rocket jump the 50 Cal/Splosion or Splosion/Mini nuke get the heavier damage. This would make it decent in pvp with the anemic options it is left with for pvp as 75% of the powers will leave you getting lunged and doing little damage and dying quickly. This would at least put it in line with the nature AM spammers and HL spammers and emp spammers in PVP. Also as far as PvE goes its a good option when getting swarmed to wipe a few adds and ease the pressure.
  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    Dude! It's a Rocket Jump! You do NOT logic the Rocket Jump! :mad:

    But seriously, rocket jumping is a time honored FPS tradition. It even has its own Wikipedia page.

    I learned to Rocket Jump in 1996-97 playing the original Quake. I'm sure I'm not the only one who laughed to see it, even if it is totally useless. And it fits perfectly with the rest of Munitions's over the top powers.
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  7. Elusian Crowd Control

    Hug the sparring. Unrealistic numbers in actual content. Similar to the Rage melee issue (note with Rage AM on melee you get similar numbers to Munitions!). One of my random attempts achieved 34k but as said I was hugging the sparring, its just super-unrealistic as you won't hug Ares/Hades or any of the higher round bosses in the upcoming SM. In all those encounters Munitions falls behind the current top tiers.
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  8. JUGGER Active Player

    I felt that said issue in SM, I lost a ton of damage without the use of Splosion and being in a decent range where I get ideal damage out my powers as Munitions. But as said before it is still much for capable then the state rage is in currently. It seems the devs think Melee range is truely viable in the game now while running end game content.
  9. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Well yes, if you go melee range you can use 'Splosion in the rotation and get stupid high numbers in the range of 34k dps, 86-87 seconds. That's obviously not the rotation I used though.

    If you don't use 'Splosion then Munitions is mid-long range just like Quantum.. though with Munitions I'm actually getting a bit better dps than Quantum and I'm more mobile.

    Now that I think about it, it's probably better that 'Splosion stays melee range. It'll be blowing everything else out of the water otherwise.
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  10. Mystere Well-Known Player

    The power set is called Munitions. It is full of rocket launchers, rails guns grenades and a sniper rifle. So why in the world do you need to be on top of the enemy to do good dmg. If anything it should do max dmg at the farthest range possible. Which wouldn't be that bad since enemies move all over and lunge furthest away these days.

    Please stop the melee nonsense with this power set Devs.

    It would also make small group and solo combat more interesting. For example, you would want to lock any enemy down, rocket jump back and then unleash a missile launcher and rails guns. Think death stroke in legends.
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  11. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Okay, for those interested here's a vid of my rotation:

    And here's the breakdown:


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  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    I know. ;) I cited the fun factor. Maybe something to use while leveling. One of those abilities you mess with, then never touch again. The game is full of abilities like that. It's fine.
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  13. PhantomVision New Player

    Disappointed that Killer Instincts is not a group buff.
  14. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    Ok I'm not using blast adapter or escalating might so that could be the difference but my normal rotation like yours is only at 24k so it's hard to believe 6k is contributed to thosee two things.

    Edit. Just watched the video I didn't realize you were rifle tapping inbetween. That might do it. You could probably easily get to 35k then if you replace mini nuke with splosion and go melee range.
  15. Erich New Player

    I feel like munitions is kinda clumsy or unwieldy. But it is like the strongest dps power set to date in my opinion.
  16. spord Developer

    The sound is being adjusted to take some of the high end off.
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  17. spord Developer

    There are quite a few updates coming that will have enemies stay stunned if you are in Control Role. The channeled powers should allow you to block cancel them just like ice. Which ones are a problem? Here is a list of some upcoming changes:

    Smoke Grenade Launcher
    Now stuns up to 8 enemies
    Stunned enemies can now properly be affected by other crowd control effects such as a Tank pull ability

    Chain Grenade Launcher, Rocket Retreat, Flak Cannon
    While in Control Role, stuns enemies after they are knocked down

    Added two combos called Net Retractor (single target) and Multi-Net Retractor (multi-target) that will pull netted enemies to you
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  18. spord Developer

    The flash part of the effect is being removed.
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    I was having problems with all of them, but from people's response, it seems to be inconsistant. Sometimes it works perfectly for players and other players not so much. I heard that Ice also currently has this issue live. I suppose it could be a latency thing, but don't know. I couldn't block cancel them.

    These look great. I didn't know that it was possible to allow controlled mobs to be pulled by tanks? I know this is a lot to ask, but can it be added to all controller powers? It would make CC more loved in group content.
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  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Have to agree with this. Due to tanks being less than happy with my stunning enemies (which I 100% understand) I often feel like I'm not "allowed" to stun enemies in raids.
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