Test Discussion Munitions Power

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Avian EU Well-Known Player

    Yeah this is exactly what is happening to me as well. It's not as bad with some powers and I find myself using those just for a lower chance of messing up even though there are some other ones I'd rather use.
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  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    One things for sure, Munitions' implementation of Mobile Focused Attack makes the damage that Ice and Fire (especially Fire) put out look like dogcrap.

    I very much enjoy the variety of powers that activate the AM. It makes for a fun and varied power to use for DPS as there are a multitude of loadouts and rotations that can put out viable damage. One thing I would change is giving the powers cast bars like 50 Cal to make it a bit easier to catch the dovetails. The timing can get a bit wonky and it feels clunky after a bit trying to smooth out the rotation.
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  3. El Marcios Level 30

    My try loadout Dps Munitions

    DCUO Log Analyser
  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    Well, I'd rather just get used to watching the animations than have cast bars put in. It's similar to some WM and Celestial timing windows without it being so critical to hit precisely. With a little practice, I wasn't having much trouble, though.
  5. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    After more testing, I really think the range on Splosion needs increased to match the likes of EMP and Mass Terror. This things radius is really small, like you misewell be doing rage melee combos small. Here is what I got with the splosion rotation and this puts out much better numbers. I've also found that the best 3 power rotation is 50 Cal, Rail Guns, Rocket Launcher. I haven't had any three do as much as those(though they are all within 1k dps of eachother). So far the trick for max dps has been to find the best 3 power rotation, then find the best burst power to use when refreshing your might buff. You just finish your rotation then burst/migh buff. Obviously Splosion is the best but it has limited range. The next best is way off what splosion does but I've found Chain Grenade launcher to be the best of the bursts remaining.


    Just got 27.5K with a tighter rotation using this same loadout.
  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, Chain Grenade is nice for the burst.
  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    Splosion would make more sense as mid range.
  8. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    I really like that a starter power can compete damage wise with the rest of the burst powers. The devs have come a long way in the "bottom tier powers are the strongest" mindset. Though I was disappointed by some of the burst powers. Shotgun in particular is just bad, like might be the worst power in the game bad. Mini Nuke was only about 50-100 dps behind a chain grenade launcher rotation and flak cannon was slightly behind that. Lots of options here in this power I like it. Now if only we could weave a supercharge in there instead of having to fill the 6th slot with a RSK then I'd be happy.

    2 Changes on the DPS I'd like to see before it goes live:
    1. Splosion radius changed to match EMP and Mass Terror
    2. Supercharges extending bullet frenzy and generate supercharge while using channel powers during the AM.

    If those two changes are made I'm happy with the power and it should actually release before Rage does. Rage needs some attention still and is lacking. I hope Munitions being on test doesn't mean Rage gets neglected.

    On the controlling side I have tested much but I like what I see so far other than the debuffs being on the channel powers. That needs to go. All the burst powers should be the debuffs in controller Role. Idk if the Guts tree has 3 burst powers though to put them on though. In the Glory tree though the heal debuff need to be moved to Multi-Net Launcher. I see good stuns in the power though. Multi-Net Launcher and Smoke Grenade are both very good. The Chain grenade launcher is obviously the better pot for CC effects as it stuns then juggles all around your target, but The power overall to me seems very polished and it seems like they already know most of what to fix. At first I didn't like the headband but now that you can change the color(once the fix it) it's actually not that bad.
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  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I have been testing out the controlling aspect of this Powerset and I agree with basically all of the feedback in here, the controlling side needs most of the work. I don't see myself changing from Quantum to Munitions if it's not changed/revamped in all of its lacking areas.
  10. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Can you list the areas and provides notes on where you feel Munitions is lacking in the Controller department? If you could provide feedback on specific powers and what you'd like to see, that would probably help the developers a lot.

    I agree the Controller side is lacking. I tried to provide some detailed feedback on page 3.

    Has anyone tried using the AM in solo content? If so, what was your experience? I'm finding the AM a bit hard to use in solo/duo content due to the lack of stuns and constant interrupts.
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  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I was about to list the lackings but I didn't want to feel like a repeat-machine. :p I read through all the pages before commenting and pretty much everything that I feel it's lacking has already been adressed several times, so I simply agreed to them...

    The debuffs shouldn't be channeled powers, most of the debuffs are also lacking proper stuns, the "reload" seems to be delayed, the rocket jump/retreat should work like Quantum Tunneling.
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  12. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    I think you need to be a lot more specific when suggesting rocket jump/retreat should be like quantum tunneling because currently there is no physical way to make it like quantum tunneling. QT is a lateral movement while rocket jump is vertical and retreat is a backwards arc. Unless you are suggesting it becomes one power and it hurls us forward the direction we are facing which again is not the intent. It's a retreat power not a move me forward power. Having said that I don't even know why rocket jump is an option. There is nothing in this game that going up will avoid. I would only suggest the retreat distance be lengthened a little.
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  13. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    If the name is what is stopping this change then name it "Rock Escape" or "Rocket Propel." However simply jumping backwards is not all that useful in situations in which you are a ranged person against a wall or want to cover distance for an objective.

    Naming shouldn't prevent functionality. :p
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  14. Zneeak Devoted Player

    What I meant is that instead of having several specific powers (retreat and jump) we get only one power working like QT, you aim where you want to go just like with QT. That's how I see it becoming the most useful, atleast.
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  15. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    No but if you shoot a rocket at the ground in front of you the knockback pushes you Backwards. I'm not seeing how you can physically do a forward rocket without first turning your back. Unless you know another way you can shoot a rocket at the ground and make going forward instead of backward look natural Idk. It wasn't about the name it was about the phsycial animation and how you make shooting a rocket in front of you then your character going forward look natural and good. The name can change its the animation I was worried about. I know this isn't supposed to be 100 reality but you still need to make the animation look good and shooting a rocket infront of you then your character going forward instead of backward would not look natural.

    Now of course they could probably find an animation that would work but now you aren't asking them to tweak the power you are asking them to scrap it for an entire new animation when all you need to do with the current one to achieve what you are asking is turn your camera........
  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Honestly, the whole concept is ludicrous, regardless of the functional benefit or lack thereof. The weapon being used is a bazooka, which is a recoilless weapon. It's not capable of propelling you in any direction. Personally, while cute, I think it's not useful at all and should be removed. I can't see anyone using this outside of the fun factor.
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  17. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Then just have the animation physically turn your character so that the rocket matches your direction.
  18. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    And now we are asking them to scrap it and make an entire new animation. I'm sure you can see where they are going to push back on doing that when all you need to do with the current animation is turn your camera first and you will "retreat" forward.
  19. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    The weapon has no recoil but the blast has some pushing force. That's how I invisioned it.
  20. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I think the idea is the explosion propels you which (in the movies) propels you directly backwards. So that is solved by simply rotating your character so that your back faces the direction you want to go.
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