Munitions DPS in PVP post PAS nerf.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Gashadokuro, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. Gashadokuro Level 30

    So, according to the hotfix notes, pump-action shotgun (PAS) is getting a damage nerf.

    I pvp as a munitions DPS. Obviously I've been using the ever loving Christ out of PAS- since I see it as the only viable ability munitions has. Every other damaging ability with the exception of 'Splosion is interruptable (with long animations) or just downright weak.

    In a worst case scenario, PAS will be nerfed so hard that using iconics will seem like a better alternative. I'll be relegated to using railguns/ rockets after I counter someone- but the animation lasts so long I'll basically be giving my opponent a free counter even if they don't pop cc immunity to stand right back up.

    In a best case scenario, PAS will get a mild nerf, but still be usable.

    I'm betting it gets nerfed so hard that it actually heals your opponent instead of damaging them. With that in mind, is there anything that I'm missing? Some spectacular move munitions has that I overlooked because PAS was clearly the way to go? Or is it time for me to jump ship?
  2. Jason Rage Active Player

    Please, please please jump ship. The last thing any of us need is you running through PVP spamming PAS acting like youre a bad ***. Any 5yr old noob can spam PAS. Learn to PVP fair and square or don't PVP at all.
  3. Jason Rage Active Player

    Please, please please jump ship. The last thing any of us need is you running through PVP spamming PAS acting like youre a bad ***. Any 5yr old noob can spam PAS. Learn to PVP fair and square or don't PVP at all.
  4. Gashadokuro Level 30

    You're assuming an awful lot, aren't you?

    I main a munitions DPS. It's natural that I would PVP on my main for the feats- for both PVP and Legends PVP/ PVE. It's not like I created a munitions solely for PVP.

    So, with that in mind, what makes you think I don't know how to PVP? Because I recognized that PAS was the only viable damaging ability munitions had? Of course I'm going to spam the shotgun- everything else would get me killed. At least with the shotgun I could be competitive, and even then, any pvper worth their weight in salt knew how to counter PAS. Only noobs think a munitions player could spam shotgun non-stop and win.

    I'll have to wait and see how bad the nerf is before I jump ship. If I do, though, I think I'll swap to fire tank out of spite.
  5. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    There's a big difference between being competitive, and blowing the competition out of the water.

    Munitions DPS was the strongest DPS powerset for 2s/4s for a while now, the amount of burst damage it put out was far above anything the other classes could do themselves (it even put HL to shame, which has been top dog since merge).

    As long as the nerf isn't over 50% it'll probably still be a solid option for dpsing, still even one of the top. It just won't be able to deal 16-18k damage with a single shotgun combo use with crits, and that's definitely a good thing.
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  6. Ringz Dedicated Player

    PAS got nerfed?? RROOOFLLLLLLL.

    This is worth logging in to to see reaction :D. Too bad most of the kids are at school. I'll wait :cool:
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  7. Gashadokuro Level 30

    16-18k would be extremely lucky, and not very realistic to pin your hopes on. Considering that 33% is the max crit chance in pvp irc, one of the three shots should crit.

    The average crit for me, specced into might only, was ~4500. So each shotgun combo used would hit for ~6k all together. I could hit for as low as 3k- rarely, or as much as 15k- even more rarely. 6k is still a pretty big chunk of damage for one power use. So, yes, I could see why it would need a slight nerf, but I doubt Daybreak will give it a "slight nerf."
  8. Gashadokuro Level 30

    Yeah, I obviously PVP as munitions and even I can't wait to hear all of the whining- even though I'm in the same boat.
  9. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    It is only around 1/16 chance to do so, so it isn't exceedingly rare. But even still, no other class can do that level of burst even with luck on their side. Each tick of shotgun hit just as hard as frost snipe/detonate/handclap does, and you can do 4 times in quick succession.

    It's most definitely a warranted nerf, and as long as it isn't excessive muni will still be competitive.
  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I don't believe it is needed. Munitions is a different kind of dps. Their are no good dots to lay out. Fire dots don't matter because of how small they are. All 9f the powers you listed have powers that work with their big hitters. Munitions does not. That why shotgun hit so hard.

    I just hate to another power get treated like sorcery. Removed the ability to turn people into dogs, nothing put in to replace. Removed the stun from shards, nothing put into place to replace.

    In reality this is a good move for Daybreak. Summer sale on power respect tokens, boom power nerfed. Now everyone can go HL or Mental.
  11. Ringz Dedicated Player

    You may say that but that power was in need for a nerf whenever pas got out of control. The damage literally was insane and on top of that it sets up for a huge cheese bait with the melee change to 5. A smart player can easily bait you into blocking while doing pas and BB you, or you just take the full throttle. Yea you can lunge at em or lunge away but not every weapon can recover fast or have the perfect travel distance to dodge like other weapons. At that point you might as well tell others not to pvp unless your this set up(then again pvp still not even at its finest).

    Overall I just fought against a guy munitions user who did the shotgun. Tho I was in vengance gear(on alt) and the guy was prob 100/101 modded and all, it seems alright. Even if i got baited and fell into a bb or let him do the full pas, i still had a fighting chance and that enough is important. Confirmation from the devs on how much it got reduced and true testing to see if it got reduced or not is still needed but overall you guys will be fine.

    Any complaints from here on will just be unnecessary even tho you have the right too.
  12. Absolix Loyal Player

    DoTs don't matter in PvP curent state as anything with a duration longer than 5 seconds, and even some of Celestial's that are 5 seconds, are all nerfed, most to about 46% of their normal strength. That combined with the fact that burst damage is what helps net kills since healers have less time to heal the damage, makes Munitions' lack of DoTs nothing of a weakness at all.

    Also, CC has little to no effect in PvP. With the movement tree innates, breaking out will give you more power back than it costs, so it can actually help a healer keep healing for even longer if they get CC'd and breakout.

    Right now it is about single target powers or powers that won't split damage on a single target that can be used to clip combos with. Munitions has Chain Grenade Launcher to set up Burning while dealing damage to the primary target without splitting while, similar to Gadgets' Sticky Bomb, and it has Semi-Automatic Shotgun to take advantage of Burning while hitting in a very small AoE with combos that can followup. As long as the initial Might-based cast of SAS wasn't nerfed, it will still be fine.
  13. Gashadokuro Level 30

    From what I've seen the nerf was anywhere from 15-30%. It's still viable so I won't be jumping ship- although this has pretty much ensured that I will lose to every fire tank with even a modicum of skill- geared or otherwise.

    I was critting for ~4500 on average. Now I crit for ~3750. Granted, I'm in almost all 101 gear with Might synth mods and 165 SP. Not as well geared as PC/PS players, I'm sure, but almost top tier for Xbox.
  14. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Either you don't pvp or have no clue. Your really going to try and say CC effects have no effect in pvp? On top of the broken combo HL has, why else do you thing people run this power? The stuns are crazy and they have multiple ones that make it hard to even move your toon.

    Mental, broken CC effect that's known, why? Cause of the CC effect.

    Quantum troll, crazy stuns.

    The movement powerback does nothing if you cant move and get knocked up and down constantly. Your power will be gone.
  15. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Yes, you can be baited. That's what PvP is about. Baiting you into being helpless. Then unloading.

    Healers and tanks will love this nerf.
  16. Gashadokuro Level 30

    I haven't gone up a fire tank since the nerf. I imagine it will now be completely impossible to kill them before their soder comes off of cooldown. I'll die twice during the entire match through the DCUO equivalent of Chinese water torture- fire tank melees. Meanwhile, they'll heal back every bit of damage I do before the animation for said damage finishes, and the match will time out before either of our scores drop below 750 even though I have 1.5 million in damage out.

    Assuming it's anything like that, I'll just let the ****er win.
  17. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Having a power that can nearly kill us in single go is a death wish and thats right "FUDGING CHEAP" with the only hope of blocking it, but can still be countered. Just like shield post 5tap change, its a double edge sword and nearly impossible to counter. You seem to be stuck on fighting against roles specific(which I clearly understand) but arent considering players who... you know, actually dps. Especially those of us who are under powered powers.

    When they deal with roles is when they will deal with roles, so just like us you can also wait. Dont worry about how you're gonna deal with roles. Them qing up as roles is already scummy enough. I hope this next damage reduce follow suit with celestial. Or at least make them more accessible to countering, same with hl.. Then we have to deal with the pve users. qq
  18. Ringz Dedicated Player

    accidenttally replied instead of edit and dont know how to delete this so " BAGOOSHH"
  19. Absolix Loyal Player

    The only time CC effects have had any sort of real influence in PvP is when breakouts were bugged. That was fixed back when DevDirt was still around.

    HL's stuns are not not what makes it OP in the slightest.

    Mental is not about the strength CC effects in general in PvP, but rather that there is a bug with a certain combination of CC effects that is much easier to do with Mental than any other power.

    Quantum's stuns are no stronger or weaker than any other stun, barring bugged stuns. This has been a bad myth in PvE, and apparently people are bring it to PvP as well.

    Considering Healers are currently the strongest role, getting kills is not uncommonly decided by which healer runs out of power first, so giving an opponent trol or healer more power can mean giving them more time before their healers run out of power and you can finally get a kill for your team.
  20. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    Everyone's been an OP power whether they intended to or not. Cut the Captain America act.