munitions dps gu 50

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by GhostFace 937, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Emoney Loyal Player

    People place too much faith in parsing now anyways.....theres a lot of chance for human which dummies to use......base......WT.....or LH.....then which interval....if ya use after combat on dummies I skews your numbers......I prefer testing in raids.
  2. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    Not even worth trying out because the science has been out on dps with all dps essentials i.e. crits vs missing out on 1 or more, for a year and some change. PC side we were able to test this using Shiny Mackerel Apps. Today though you guys on the ps have the tools available to you to measure, again, full dps crits vs missing out on 1 or more. Those are just dps basics.

    The munitions rotation from Roombas Munitions guide at melee range is Killer Instinct>Rails>5bm>Splosion. Do not clip Splosion with killer instinct because bullet frenzy will drop. Instead just let it play out.

    Parse both loadouts and see the results for yourself.
  3. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    Its called testing in a controlled environment.
  4. MrB Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry but if you're arguing that skipping crits, any crits, will get you better damage then you're sadly mistaken.
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  5. Emoney Loyal Player

    Well we will just agree to disagree.....I was helping a fellow player who wanted a great load out....I forgot that on dcuo forums people would rather tear people down than help.....its why the game is dying.....but.....I would bet my entire psn account that my loadout would beat Roombas and anyone else on here arguing crits....simply because I started with that cookie cutter loadout and improved on it several times.
  6. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    So your telling me to test loadouts when you wont test loadouts? ok hypocrit
  7. Askarod Active Player

    I play munition from the launch of this power and im possitive his loadout is real gold, i use the same loadout since the 2nd week playing this toon. I only can beat this loadout by switching sgl or biggun for pg in mono target situation. Always at the top or 2nd if there is really exelent player.
    I'm not always fond of '' power leader'' and never follow them, and roomba isnt an exeption. Its not i dont like them its just i love make my own opinion so i dont follow them blind. But people like you i cant bear you even really test what you're saying, only point roomba told something...
    My advice : use ki rail sgl 50 splotion and X
    For X i have 2 favorites biggun and particule gun. In raid where you know there is lot of add you need biggun. But when in all the fight you have less than 4 or 5 take particule gun. In boss fight pg is terrible. For people scepticle i will make vids soon for justify my point.
  8. Amontron Well-Known Player

    thank you :)
  9. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    Killer Instincts-->Railguns-->Rocket Launcher-->Chain Gun-->Splosion-->Railguns-->Chain Gun--> Killer Instincts...

    ^^^^Best loadout right there with no evidence to back it up :)
  10. Emoney Loyal Player

    I love that now we must provide parser numbers to prove a loadout.....just to give it away to somone....heres the deal....if I give you MY loadout....I already put in the work.....anyone writing down my loadout should just be happy I saved you that....beggars can't be choosers.....if yall wanna parse it be my guest....but I'm not gonna provide you a free loadout....and go out of my way to prove why its good lol.....munitions is probably the most diverse power for good dps using different combos of AM comes down to play style....skill....and risk/reward with proximity.
  11. Emoney Loyal Player

    ....and....honestly I usually don't give away my dps loadouts outside my league.....but....since I spend more and more time on ESO......I felt like it was one way to pass on the fruits of my labor.....and help the players "replacing" me.
  12. colonelbondo Well-Known Player

    dont you need 50 cal to start burning?
  13. Roomba Dedicated Player

    That can be arranged.

    And it's not a pun, my name is Roomba, like the vacuums. Don't see why you'd be banned for using my own reference. Never fear.
  14. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Burning doesn't add damage once you get the AM going. Test it. I mean, of course the small dot will do damage, but it won't boost damage of other attacks once in AM.
  15. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Which loadout of mine are you referring to? I don't think I've posted my last.... three iterations?

    How did I even get brought into this? You complain about these forums, where "people would rather tear people down". And you're treating me with... respect? I think not.

    I have never seen someone with so much to prove on these forums. But if you're intent on beating me, I assure you you sound like you're off to a bad start. Until the server merge...
  16. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Thank you for the new sig quote. Look at that, people might actually begin to recognize YOUR name now too.

    Also, many people who use 50 and Splode in their loadouts notice that 50 > Splode (> KI, if you're extra astute) is seamless, where Splode > 50 is not, so naturally they go with the former. But that's one nobody confirmed's observation.
    • Like x 1
  17. colonelbondo Well-Known Player

    ugh thats lame